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So, today is the big day. The day she turns 40. God, she can't believe how old she is. It feels like yesterday that she was touring the world and living her dream, but now she's living a different dream; being a wife and mother.

Wilmer and Demi have just celebrated their 13th wedding anniversary and their daughter, Y/N, turned 15 a month ago. It's hard to believe that after everything her and Wilmer have been through over the years, they finally made it out the other side as a family.

"Good morning beautiful, happy birthday."

Turning to face her husband, a smile spreads across her face. She live for moments like this; cuddled up in his arms, his fingers running through her hair.

"Thank you baby" she replies, her voice still slightly raspy.

"What would my angel like for her breakfast then?" he asks, pecking her lips before climbing out of bed, leaving Demi wrapped up in the sheets.

"Hm, pancakes with syrup please" she smiles, giggling as Wilmer jokingly salutes her before making his way to the kitchen.

Every year on her birthday, Y/N comes rushing in with a homemade birthday card and she can't lie, it's one of her favourite parts of the day. There's almost a routine: Wilmer makes her breakfast in bed, Y/N comes through with her card, they all lay on the bed and talk for a while, and then decide what to do for the day. So to say she's taken aback when Wilmer comes back with her tray of breakfast and Y/N is nowhere to be seen is an understatement.

"Where's Y/N?" she asks, and watches as Wilmer diverts his gaze for a moment.

"Oh, uh she wasn't feeling well so went back to sleep. Cramps I think."

"Cramps?" she questions. "That's odd since her period was two weeks ago."

Wilmer cringes at the mention of their daughter's menstrual cycle which makes her giggle a little, but she can't help but feel hurt at the break in their routine.

"Don't look so sad mi hermosa" Wilmer sighs before sitting next to her, grabbing his own coffee from the tray. "Now eat up before your pancakes get cold and I steal them all."

Demi smiles in response, taking a bite of a pancake, all while wishing their daughter was with them.


You hate lying to your mom, but you need to in order for your plan to work out properly. Your dad's in on it as well so you just have to get through the majority of the day and then it'll be fine.

You've been faking cramps for a couple hours now and truth be told you're so bored. You just want to spend your mom's birthday how you always do but you have to hold out. Hearing a knock at your door, you mumble a quick acknowledgement and shut your eyes, burying half your face in the duvet.

"Hey baby, how're you feeling?" your mom asks, and when she runs her hand gently across your cheek it takes everything in you to not throw your arms around her.

"Sore" you reply, keeping your eyes closed.

"I thought it was your time of the month a couple weeks ago" she questions, and you internally groan. How did you manage to let that slip up happen. Stupid.

"I think I ate something bad last night or something. It's not my period."

Hoping she buys it, you steal a quick glance her way to see her barely smiling. God this is killing you.

"Okay, well your dad and I were wanting to see if you wanted to come out for some lunch but I guess you don't feel up to it?" she asks, and you can hear the hurt in her voice that you're obviously not going to make it out for her birthday.

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