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Having a famous sister can be hard, especially when said famous sister goes on tour. You haven't seen Demi in what feels like months since she left for her european tour, and as much as you love to see her so happy, you can't help but miss her.

You've always been close. Ever since you were little, you had this incredible bond and you would basically be attached to Demi's hip wherever she went. Even though you have separate dads, you always felt like she was your full sister.

One thing that you hate thinking about though is knowing all of the crap that your mom and big sisters had to deal with before your mom met tiue dad. You always feel some sort of guilt even though you weren't alive.

So once again, here you are laying in your bed in floods of tears with For The Love of a Daughter playing in your headphones. You suppose it is kind of weird that you listen to your sister's songs every night but sometimes it helps make you feel better, until songs like this come on and you immediately dissolve into a crying mess.

It physically pains you to imagine what they had to go through, but especially Demi. You hate that she experienced the pain and trauma. You saw how she was after her dad died, it still hurts to think about. Your mom and Dallas were upset too of course, but it seemed to affect Demi even more.

Listening to Demi singing the words 'don't you remember I'm your baby girl, how could you throw me right out of your world?' and hearing the cracks in her voice causes a huge lump to form in your throat, and you have to quickly push it down as the music cuts off and a facetime call appears.

It's Demi.

Glancing at the clock, it's 1:30am here which means it's still pretty early in the morning wherever she is.

You quickly wipe away your tears, deciding to leave your bedside lamp off to hide your puffy face, before answering.

"Hey Dem" you whisper, your voice rasp from crying. "How are you?"

"Y/N, I can't even see you" she giggles, and you can feel yourself smiling as you continue to dry off your face. "Put the light on."

You do as she says and immediately have to cover your face when you see just how red and blotchy it looks.

"Sorry, I look so bad" you explain while your hand hides your eyes and cheeks.

"Y/N, baby girl what's wrong? You look like you've been crying" Demi asks, and the concern in her voice only causes your eyes to well up with tears.

Your chin trembles as you try to keep your emotions in, but it's pointless. "Um, I just" you whimper through your shaking voice, "god this sounds so dumb in my head."

You remove your hand from your face and look at Demi. She has a soft smile on her face but you can tell by the sadness in her eyes that she's worried.

"I just miss you and I was listening to one of your songs and got upset, that's all" you quickly explain, using your sleeve to wipe away your tears. Your skin is starting to hurt with how raw it feels.

"Aw Y/N, baby girl I don't want my songs to upset you" she says, and you give her a small nod.

"I know."

"What song was it?"

You make eye contact with her while biting your lip as the lump reappears in your throat.

"For The Love of a Daughter" you admit, and you watch as your sister's eyes hold a feeling of guilt.

"I'm sorry baby girl."

"No Dem, don't say sorry" you reply, taking a deep breath. "Just, sometimes I listen to your songs about your dad and I get really upset and feel guilty because you had to go through that."

"Y/N I-"

"Wait, I gotta just vent for a second okay?" you interrupt, and Demi gives you a nod of understanding. "I feel guilty because I had this incredible childhood with the best dad in the world, while you had to experience something so horrible. I know I wasn't alive so I couldn't even do anything to help, but I just hate having that knowledge that you had a bad childhood."

"Can I say something?" your sister asks, and her voice has a shake to it.


"Y/N, yes I had a bad childhood with my dad, but I also had an amazing childhood because you were born." Her words only cause you to cry more and you whimper while wiping your face. "The day you were born was the best day of my life. You have no idea how much happiness you brought me Y/N. So please, don't feel sad for me anymore okay? I'm happy, and I still had an amazing childhood even with all that bad stuff."

"Okay" you reply, your voice thick with emotion. It's silent for a moment or two and you can't help but let out a slight laugh. "God this is probably not what you were expecting when you phoned me. I'm a mess."

"This is true" she giggles in response and you immediately smile. Her laugh has always had that effect on you. "But I'm glad you talked to me. I love that you feel comfortable coming to me baby girl."

"You're my best friend Dems, of course I'm gonna talk to you" you explain, and that signature smile of Demi's spreads across her face.

"I love you baby girl, so much. You're my best friend too."

"I love you too Demi."

Demi Lovato ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now