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"Demi, where the hell do you keep the matches in this house?" you ask rummaging through every kitchen drawer while she stands next to you, holding her phone close by for some light. You've been part of an entire town power outage for close to a half hour now and it's safe to say Demi has been zero use.

"I don't know, I'm hardly ever home anymore. Trust this to happen during my free weekend back home" she giggles, and you can't help the smile that forms on your face. Her laugh makes you weak in the knees.

"Well we can't just sit in darkness for the rest of the night, we need to light some candles or something" you explain before your hands find what seems to be a lighter. "Aha, jackpot!"

"You're such a dork Y/N" Demi says, her hands now touching yours. You swear you felt some kind of rush in that moment, but you quickly played it off and handed her the lighter so she could take it back to the living room.

You watch in silence as Demi lights each candle around her coffee table, following her path with your gaze while she makes her way to the candles on the mantelpiece. The light from the candles glows against her skin in such a way that you honestly feel lost for words. You hate that you're in love with youe best friend. It's torture.

"Hello, earth to Y/N!"

"Huh what?" you snap, realising that you completely zoned out while staring at Demi. Not awkward at all.

"I asked if you want to cuddle on the sofa? The heating isn't on because of the power cut and I'm freezing" she explains to you again, smiling softly at you.

"Oh, uh yeah" you mumble, feeling yourself blush. "Yeah, sounds good."

You slump down beside Demi, trying your hardest to keep your cool. The last thing you want is for her to pick up on any vibes since you know the feeling won't be reciprocated.

"Come closer you loser, I need cuddles" she whines while pulling at your arm, and you have to take a deep breath to calm yourself down. Sure, you and Demi have cuddled before but that was during a time when you weren't madly in love with her yet. Plus, the fact you haven't seen Demi in months because of her tour only makes your feelings stronger.

"I've missed this" you admit as your arms wrap around your best friend, her head resting against your shoulder.

"Me too, I hate being away from my best friend for so long" she replies softly, and all you can do is mutter a me too in agreement as your heart sinks further into your chest.

You both sit in silence, watching as Demi plays with your fingers, intertwining hers with yours occasionally. You pray that she doesn't feel your heart beating out of your chest.

Demi moves her body closer to yours, her legs now resting on your lap as her body presses against your side, causing her shirt to lift slightly. You try and fight the urge to rest your hand against the bare piece of skin on her side but fail. Besides, you're more comfortable with your arm this way. As your fingertips graze her skin, you swear you hear Demi gasp.

"I wonder how many couples are having sex in this blackout right now" Demi suddenly says, and you can't help but laugh.

"Oh my God Demi, what the fuck?" you reply, and your reaction only causes her to laugh along with you.

"What? I mean come on, candles are romantic and it's not as if there's much else to do" she shrugs, and you have to bite your bottom lip. Oh how you wish we were more than friends, especially in this moment.

"Yeah, it is pretty romantic isn't it?" you ask, turning your head to face Demi, who has now lifted hers from your shoulder and is staring directly at you.

"Mhmm" she responds, never breaking eye contact. Maybe it's the darkness playing tricks on you, but you can see a hint of something in her eyes that tells you something's happening. Or maybe it's your eyes playing tricks on you. You can't tell.

Instead of saying anything else, you subtly move your fingers against her bare skin once more, and this time you watch as her eyes flutter closed for a second. You can hear her take a shaky breath, and before you know it, she's now straddling you.

"I don't really know what I'm doing" she admits in a shaky tone, her warm breath touching your skin, alerting you of just how close you are to each other. Your hands make their way back to her sides.

"Demi I-"

"No wait" she interrupts, causing you to bite your lip again. "I have to get something off my chest."

"Okay" you whisper, staring up at her as the light from the candles outlines her face. "I'm listening."

"I'm scared" she admits, yet you can feel her hands make their way to your shoulders, now resting gently near your neck. You can feel goosebumps forming.

"What are you scared of? If you say the dark then we're already screwed" you joke, hoping to lighten the mood a little. It works for a moment as a giggle escapes her mouth.

"I'm scared of how you'll react once I do this..."

Her hands now rest gently either side of your neck as your noses brush against each other. You part your lips, breathing shakily as you realise what's about to happen. You can feel Demi's body shaking slightly, so you take it upon yourself to close the remaining gap between you, holding her body against yours as your lips finally touch.

Demi inhales sharply, but within seconds her lips are pushing against your own as your top lip rests between hers. Her hands gently run through you hair, and you can't help the small moan that leaves your mouth, causing Demi to smile into our kiss.

A bright light invades your vision, causing Demi to move from your lap. The sound of electronics turning back on steals the moment away from you, now leaving you sitting side by side.

"I um.." Demi starts, and with a new found confidence, you take her hand in yours.

"I like you, a lot" you confess, watching as Demi's eyes softly look up into yours.

"I like you a lot, too" she replies with a giggle, immediately hiding her face in her free hand. "God, what is going on?"

"I don't know, but I'm really thankful for that blackout" you chuckle, pulling Demi closer to you.

You stare at each other for a few seconds, just smiling.

"Me too" she replies, and you find yourself leaning in again.

As your lips meet once more, you can't help but smile into the kiss.

Thank you blackout. 

Demi Lovato ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now