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Your dad is in New York right now for some business work, leaving yourself and Sofia with your mom. Sofia's your four year old sister and you swear she's your mom's double. You look more like your dad: you have the same skin tone and dark hair, but you got your mom's signature butt chin.

"Y/N can you wake up Sofia? I don't want her napping for too long" your mom asks from outside your bedroom door, and you give a quick 'yeah' in response before walking over to your sister's room.

"Sof, time to get up" you say softly while rubbing your hand up and down her back, causing her to stir.

"Sissy, my tummy hurts" she cries, instantly curling up onto her side.

"Come on baby, we'll go down and tell mommy okay?" you say softly before gently picking her up, but all Sofia does is cry more. "Shh, Sof it's okay" you try and comfort her, but she won't stop crying.

Heading downstairs and into the kitchen, you find your mom cooking dinner. She turns when she hears the sound of Sofia crying.

"What's wrong baby girl?" your mom asks while taking Sofia from you, but all Sofia does is cry.

"She told me her stomach hurts" you say, answering for your little sister.

"Show mommy where it hurts baby" your mom says, and Sofia shakily points to her right side before letting out an ear piercing scream. "Sofia! Baby shh, it's okay mommy's here" your mom says while trying to calm Sofia down but it's not much use.

"Mom, should we give her some medicine?" you ask in panic as your little sister squirms in your mom's arms, clutching her stomach.

"I, uh, oh God I don't know what to give her" your mom says in panic before handing you Sofia. "Here,  hold her and I'll call your dad."

You draw small circles on the small of Sofia's back as she cries into your shoulder. They've subsided slightly but you can still tell she's in pain. Your mom puts her phone on speaker while searching through the medicine cupboard.

"Hey baby" your dad says into the phone, and you instantly roll my eyes in disgust at his pet name for your mom. Gross.

"Hey, I need your help. Sofia won't stop crying and she says her stomach hurts but I don't know what to give her" your mom says before being cut off by another one of Sofia's screams.

"Mom I think she needs to go to the hospital" you yell over Sofia's cries while your mom still tries to look through the cupboard.

"Honey, did Sof say where it hurt?" your dad questions loudly down the phone so everyone can hear him.

"Yeah, she pointed to the lower right of her stomach" your mom responds quickly, clearly worrying. You are too.

"It sounds like it's her appendix, get her to the hospital now. I'm catching a red eye flight. I love you" your dad says before the sound of the dial tone rings through the kitchen.

You and your mom lock eyes before rushing around to get your things.

"Y/N run upstairs and pick out some clothes for Sofia while I buckle her up in her car seat, I'll meet you outside" your mom orders with panic in her voice as she takes Sofia from you, letting you run upstairs to do what she asked.

A couple minutes later, you meet your mom in the car and speed off to the hospital.


Your dad was right. Sofia's appendix had burst and when you got there, they took her in for emergency surgery. Your mom cried a lot while you hugged her, not really knowing what to do. The doctor reassured her that it's not a complicated surgery and he performs thousands a year so Sofia's in good hands.

"Demi?" a voice calls from further down the corridor, and you both look up to see your dad running over to you.

"Wilmer, thank God you're here" your mom sighs before throwing her arms around your dad's neck.

"Is Sofia okay?" your dad asks you while he comforts your mom who's still crying a little.

"Yeah, it was her appendix, she should be out of surgery soon" you reply in a soft voice, suddenly feeling overwhelmed and it doesn't go unnoticed by your parents.

"Aww Y/N, come here" your mom says while expending an arm out for you to walk into, causing you to form a group hug. "You've been so brave tonight Y/N, taking care of both me and your sister. I'm proud of you" your mom adds before kissing you on the forehead.

"It's what families do, we look out for each other" you say with a smile before looking up at your dad who's smiling down at you.

"When did you grow up to be so sensible?" your dad laughs while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"I learn from the best" you shrug, causing them both to laugh.

"Okay, what do you want?" your mom questions. "You're never this sweet."

"Nothing, I was just worried that's all. I'm glad Sof's okay and that you are too. I don't like when you cry mom" you admit, biting your lower lip.

"Y/N, I love you so much but it's my job to worry, not yours okay?" your mom says while hugging you into her side.

"Okay, I love you too mom."

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