Valentines Day

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"I hate valentine's day" you mumble while slumped on your sofa, flicking through netflix and having to shield your eyes from the countless movies based on the day you dread.

"Why?" your best friend Demi asks, stealing the remote from your hands to try and find something to watch.

"Because it's a constant reminder that I'm alone and that no one wants me" you admit, feeling stupid as the words leave your mouth. "I know I sound pathetic, but I'm sick and tired of hearing everyone say 'don't worry Y/N, you'll meet someone when the time is right' because that's honestly bullshit."

You look up at Demi, who's smiling at you with sympathetic eyes. She knows how insecure you feel in yourself. You've never had a valentine. Hell, you've never been in a relationship.

"I just don't feel good enough" you sigh while forcing down the lump in your throat.

"Oh Y/N, you are more than good enough" Demi replies softly while moving closer to you, pulling you into her side as you wipe away your tears.

"I'm not though Demi, no one ever sees me" you argue, clenching your eyes to stop more tears from falling. "God, I hate how much this shit affects me."

It's silent for a few minutes as Demi hugs you, letting you cry on her shoulder. You wish you could pinpoint what it is about yourself that doesn't appeal to anyone else, but the more you think about it the more depressed you feel.

"I see you."

You sniffle before looking up at your best friend, who is looking straight ahead, her hold on you the same.

"What?" you ask, and you can see Demi swallow before her hesitant eyes meet yours.

"I said" she starts, and you feel her arms tighten a little around your fragile frame. "I see you."

You stare at each other for a few seconds, your brain not quite following.

"I don't understand" you admit, shaking your head as you sit up, ultimately causing Demi to let go of you. You face her, and only then do you see that her eyes are glassy.

"You have no idea how much it hurts me to hear you always speak so low of yourself Y/N" she explains, and seeing her chin tremble only causes the lump to reappear in your throat.

"Demi I-"

"No" she interrupts, taking your hands in hers. "Y/N you are one of the kindest people I have ever come across in my life. You're funny, you're smart, you're beautiful."

You scoff at her last statement, earning yourself a glare in return.

"I mean it. I see all of these amazing things about you and I hate that I can't help you to see the same."

You drop your gaze, wanting nothing more than to be left alone to cry.

"It's not that easy Demi. Year in, year out, I have to watch all of these loved up couples experience so many amazing things together and as selfish as this sounds, it feels like a slap in the face."

"But you'll-"

"I know, I'll have that someday" you interrupt, knowing you're getting more and more upset. "I hate hearing that, because Demi, I love you but you have Wilmer. You don't know what this feels like."

Demi is about to respond, but you shake your head, signalling for her to let you get this out.

"I can't remember the last time I felt loved by someone. And not in the way that a parent loves their child, or a best friend loved their friend" you whisper, ignoring the glint of sadness in Demi's eyes. "Hell, the last time I had sex was years ago, and that was my first time! I was so desperate to be like everybody else and feel important to someone that I let a guy take my virginity and I never heard from him again."

Tears fall freely from your eyes as you feel Demi shuffle closer, holding your hands tightly.

"I know I shouldn't value myself with who I'm dating, or not dating. But I can't help it. It's really hard to go through your life, witnessing a life you always thought you'd have but in reality, you have nothing."

"Y/N, can I talk now?" Demi asks after giving you a moment to calm down. You can only nod in response.

"Before you say I dont understand, I do. Yes, I have Wilmer, but I didn't always have him. For so many years, I craved what you're wanting now. I slept with anyone who showed a slight interest, knowing full well that they only wanted my body" Demi explains, and you keep your eyes down, unable to look at her. You feel too vulnerable. "Never in my life did I think I would find someone like him. I thought exactly what you're feeling now. But I promise you, someone will come along. When the time is right."

You shake your head, frustrated at hearing the same old bullshit line.

"Don't do that" she says, and you look up at her. Her eyes are sad. "Don't dismiss it because you don't agree. You're so caught up in your own sadness that you can't see what I see." You just stare at her, not knowing what to say back. "And who gives a fuck if you haven't had sex in years? That literally means nothing."

"But I feel like I'm not attractive to anyone" you argue.

"I know you Y/N, and I know that you are not the type of person who can just meet someone and go and hook up. And that's okay."

"Is it though? Everyone else is."

"And you're not everyone else. You're Y/N" she smiles, squeezing your hands. You can't even offer a smile back. "I promise you, when you're meant to, you will meet the person for you. But until then, you need to work on you. Your confidence is so low Y/N, you wouldn't be able to cope with a relationship when you hold such little self worth for yourself."

"I know" you whimper, feeling another round of tears hit you as you collapse into your best friend's arms.

"I got you, it's okay" Demi reassures you, and you nod your head.

You just wish you believed her.

Authors Note - Kind of depressing but I'm feeling depressed so we're just gonna roll with it lmao. Fuck Valentine's day.

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