You Don't Need Him

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Authors Note - This was originally posted in my Lauren Imagines book, I've just changed it to suit a Demi Imagine. Just in case anyone recognises it.

So it's Friday, which means it's yours and Demi's movie marathon night. It's a tradition that you guys have stuck to since you were kids; where you buy a bunch of junk food and cuddle up in bed, watching movie after movie until the both of you fall asleep. At least, it used to be tradition.

A couple months ago, Demi started dating this guy, Nick. At first it seemed alright except for the fact that you didn't get to hang out with her as much, but you tried not to be the jealous best friend and told yourself to be happy for her. You couldn't understand why you disliked him so much, other than the fact that he's always been a bit arrogant.

But yeah, you'd find yourself getting upset whenever she would talk about him, and seeing pictures of them together only made your stomach turn. Again, you blamed it on being the jealous best friend, but lately you've started to figure out the real reason.

You're in love with your best friend.

Yep, you said it. You love Demi, but she supposedly loves her boyfriend. Have you told her how I feel? Of course not. Stupid question. You see how happy she can be when she talks about him, and when she does you can feel your heart being torn apart, but you be the good best friend and plaster a smile onto your face and say "I'm so happy for you."

Don't deny though, you're happy she's happy. You can see she's happy, but in the midst of her happiness, she started to ignore your signs of unhappiness. She started to miss the signs of you slipping away from your bubbly self and instead into this sad, sometimes emotionless person.

The one thing you have to hold on to is your Friday movie nights, but as of lately she either forgets or says Nick wants to hang out. It feels like she's forgetting you.

To Demi - 7:32pm
Hey, just making sure we're still on for tonight? I bought your favorite candy! xxx

You don't know why you're even bothering to send her the message. You know what her response will be. Lately she's been distant, not really replying to your messages, and when she does they're fairly short. You know something's going on, you just don't know how to get her to open up to you. Besides, she has Nick.

Your phone vibrates beside you, and you're almost shocked that she replied so fast.

From Demi - 7:34pm
Hey, on my way right now. I've got the DVDs xxx

She's actually coming. You can't believe it. You know it's sad to doubt your best friend but it's just a shock.

In a panic, you quickly rush to put on a cuter outfit - even though you're only going to be laying in bed - and you fix your make up, adding a little more lip balm. You've found yourself trying to make more of an effort around Demi, you guess it's in some crazy hope that she'll dump Nick, realize she truly likes you, and you'll be together forever. Stupid, you know.

Not long after you manage to get your room to resemble something less of a war zone, you hear a knock on your door, shortly followed by the voice you've missed so much.

"Y/N, damn you cleaned your room" Demi giggles before closing the door behind her and sitting the DVDs next to the TV. "Since when do you clean?" she adds before pulling you in for a hug.

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