First Meeting

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Today's the day you've been delaying for months now. The thought of meeting your girlfriend's sister absolutely petrifies you. You were fine meeting her parents and older sister, Dallas, but meeting Demi is on a different level.

"Baby, please stop pacing. Demi is gonna love you" your girlfriend, Maddie, says in an attempt to reassure you. You can't help but scoff at her words, only because you don't know what to expect.

"I'm just nervous, your sister is seriously intimidating" you reply before taking a deep breath and walking towards Maddie's car.

"She really isn't that bad at all. Trust me, once you meet her, you'll be fine" Maddie smiles at you, but all you do is shake your head before buckling your seatbelt, wishing for this car journey to last a lifetime so you don't have to deal with this.

You never got the chance to meet Demi when you met the rest of Maddie's family because she was busy on tour, but now that she's back, she's told Maddie that she wants to meet you.

She's obviously seen pictures of you and Maddie together, since you both love to post on Instagram and Snapchat, but seeing her face to face is enough to make your stomach flip.

For the majority of your teen years, you've dealt with an eating disorder. You're in recovery and have been since you were fifteen; you're seventeen now, just like Maddie, who knows of your struggles. She was actually the first person to confront you about your eating habits back when you were both twelve. You guess after seeing Demi go through what she did, Maddie became more alert towards behaviours like that. She encouraged you to speak to you parents, and after a lot of fighting back, you did.

You didn't exactly have a choice though. The day you told your parents about your eating disorder was also the day you collapsed during gym class. Maddie was there and helped you to the nurse's office, where you both waited for your parents to arrive. Long story short, Maddie held your hand the entire time while you told your parents the truth. At first they were in disbelief; your mom crying and your dad staying silent. After that, they put you in an outpatient programme to help with your problems. You were still able to attend school, and then after school finished you would go to the treatment centre for your therapy sessions etc.

You truly believe that without Maddie, you wouldn't even be here. If she didn't persevere with you, you dread to think of what the outcome might have been.

"Y/N, babe we're here."

Bringing your attention back to the car, you realize that you slipped into a daydream. Maddie's looking at you with a soft smile, and you can already tell that she knows what was going through your head and still is going through your head.

"I know this dinner is gonna be difficult for you, but I promise you that you're not going to be judged by my family" Maddie starts to say, taking your hand in hers. "You're doing amazing in your recovery, and this is just a little bump in the road. I know you don't want Demi knowing, but she won't treat you differently. She actually might be able to give you some advice Y/N."

"No Mads, I don't want her knowing. I'm sorry, let's just head inside" you reply before breaking your contact and opening the passenger door.

"Wait, Y/N" Maddie sighs while rushing over to your side of the car.

You look at her and smile as her eyes meet yours.

"I love you, you can do this" she says with encouragement before connecting your lips in an innocent kiss.

"I love you too baby" you respond, feeling thankful to have such an amazing girlfriend.

Walking hand in hand towards the house, you have to take deep breaths to control the anxiety building up inside you. Maddie gives your hand a reassuring squeeze before opening the door.

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