Secretly In Love

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It's hard; living a lie. You have to go through your life pretending to be someone that you're not, purely out of fear of the unknown. What would they think of you? Would they abandon you? So many serious questions rush through your head every single day, and that's too much for a seventeen year old to handle.

You're gay. And no one knows. Your friends don't know. Your family don't know. God, just the mere thought of your family knowing makes your feel sick with nerves. It's not like they're against it or anything, youe mom has been pretty honest with her past and doesn't deny experimenting when she was younger. But still, it doesn't ease your mind much.

All parents want their kids to be happy, but you hear horror stories of kids who have come out to their parents, thinking it's all gonna be okay, but then it takes a turn for the worst.

Your parents - especially your mom - wants grandkids. She always tells you that she can't wait for you to get married and have babies when you're older because she'll get to spoil them. Yes, even as a lesbian you can have kids, it just won't be the traditional way of making one.

You feel lost, not knowing what to do. You do know that keeping this inside is making you miserable though.

"You're thinking about it again, aren't you?" a voice says, and you look over at your girlfriend who is laying beside you.

Yep, you have a girlfriend. You've been secretly dating for six months now. It's been difficult to hide it from everyone, but whenever your parents are out of town, she stays with you.

"Yeah" you sigh while reaching for her hand, interlocking your fingers. "It's just stressing me out. I wanna be able to tell the ones I love that I'm in love."

Your girlfriend adjusts her body so that you're laying on your sides, facing each other. Your noses brush, causing you to smile softly at the contact.

"I know you do baby, and I know it's scary" she replies while running her fingers through your hair, it's comforting. "Remember how scared I was to come out?"

You nod your head in response, closing your eyes as the touch of your girlfriend calms you down.

"Well, it went better than ever. Your parents will be okay Y/N. Shocked? Possibly. But this is your mom. She's the last person to pass judgement, and deep down you know that."

She's right. You know she is, but it's still scary.

"I guess I'm just not ready, I'm sorry."

"Hey, Y/N that's okay. Don't apologize. When you feel ready, we will tell them together" your girlfriend smiles, and all you can do in response is connect our lips.

You feel her smile against your mouth, and you find yourself doing the same. You swear, each kiss is better than the last. You've never felt so much love with someone than you do with her.

Your bodies press closer together, her hands now lightly gripping your hair as opposed to the gentle motions from earlier. Your hands grab her waist, eliciting a moan from her body.

You take the opportunity to deepen the kiss, pulling on her bottom lip, causing her to giggle.

"I love you" you whisper against her lips, looking her in the eyes.

"I love you too Y/N, I--"

"What's going on?!"

You immediately push away from each other and your eyes widen at the figure standing in the doorway.


"I, I was just.. We were just--"

You don't even know what to say. You've been caught. Your mom caught you making out with another girl. She knows. Fuck, she knows. She's gonna kick you out or disown you, she hates you, she--

"Y/N, baby you're having a panic attack, just breathe with me, follow my breathing" your girlfriend tells you, and you feel her press your hand against her chest to feel her heartbeat.

You know your mom is watching as you feel the bed dip slightly, telling you she's now sitting on the opposite side. You feel a hand rub your back, and instantly recognize it as your mom's.

"There you go, that's it" your girlfriend says softly as your breathing starts to even out.

You look up at her, panic and fear in your eyes, but also gratitude.

"Thank you" you whisper, wanting so badly to kiss her but knowing you can't.

"Y/N" your mom starts, and you turn your body to face her. You prepare yourself to see a look of disgust or hatred, but what you're met with is one of, you want to say understanding?

Your girlfriend reaches for your hand, giving it a gently squeeze, almost reminding you that she's here for you.

"Baby, why didn't you just tell me?" your mom asks softly while wiping away at the tears on your cheeks.

"I don't know, I was scared you'd hate me" you whimper, feeling overwhelmed. One minute you're kissing your girlfriend, and the next you've been caught by your mom.

"Y/N, you should never be scared to tell me anything, you know that" your mom sighs before pulling you into a side hug, your hand still holding your girlfriend's. "I don't love you any less for being in love with another girl. I'm assuming you guys are, anyway?"

"Yes ma'am" your girlfriend replies for you, her voice timid.

"Oh sweetheart, call me Demi. Ma'am makes me feel way too old" your mom laughs, and you can't help but smile. "There we go, there's that smile I love."

"Oh my God, mom don't embarrass me" you whine, hating when your mother treats you like a kid. Your girlfriend just laughs instead.

"What? Now that you've got a girlfriend, you're too mature for your mother to baby you?" she jokes, and you instinctively roll your eyes. Another reason why you didn't want your family knowing you're dating someone.

"For the record, Demi" your girlfriend says, causing my you and your mom to look at her. "I love Y/N very much, and I will never do anything to hurt her."

In this moment, you don't care that your mom is watching you. You immediately break away from your mom's hold and kiss youe girlfriend. She kisses back, but you can tell she's a little uncomfortable knowing your mom is watching, so you cut it short.

"I love you" you whisper to her before turning to your mom as you hear her giggle.

"Y'all are so cute" she squeals, and you have to take a second to realize that this is actually happening. "And I appreciate that honey. But if you do hurt her, you'll have me to answer to."

You know your mom is being serious, and so does your girlfriend as she quickly nods her head. Your mom smiles at the response.

"Now, I wanna hear everything. Where did you meet?" youe mom asks while crossing her legs, a smile on her face.

You breathe out a final sigh of relief, thankful that it turned out this way. You know some people aren't so lucky with the reactions they receive from coming out, so you feel extra appreciative in this moment. You can finally be myself, and that's more than enough.

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