Chapter 5

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Jada's POV

I woke up this morning it's Saturday so that means me and Kayla are meeting my dad, his new girlfriend an her kids. I got out the bed and walked into my bathroom to do my hygiene routine.

I came out 30 minutes later and got out, I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my black bra n pantie set, then put on my white fitted mini dress that came slightly above my knee. Grabbing my sandals I put them on and my jewelry.

I walked out the room and went to get Kayla dressed she had on a hot pink sundress and gold and hot pink sandals. While I was in her room I put her hair in a tight donut bun, while I worn min in a high ponytail.

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday with August and I. I was on such a high, it felt so good, him inside me, me riding him. It was all so great. I craved more.

I sound like a whole side chick but shit, I didn't even care.

We were in the car and Kayla and I got hungry so I went to McDonalds and got us some food.

As we waited outside in the reserved parking, my phone vibrated and it was a text from Ryan. I knew Ryan was a nice guy but I knew he was not the guy for me or maybe he was.

From: Ryan
Hey beautiful😉
Sent at 3:45pm

To: Ryan
Hey, What's up?
Sent at 3:47pm

From: Ryan
I wanna take you out soon.
Sent at 3:50pm

To: Ryan
Sure, just let me know.
Sent at 3:55pm

From: Ryan
Ight babygirl. How's next Saturday?
Sent at 3:56pm

To: Ryan
That's fine.
Sent at 4:01pm

From: Ryan
Ight ima hit you later beautiful.
Sent at 4:03pm

"Number 369" I looked up from my phone and rolled down my window.

"Yes, that's us." She handed me my bags and our drinks before walking back inside. I backed out of the parking space and made my way to my father and his new family's house.

We pulled up to this nice house and I seen 2 familiar cars, I just shook it off and went up to the house. Maybe it wasn't who I was thinking. Tons of people have those cars.

I knocked twice on the door before seeing my father appear in sight. He opened his arms for us to hug him, I hesitated but gave in.

"How have you two been?" He asked trying to make conversation.

" Good. Uh so where is are the other kids?"

He nodded and went to get them. Kayla and I sat down and started eating our food, we finished right on cue cause my father came back down with people behind him. He moved out the way and my mouth Damn near hit the floor.

His girlfriend is Monica's mom.

I got up from the table and walked outside. It's bad enough August is here, I didn't need to be feeling flutters in my vagina right now.

Few moments later I hear footsteps coming my way, I turn around and see Monica's mom and my dad.

"Hey, are you okay sweetie?"

"I'm fine just shocked. That's all." In all honesty I was shocked but I needed to get away from August.

"So, what's your name?"

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