The Other Lovato

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Authors Note - This was originally posted in my Lauren Imagines book, I've just changed it to suit a Demi Imagine. Just in case anyone recognises it.

Tonight, you and Dallas are studying at her house thanks to the huge exam you have tomorrow and the fact that your parents have dinner guests over, ultimately forcing you out of you house.

You don't mind spending the night at your girlfriend's house. Her parents are lovely, you just have a hard time being around her sister Demi.

You're not even really sure what her problem with you is, but since Dallas introduced you to her family, you haven't received the warmest of welcomes from her. She's always staring at you and Dallas, never really leaving you alone. It's just strange.

"You okay babe?" you hear Dallas ask as she stops her car, and only then do you realize that you're at her house.

"Hm? Oh yeah I'm fine" you reply unconvincingly, averting your eyes from that of your girlfriend's.

"Y/N, is this about Demi?"

You cringe slightly at the fact that you're clearly so easy to read. You nod your head in response, releasing a sigh.

"Y/N, babe it's fine. She doesn't hate you" she explains, and you scoff at her words. "She doesn't."

"Then why is she constantly staring at me, watching everything I do when I'm over here? She even stares at me when we're at school Dallas, I don't get why she's so mad at me" you confess, feeling your chin tremble.

You're a sensitive person, and you hate it when you know someone doesn't like you, especially when that someone happens to be your girlfriend's sister.

"Talk to her tonight Y/N, maybe it's all some misunderstanding" Dallas replies half heartedly, almost sounding as if she's bored of trying to comfort you with this.

You admit, you can be difficult to deal with at times, but shouldn't she want her sister and girlfriend to get along?

"Whatever" you respond before slamming the passenger door shut, following her up to the front door.

"What's got you so mad?" she asks, but you choose to ignore her. "Y/N, are you kidding me right now?"

"It doesn't matter Dallas, just drop it" you reply, immediately pushing passed her the second the door opens, only resulting in you bumping into the one and only Demi Lovato.

"Sorry" you quickly mumble, feeling overwhelmed by your thoughts. You make your way into the living room, remembering Mrs De La Garza's rules about not being allowed into Dallas' room, and open your books to try and study.

"What's gotten into her?" you hear Demi ask Dallas, but you try and pretend that you're oblivious.

"You tell me Demi, you're the cause of it" she argues back, and for once you're surprised that she's standing up to her.

"What? Why? I haven't done shit Dallas" she argues back, and you have to bite your inner cheek to stop yourself from crying.

"Exactly Demi!" she whisper-shouts, "ever since Y/N and I started dating you've practically acted like she doesn't exist, or you give her your famous bitch glare! I'm tired of it, and it's making Y/N think that you hate her."

You're grateful that she's sticking up for you but you don't want to also look like some emotional little girl who can't handle a little dislike.

To tell the truth, you've admired Demi for a long time. Before you and Dallas started dating, you used to envy Demi for her appearance and style. You even had a tiny crush on her, not that you'd tell Dallas that. But when you first started dating, you were so excited to be introduced to her, and it's safe to say it didn't live up to what you thought.

"I don't hate her Dallas" you hear Demi admit, and there's a tone in her voice that causes you to look up from your pretend-studying.

She has a look in her eyes that almost reads guilt, but you're not so sure.

"Yeah? Well tell her that, because she's really unhappy Demi" Dallas replies before turning around to make her way over to the table.

You quickly avert your eyes back to your textbook, trying to act busy.

"I know you heard it all Y/N, you're a terrible liar" Dallas chuckles, and you lift your gaze to see her smiling at you with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry" you whisper, trying to keep your composure. "I don't know why this all gets to me so much" you confess while playing with the pencil in your hand.

"It's okay--"

"Hey, Y/N?"

Looking up, you see Demi standing in the doorway with an expression you can't quite read.

"Can we talk?" she asks, and you find yourself looking over at Dallas for an answer. She nods her head before giving your hand a squeeze, and you immediately do the same before following the brunette up to her room.

Feeling anxious, you make your way over to her bed. You don't know what to expect, but being alone in a room with the girl who clearly hates your guts doesn't exactly make you feel very good.

There's an awkward silence as Demi sits down next to you, her eyes staring at the duvet beneath you both.

"Look, I don't hate you" she starts, and your eyes drop before deciding to look at her instead. Her body language just screams 'get me out of here'.

"You don't?" you ask, causing her eyes to look up to meet yours. She shakes her head. "Then why have you been so cold with me?"

She looks into your eyes with such a pain behind them that you almost want to pull her in for a hug. There's a gloss over them that only tells you she's fighting back tears. But why?

"I wish I could tell you, Y/N" she admits, her voice shaky, and you somehow find yourself moving in closer to the vulnerable girl, taking her hand in yours.

Neither of you speak for a while, and instead you use your thumb to caress the back of her hand. It's something your mom used to do with you to help calm you down.

"Please Demi.." you say softly while giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "Tell me."

"It'll ruin everything" she replies, looking at you as her lip trembles.

You find myself staring between her eyes and lips, not really understanding why. Only then do you realize that she's doing the same.


"Y/N, I-I can't tell you, I can only show you" she whispers, and you feel her hand that's in yours slowly start to move to hold your wrist, and then up your arm.

You feel frozen, in a trance as her eyes pierce into your own. You find myself nodding to her words as your mouth dries up.

"Then show me."

It takes you a second to process what's actually happening. Her lips feel so soft against yours, as if your lips were made to kiss each other. Your girlfriend's sister. You're kissing Demi Lovato.

Oh God, Dallas. No. No this is so wrong, but your mind can't seem to stop myself.

You feel her fingers run through your hair, down your neck and to your sides, gently squeezing your skin. You can't fight the moan that escapes your lips as you lay down on her bed, Demi laying on top of you. One of her legs sits in between yours, and the friction from your clothing doesn't help.

"I love you" she whispers against your neck before sucking on your sweet spot, and you find yourself too turned on to stop.

You've never felt this way with Dallas. Something always felt off, but you put it down to your inexperience. But right now, with Demi's hand tracing the exposed skin above your jeans, and her lips on your neck, you feel like maybe you've been with the wrong Lovato all along.

"This'll be our little secret, okay Y/N?" Demi whispers in your ear, and you find yourself immediately nodding in response before flipping her over, now with you straddling her.


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