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Your mom's back from her tour today and usually you're excited to see her but lately you've just felt way too exhausted. Your dad was worried about you and had called your mom, but she discretely told him that it's probably 'girl problems', which immediately caused him to freak out saying "I don't want to hear about that, Y/N is still my baby", so yeah that didn't go well. It was kind of hilarious to watch though. You and your mom love making your dad feel uncomfortable with girl talk.

You've always had a really good mother/daughter relationship. She knows when you're down, and you know with her too. It's kind of as if you have a telepathy thing, even though you aren't twins. It's just a really strong bond you guess.

You're currently curled up in your parent's bed while your dad picks your mom up at the airport. He's been gone for a while so you're trying to fight off the tiredness and stay awake to see them, but it's proving to be difficult. Another round of nausea attacks you and you rush through into your parents en suite. This keeps happening; feeling sick but nothing happens. It feels like the worst fever ever.

"Baby, we're home!" your mom yells from the front door as you hear footsteps make their way upstairs.

"In here" you manage to croak out while clutching your head, suddenly feeling lightheaded.

"Y/N, baby are you okay?" your mom asks worryingly, and you look up to be met with both your parents.

"I don't feel good" you reply as your body starts to sway from side to side.

"Come on Y/N, lets get you back into bed" your dad says before lifting your body up from the cold floor and back into their bed.

The feeling of soft pillows and blankets brings you comfort as your body relaxes a little. Your mom sits behind you, stroking your hair and asking you question after question.

"How long has this been now Y/N? I thought you were just having a bad period.." she says, her voice trailing off slightly.

"So did I, but it was heavier than usual. And it's been like two weeks now. I think it's just a bad flu, I'll be okay."

Laying on your back, you suddenly feel as though you're choking, causing you to violently cough while your mom supports your body up into a sitting position. You cover your mouth with your hands, scared of throwing up everywhere but instead feel warmth in them. Shakily pulling your hands away, you discover that they're covered in a red substance.

"Mom" you cry out in panic. "Mom it's blood!" you scream, completely terrified.

"Oh my God, Wilmer call an ambulance! Y/N needs to see a doctor now" your mom yells for your dad, and you can tell she's trying to stay calm for your sake but the truth is that you're both scared. You don't understand what's happening to you.

"Come on baby girl, stand up for me okay?" you mom says softly while gripping your upper arms lightly to help.

Once you manage to get to your feet, you shakily walk towards the door with your mom's arm wrapped securely around your waist. From there, your dad picks you up and carries you into the car, handing you a bucket in case you cough up more blood. Once everyone is in the car, you head off for the hospital.


You've been lying in this hospital bed for hours now, your parents never leaving your side. Your dad went out to try and get an update from the doctor a few minutes ago, but your mom refuses to let go of your hand and has stayed by your side throughout everything. Even when they had to take your blood - which you didn't feel was necessary since you're sure the litres you threw up earlier would suffice - your mom held your hand, letting you squeeze it as hard as you needed.

"Baby, what's that on your arm?" your mom asks, confusion on her face as you look down to see what she's talking about.

Five circular bruises on your upper arm. You lift up your other arm to reach over and touch them and hear another gasp from your mom.

"It's the same on your other arm too. Oh God, was that from when I helped you out of bed?" she asks, her voice shaking.

"Mom, they don't hurt it's okay. I guess I'm just a little more fragile right now" you say to her, wanting to reassure her that it's okay. That you're okay.

She shoots you a sad smile before leaning over and kissing your forehead as your dad walks back in, a doctor following in behind.

"How are you feeling Y/N?" the doctor asks before giving your mom a nod while your dad sits down in the seat on the opposite side from your mom.

"Like I just threw up all the blood in my body, but other than that I'm good" you reply, chuckling slightly to try and lighten the mood.

You watch as your parents try and laugh along with you while your dad reaches his hand out for your mom so their hands sit on your lap. You look into your mom's eyes and instantly sense that something's seriously wrong. It's like that telepathy thing again.

"What's going on?" you ask, looking at your parents and then the doctor. Everyone's being too quiet, You need answers. "Someone tell me what's going on.." you repeat, now getting more worried.

"Y/N, the results shown from the tests we took earlier do give us an explanation as to why you're feeling this way" the doctor says slowly, and you motion for him to go on.

Your mom shuffles closer to you, sensing that you need her near. You hold of your parents intertwined fingers and grip them for dear life.

"Go on" you whisper, dropping your gaze to your hands.

"I'm so sorry to tell you this, but the results show signs of acute lymphocytic leukemia."

You can't hear anything else the doctor says. All you can hear is the word leukemia over and over again. You can almost block out your mom's cries and your dad's attempt to comfort her while saying your name. You're frozen. How is this happening to you? How can you, Y/N Lovato-Valderrama, have cancer? Cancer. CANCER.

"Y/N baby girl, look at me" you mom says but your body doesn't respond. "Look at me!" she yells, and only then does your body react.

You turn to meet your mom's bloodshot eyes, and that's when it really hits you. You have cancer. You're pulled into your mom's arms, her hands running through your hair as the tears fall. It feels like you can't breathe. You feel like your tears are slowly drowning you.

There's slight pressure on you back and you realize that you dad is hugging you too now, it's like you're in a group huddle. You can't help but wonder how many more times you'll get to hug your parents like this. Will you get years of more hugs? Or merely days? Hours?

"Am I going to die?" you whimper out while feeling your mom pull you in tighter as your words hit her.

"No baby girl, you're going to be okay" your mom says through tears before kissing your forehead.

You know she doesn't believe what she's saying. How is she to know that you'll be okay? Nobody knows. You can't believe it. You won't believe it. You have cancer.


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