First Date

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You're so excited for tonight because you're going on your first ever date with the guy you've been crushing on for months now. Last week when you were sitting with your friends during lunch, Taylor came up to you and asked for your number and you think your mind stopped working for a second. You couldn't believe that Taylor Scott wanted you, Y/N Valderrama, to give him your number.

Anyways, you've been texting each other every day since then, and of course your mom is constantly on your case about who you're always talking to. It's always been really difficult to make genuine friends when your mom is pop princess, Demi Lovato, but you feel like you've finally found someone you can trust and who isn't trying to use you just to get their five seconds of fame.

"Hey baby girl, what're you getting all dressed up for?" your mom asks while inviting herself into your room, clearly ignoring the sign that says 'no parents allowed'.

"I'm going out soon" you reply, deciding to give her the smallest amount of information possible. You just want her to leave so you can get ready in peace.

"Going out where? Y/N I've told you before that you've got to ask me or your dad first before you just go making plans with people. Who are you even going out with?" she questions before standing behind you, staring at you through your make up mirror.

"Just with a friend from school, Taylor" you mumble, trying to focus on your mascara rather than the breathing dragon behind you.

"Taylor? I don't know a Taylor. Girl or boy?" she says with a slight smirk, causing you to roll your eyes.

"You don't need to know everyone I speak to, mom. And if you must know, it's a boy okay?" you sigh, avoiding eye contact as you hear your mom begin to squeal and clap her hands.

"Oh my God, my baby's going on a date?!"

Please can she leave?

"Okay, we gotta make you look extra cute! Ah I can't believe you're going on a date! Where are you guys going? Oh I can't wait to tell your dad" she babbles, and you immediately turn to face her, slapping your hand over her mouth to get her to shut up.

"Mom, stop please. You're making me nervous. And please don't tell dad, you know what he's like" you trail off, suddenly not wanting to go on this date anymore.

Your dad is Wilmer Valderrama, and he's an amazing dad, but he's also super protective of you and you're pretty sure if he knew you were going on a date with someone, he would lose it.

"Ugh okay fine" your mom gives in, "we won't tell your dad. If it turns into more than just one date though, then we're telling him" she comprises and you nod in response.

"Thanks mom."

"So Y/N, where are you guys off to?" she asks while playing with your hair as you look at her.

"Just to the movies, and I'm gonna be late so can you please leave so I can get dressed?" you reply while moving her hand away from your hair before heading over to the closet.

"Okay okay, I get when I'm not wanted. But come and say bye before you leave, I wanna see my baby all ready for her date" she smiles, letting out a laugh.

Rolling your eyes, you give her a nod before starting to search through your clothes. That was so embarrassing, dear God.


Hey Y/N, you ready beautiful? x

Looking at the text from Taylor, you can't fight the butterflies forming in your stomach. He called you beautiful. You reply telling him that you're ready before grabbing your bag and heading downstairs to see your mom.

"Awww!" she squeals while placing her hands over her chest, "look at my baby!"

"Mom stop, you're being embarrassing. It's just a movie, relax" you groan, standing next to the window to keep a look out for Taylor's car.

"I know, I'm sorry. You're just my b-"

"Your baby girl, I know. But mom I'm fifteen now, I'm not a baby" you interrupt, watching your mom's sad eyes as they look at you.

"Fifteen or fifty, you will always be my baby" she smiles before pulling you into a hug as the sound of a car horn echoes from outside. "Now be back by nine, beat it" she adds while patting your butt like you're a baby.

"Mom stop!" you yell as she continues to laugh at you. "I gotta go. I'll see you soon."

You quickly walk over to Taylor's car to find him already waiting for you outside the passenger door, what a gentleman.

"You look, wow Y/N" Taylor admits, making you blush.

"You don't look so bad yourself" you reply before climbing into the passenger seat, ignoring the fact that you can see your mom looking from the living room window.

"Ready?" Taylor asks after you're both buckled in.



Tears stream down your face as you run through your neighborhood, nearly reaching the house. You can't believe he would do that to you. You thought he was different. You thought he really liked you. You try to compose yourself before going home because you know your mom will be wondering why you're crying and why you have red marks on your wrists, but it's impossible. You can't believe he did that to you.

Shakily reaching your hand out for the door, your free hand wipes away the tear streaks from your face. Taking a deep breath, you walk into the house and immediately try and head up to your bedroom but no such luck.

"Hey baby, how did the date go?" your mom asks with excitement in her voice, and you can feel yourself starting to cry again.

"G-good" you manage to say before another fit of tears hit you, causing you to run up to your room before your mom can get you.

"Y/N!" she yells, and you can hear her running up behind the stairs.

Collapsing onto your bed, you don't even try to control the tears anymore. You can feel the mattress dip before you're being pulled into your mom's arms.

"Y/N, what happened baby?" she asks softly, which only causes you to cry more. "Shh it's okay. You're okay, mom's got you."

"I c-can't bre-, he h-urt me" you say through tears, your breathing becoming shallow and short.

"What did he do to you? Y/N sweetheart I need you to calm down for me okay?" your mom says while taking your hand in hers, only exposing your red wrists.

"He wouldn't l-let me go."

"Did he do this to you?!" your mom says in a louder tone now, only making you more panicked.

You nod your head in response, unable to speak as you try and listen to your mom's heartbeat to calm down.

"Y/N did he.." your mom hesitates. "Did he rape you?" she asks, her voice weak.

"No! No I promise he didn't" you say in panic, not wanting her to get herself worked up too.

It's true, he didn't rape you. But if you hadn't of managed to get out of his car, he might have.

"We were in his car and he tried to kiss me but I didn't want to yet, so he grabbed my wrists so I couldn't push him away. He wouldn't let me go. I tried mom, I tried. After a while, he tried to take my jeans off and I panicked so I kneed him and ran out of his car. Now I'm here" you confess, not able to look into your mom's eyes.

She's silent for a few minutes, and that's when you look up to see that she's got tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Y/N. It's gonna be okay, I promise. I'm here okay? Come here" she replies, ushering for you to crawl into her lap.

You don't care that you're a teenager in this moment. You just want your mom.

"I love you so much baby girl, it's gonna be okay" she says, repeating it every few seconds as you close your eyes, taking in her smell and comfort.

"I love you too, mom."

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