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"I am begging you Demi, please don't embarrass me tonight" you plead with your sister who's currently on loudspeaker as you drive to collect your girlfriend. The girlfriend your family have yet to meet.

"I promise Y/N, I won't embarrass you. I can't wait to finally meet her actually" she replies, and you try to push away the anxiety fueling your body. You've been putting this off for so long but you know you can't delay it any longer.

"God, I seriously feel sick with nerves" you sigh, pulling up to your girlfriend's house.

"Breathe baby girl, it'll all be fine."

"I hope you're right. Listen I gotta go but I'll see you soon" you say, putting the car into park.

"I'll be over a little later since I'm stuck at the studio, but I'll see you soon. Calm down Y/N, we'll all love her" your sister reassures you, and you say your goodbyes before texting your girlfriend Chloe telling her you've arrived.

A few minutes later, the passenger door opens and your girlfriend greets you with a kiss on the cheek and a nervous smile.

"Oh god, are you nervous too? It's no use in us both being scared" you giggle, trying to keep the mood light.

"No don't say that, you're meant to be the calm one here" Chloe replies while looking at her make up in the mirror, her motions frantic.

"You're right" you reply before grabbing her hand. "It'll be a great night baby, and they're all gonna love you."

She smiles at you, a genuine one, and you can't help but smile back. Leaning in, your lips gently press together and you forget that your entire family are waiting for you.

The moment is short lived when an all too familiar song starts to play, causing a reaction from your girlfriend.

"Oh my god yes! Turn it up Y/N" she squeals with happiness as your sister's voice fills your car.

One thing Chloe doesn't know? Demi is your sister. You know you should have told her but the minute you found out she was a diehard fan, you were scared to say anything. You didn't want it to turn out that she was only dating you to get closer to Demi. The whole situation makes you feel insecure, hence why you're so anxious about tonight.

Well, looks like she's about to find out.


Arriving at your house, you find your girlfriend practically clinging to your side as you greet everyone. Your mom is there, as well as your dad and two sisters. You're not sure the exact time Demi will get here, but you're on edge.

"Everyone, this is Chloe. Chloe, this is everyone."

You look closely at your girlfriend's face, and you can tell that she's clicked. Of course she has, anyone who's a fan of Demi knows what her family looks like. Except you, because long ago you said that you wanted nowhere near the spotlight and it somehow worked out. Kind of like the Osbourne's and their oldest daughter. No one knows about her. Just like you.

"It's so nice to meet you Chloe, Y/N's told us so much about you" your mom smiles, offering a hug.

Your girlfriend slowly walks forward, hugging your mother. "Nice to meet you too, and likewise" she replies before catching your eye with a look that says 'what the hell is going on?'

Everyone else introduces themselves, and you avert your gaze from that of Chloe's, relieved when your dad announces that dinner is ready and you can all take a seat.

The relief isn't long lived as yet another person enters.

"Sorry I'm late! I left as quick as I could" your sister Demi says while taking off her coat, hugging your parents and sister's before facing you both. "You must be Y/N's girlfriend, hi I'm Demi."

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