Chapter 24

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Jada POV

Tonight I decided to have a little get together, nothing crazy just a few friends over.

I was just leaving my moms house from seeing her and picking up Kayla. I've grown very close to my mom which is crazy considering she left me as a child and just came back into my life.

It was crazy how much we were alike. It was scary almost. I loved our relationship and it was something that honestly saved me. Meeting my mother and building a relationship with her, saved me from my darkest moments.

I was now living on my own and I had to admit, I was doing pretty well for myself. I was proud of myself to say the least.

I invited Angela over even tho I was still pretty hurt, I learned that the only way for me to be truly happy was to forgive.

I spent the whole day cleaning and getting laundry done. My ass was not finna cook so I ordered food which should get here by the time everyone else does.

I was satisfied how everything looked and went to go shower.

"Kayla I'll be right back." She nodded off playing on her phone. It didn't take me long, maybe 20 minutes.

Once I was dressed I heard the doorbell ring. I made it to the steps opening the door it was the food. I paid the guy, as I was shutting the door everyone started to arrive.

Turning around to put down the food, I left the door open so that they could get in.

"Wazzam love." I heard August loud mouth ass.

"Aye! Family!" I turned around laughing at Chris. These niggas were always loud for no damn reason.

"Please tell me why the two of you are so damn loud." I shook my head walking into the living room. 

"Chris, remember you was supposed to pay me?" I heard Kayla call Chris out. I let them hash it out while I laughed. Kayla came back to me showing me how she hustled Chris out of $50.

Chris was over on the couch pouting, I laughed even harder.

"You really let this girl hustle you out of $50? Playing card games tho." I shook my head. August had left to go pick up his nieces so that Kayla had someone to play with.

It was also cause Kayla finessed $40 off of August. Baby was collecting all the coins. I know that's right!

It took them about 25 minutes before August made it back with his nieces.

"Jada!" I smiled, these girls were my favorites. They were so full of energy and life, Kayla loved when the were around. It made her happy to be around kids she knew.

As long as she was happy, I was happy.

Nyla and Angela came into the kitchen as I was putting the food together on plates for the kids.

"Hey mama, whatchu in here doing?"

"Getting the girls food. Y'all ready to eat?" I looked at them both. Angela and I still haven't actually talked yet but it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would.

They both nodded their heads, grabbing themselves a plate. I looked in the living room about to call everyone else in but the girls were kicking ass.

I laughed pulling my phone out recording them. August and Chris was no match for these girls. I stopped recording and posted it on Instagram.

"Come eat!" The girls immediately stopped, running full speed into the kitchen. I handed off their plates and grabbed one for myself.

I started to eat my food and engage in everyone's conversations , I know that today is August's last day in Atlanta before he goes off to his meeting, which could result in him moving out there.

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