Chapter 4 - Girly Squeals...?

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I thought that I would be able to just go home, change into some normal clothes, and laze around in front of the TV. Nope, not what happened? Fate just decided that today, I was going to have a bad day. A very bad day.

I had just got out of my car when I saw them. All just glaring at each other.

“Why?” I looked up to the sky with my hands above my head, “Why me?”

I stomped over to them, “Sebastian!” I yelled, “What did I tell you!?”

He stopped glaring at Carter and Dylan, “Uh, I don’t know, what?”

“First,” I lifted my fingers and started to count on them. “You’re supposed to tell me when you plan on coming. Second, you are supposed to have school. Third, where’s Chloe? You said you would bring her the next time you came.”

He stared at me blankly, so did all the other guys that were present.

“Um, well I graduated last year,” he smiled, “And this was a matter of land issues so your brother sent me over here...” He seemed hesitant.

“But he’s not alpha yet,” I started to walk away. “He’s going to hear a piece of my mind!”

“No! Don’t!” Sebastian ran after me and stood in front of me. He placed his hands on my shoulders to stop me.

Growls erupted from behind me.

I whipped around, “SHUT UP YOU LITTLE SISSIES!!!”

Dylan and Carter were the ones who were growling and they stopped almost instantly.

I turned back to Sebastian who had a really confused look on his face.

“Why not?” I demanded.

“He... um, how do I put this?” He scratched the back of his neck.

I started to pretend to look bored. This boy may have blonde hair but he usually doesn’t act like a blonde. This is so unlike him.

“He’s, uh, under quarantine? I guess. Claire pretty much locked him in his room and is feeding him through the little slit underneath the door.” He looked at the ground.

“HOLY SHIT!” I stared at him wide eyed, “What the fuck is wrong with that monster!?” I saw him flinch.

“That’s why he sent me,” Sebastian whimpered.

I started to shake uncontrollably. I can’t believe she would do that to her own son. She truly in a monster. What would she wasn’t anyways? Power? Immortality? Respect? Well she is obviously not getting any of that.

“Angel, calm down.” Sebastian tried to stop me from turning wolf.

“Slap her!” I heard Luke yell from the background.

“What? No!” Sebastian screamed.

“Do it! She’ll calm down.” Dylan seemed frustrated.

“I’m so sorry Angel, please don’t hate me. I really mean nothing when I do this. Seriously though...”

“Do it already!” Everyone screamed.

I could feel my wolf just starting to surface as Sebastian’s hand made contact with my face.

“Fuck!” I screamed, “That hurt.”

“Do it again!” Luke yelled.


I looked down after that one. I felt more in control. God Angel you need to calm down your anger in front of these people. You’re supposed to be the weak one.

I sighed, “Thanks Sebastian.”

I looked at him with a smile. He was utterly confused.

“You’re thanking me?”

I just shrugged and walked off towards my house. This slapping thing might turn out to be a weakness, I really hope not.

I walked in through the front door and sniffed the air. Who was that? I’ve never met this person before.

“You must be Angel.”

I turned towards where this voice was coming from.

“Who are you?” I asked the bleach blonde girl. She didn’t look fake, at all.

“I’m Chloe, Sebastian’s mate.” She smiled at me.

“Oh my god!” I screeched, just like a girly girl, and ran over to her. I engulfed her in a hug.

Someone cleared their throat behind me, “Uh, could you like not kill my mate?”

I turned around, “You little ass.” I poked him on the chest, “Why didn’t you tell me,” Poke, “that you brought her with you?” poke.

“Uh, you didn’t ask?” He said slowly.

“Hell yes I did!” I poked him on the chest again.

“Okay, stop poking me!” He held his hands up in surrender.

I turned back to Chloe, “so what do you wanna do?”

“I have no idea. It doesn’t matter to me,” She smiled.

“I think you can help me.”

“With what?”

“Become more girly.”

So here is this chapter. :) umm... I have like 8 chapters done but I just realized that there is really no romance in this story, so I'm adding more to it and it might take me a while. If you have any idea's towards the stpry please share them. I would love to hear.

Fan, vote, comment and most importantly; kick some ass :)

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