Final Trimester

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"So Demi, I know that you and your wife are expecting a new addition any day now" Ellen gushes, and you smile at the tv. "How is Y/N?"

"She's good, tired and fed up I think though" your wife giggles, and you silently agree with her. Pregnancy is hard, especially when you feel like you're gonna burst at any moment. "She's actually at home on bed rest since she's overdue."

"That must be tough, send her our love will you?" Ellen says with a smile before turning to the camera. "I hope that baby makes an appearance soon for you Y/N."

"You and me both Ellen" yoi laugh along with the audience, as if she can hear you.

"I'll be home soon baby!" Demi adds before it cuts to commercial.

You quickly reach for your phone, sending Demi a quick text asking her to pick up some more ice pops from the store. It's been your number one craving throughout this entire pregnancy. You know she won't be able to answer until her interview is over, but that's okay.

Trying to get comfortable before Demi comes back on, you attempt to shuffle yourself around a little but fail. You swear it feels as if you have more than one baby growing inside you right now. You've never felt so huge.

It also doesn't help that your due date was June 10th, and it's now June 17th. The doctors joked that the baby must be too comfy to want to make an appearance, but that if there was no change over this next week then they need to talk about getting you induced.

"And we're back with Demi Lovato" Ellen announces, and you try to focus your attention on your tv, but the stabbing pain in your stomach takes over.

"Ah, shit that hurts" you whine, laying your head back on the pillows as your hand gently rubs your stomach. "Are you doing jumping jacks in their baby?"

Moments later, another round of pain courses through you and only then do you feel the dampness under you. Oh God. This is it. It's really happening.

"Have you guys thought of baby names or anything yet? Might I suggest Ellen for a girl" Ellen jokes and Demi's infectious laugh fills the bedroom, but all you can focus on is trying to control your breathing while calling Demi's team.

"Ah God, okay breathe in and out" you tell yourself while shakily bringing the phone to your ear.

"Y/N? Everything okay?" Kelsey questions, and after a couple seconds of breathing deeply in and out you think she clicks. "Oh my God, is it time?"

"Please get Demi" you cry out as more contractions take place. "Fuck this shit hurts."

"Oh my God okay hang on, we're gonna get her right now. Max is sending an ambulance over to the house to take you to the hospital."

Judging by the timing of your contractions, you're not sure you'll even make it in time to the hospital.

"Sorry guys, but it appears we have to cut the interview short" Ellen says as she holds her earpiece. You watch through squinted eyes at Demi's confused and slightly panicked face. "It's time Demi, your baby is coming!"


"Y/N! Baby I'm here!" Demi yells and you hear her rushing footsteps clambering up the stairs. You're too busy curled up on your side to respond. "Oh my love, it's okay. The midwife is here. It's all gonna be fine."

You reach your free hand out and Demi immediately grasps onto it. She then places a kiss on the back of your hand. You manage a smile.

"Sorry in advance if I break your hand" you half joke, causing your wife to giggle.

"That's perfectly okay with me baby, you're doing so good" she replies, and you can see tears in her eyes.

"Okay Y/N, lets see how far along you are" the midwife announces, and you manage to roll onto your back, Demi immediately by your side. After a quick check from the midwife, the look on her face tells you everything. "This baby is not waiting for anyone, it's time to push!"

You quickly look up at Demi who's smiling at you with such encouragement but you can't help but start to cry.

"Baby you can do this, we've got you" Demi tells you, and you nod your head.

"I'm just scared" you admit before another contraction hits, causing you to start pushing.

"That's it!" the midwife exclaims as you continue to push. "Push push push, you're doing so good Y/N."

You throw your head back, already feeling exhausted. Demi carefully wipes your hair away from your face.

"Come on baby, a couple more and our little one will be here" she whispers against your forehead before kissing it.

Taking another deep breath, you continue to push. You push as if your entire life depends on it. Whoever tells you that childbirth is a beautiful thing is wrong, let me tell you. This shit hurts.

Buts it's all worth it when you hear the sound of your child taking her first breath.

"Oh my God, Demi oh my God" you cry out as the midwife immediately brings your baby up to sit on your skin.

"Congratulations guys, it's a little girl."

"Our baby girl, she's beautiful" Demi gushes as you both stare at her in complete awe.

Your baby girl.

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