The Talk

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Demi's been home for a little over a week now but you've been keeping your distance. Dallas is over too, they're both staying at your family home for a while, claiming they want to have some "sister bonding time". Normally you'd be all for it, but for some reason you're just constantly mad at them for no reason at all, or you start getting upset if you don't like something.

For example, last week you were all hanging out in Demi's room and trying to decide on what movie to watch. She wanted a horror, you wanted comedy. It somehow ended up in you hysterically crying and her asking you what was wrong, but you didn't have an answer for her.

Now, you know why.

You're currently sitting in your bathroom, panicking out your freaking mind. You have no idea what the hell you're supposed to do and you don't know who to talk to. You're too embarrassed to talk to your sisters about it, and if you tell your mom then she'll start crying because her baby 'is all grown up now'. You'd rather save yourself from being scarred for life.

Rummaging through the cupboards, you finally find what you know you need. A pad. Yes, you got your period. And yes, all you know is how to use a pad. The cramps on the other hand, you feel as if you're being stabbed.

"Y/N you okay? You've been in there a while?" Demi asks from outside, causing you to freeze.

"Uh yeah, I'm fine. Be out in a minute" you reply before quickly taking the pad from its wrapping and placing it where it needs to go.

Once you've cleaned everything up and washed your hands, you walk into your room to find Demi staring at you with a quizzing expression on her face, arms crossed.

"Can I help you?" you ask, trying to play it cool even though you feel like you're about to collapse from cramps.

"What were you doing in there?" she asks cautiously, causing you to automatically pull down on your sleeves. It's an anxiety thing.

"N-nothing" you stutter, mentally screaming at yourself.

You shuffle by Demi and jump onto your bed, bringing your knees to your chest to ease the pain.

"Y/N?" Demi says slowly. "You would tell me if you weren't okay, right?" she asks, and only then do you notice that she's staring at your hands that are still clutching you jumper over your arms.

"Oh my God Demi, I didn't do anything like that I promise" you reply in panic, pulling up your sleeves to show her that you haven't done what her head is telling her you have. "I know not to do that and to talk to you Dem, I swear."

"Oh thank God, you just looked so suspicious and I panicked for a minute" she exhales before sitting down by your side.

You sit in silence for a while, and for some reason you start to feel sad again. Is this what periods do to you? Make you emotionally unstable and moody? Great.

"Hey, Y/N what's wrong?" Demi asks softly, wrapping an arm around you instinctively.

"I don't wanna talk about it, it's embarrassing" you reply quietly, hoping that she'll just ignore your emotional outburst. Lets be serious though, it's Demi. She won't forget.

"Nope not good enough, you can tell me anything Y/N. I'm your sister, I want to help."

Told you.

You stay quiet until a round of cramps hit you, causing you wince and curl up into a ball.

"Ah, I know what's happened" Demi giggles, causing you to send her a death glare. "Baby girl, did you get your period?" she asks and you cringe in embarrassment.

"Please stop talking" you say through clenched teeth, praying for the pain to stop soon.

"My little sister's growing up" she jokes, and if you could sit up right now you'd hit her.

"Can you please stop talking and help me?" you whine before burying your face into the pillow.

You hear another laugh from Demi before the bed dips more. Seconds later, Demi's hand is rubbing your lower back and the pain starts to ease.

"Thank you" you whimper, feeling emotional again.

"It's okay Y/N, it'll stop hurting soon. I'll show you how to use tampons later" she says as if it's nothing at all, meanwhile you're wishing you could disappear.

"Thanks" you mutter into your pillow, wondering when this awful conversation will be over.

"You know what this means now though don't you?" she asks, and you lift your head out of curiosity with an expression that says 'what?'. "Now I have to give you the safe sex talk since you could get pregnant" she finishes, laughing in between words as your eyes widen.

"Oh no, no thank you I do not need that" you reply quickly, pushing yourself up and as far away from her as possible.

Demi just looks at you with a smile on her face, letting out a couple of giggles every now and then.

"Okay so when a man and a woman love each other, they have se-"


You clasp your hands over your ears, not wanting to hear this conversation any more. Is this really happening right now?

"Y/n" she mocks in the same tone before pulling your hands away from your ears. "You gotta know this stuff so you don't end up in a mess. Now just listen to me, okay?"

You give her a look, waiting for her to continue.

"Okay, I'm just gonna be straight up with you here. Your first time is gonna suck. It's gonna hurt and you probably won't enjoy it, but it gets better". You groan, not wanting to hear any of this. You don't plan on having sex anytime soon so this is totally unnecessary. "Now, you might be wondering why it'll hurt. Well, this is where the term 'pop the cherry' comes in."

"Okay Demi seriously I love you but please don't say anything else. I don't plan on having sex for a really really long time okay? And we get sex ed at school, so lets save us both the embarrassment" you say through rushed words before the conversation gets more awkward.

"Aw, but I was enjoying this" she fake pouts, giggling at the situation.

"And now it's over. I love you, but please don't tell me any more" you reply, managing a laugh as well.

"Okay fine. And I love you too. Now lets go and get you some painkillers" she announces, reaching her hand out for yours.

You roll your eyes, pretending to hate how much she baby's you even though a part of you loves it. Taking her hand, she pulls you up off the bed and into a bone crushing hug.

"I am here though, if you want to talk or have any questions. I know how embarrassing mom can be" she giggles, causing you to join her.

"Thanks Dem, I love you" you reply, smiling up at my sister.

"I love you too, Y/N."

Demi Lovato ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now