Chapter 8

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4 days later..

August POV

After Jada sent me them pictures I confronted Monica and this girl looked me dead in my face and lied to my ass. If it was one thing I hated. It was definitely a liar.

It was crazy how she tried to play me tho. I really didn't too much care for it tho anyway. Every time I turned around it was drama with Jada and Monica.

It was never a day when they was fighting or arguing. Shit was annoying as fuck.

I got up out my bed, went into my bathroom to so my hygiene thing.I walked out while brushing my teeth, I walked into my closet, grabbed a plain white T-shirt, a pair of my true religion shorts and threw on my legend blues.

I finished brushing my teeth. Threw my chains on and made my way downstairs.

"Good Mawnin' son." I seen my mama in the kitchen cooking up something. Ian have too much time to eat so I just snatched a piece of toast and finessed it.

"Good Mawnin' ma, I'a see you later." I kissed ha check and hopped in my car.

Jada POV

I woke up feeling great. I wasn't in a bad mood. I was honestly happy. I didn't too much care for all the bullshit that's been happening these past few days.

I knew I had bigger problems. One being my attitude, my temper, my reactions. They all needed some work and I was willing to put in the time to make it work.

I need to learn how to not let things that piss me off for no longer than five minutes ruin my day.

There was literally no point, if I wasn't gonna care too much for it in the next hour, it wasn't worth it.

I can admit when I was wrong, I know I was wrong for entertaining the situation but hey it is what it is.

I know for sure I was definitely wrong for sleeping with August twice while he had a girlfriend that's trashy.

I was wrong cause I let her get to me and I can't keep allowing her to get under my skin. Im over her bullshit, and that's on growth.

I got out my bed, walked into the bathroom and did my hygiene routine.

Once I was done I did my makeup and hair. I wore it in brushed out curls. I put on my grey crop top hoodie with my skinny jeans and optical white converses.

I walked down stairs and greeted my family.

"Jada, it's almost your birthday!" She was more excited about it probably than I was.

"I know mama, I got one week. I'm running late, I gotta go." I smiled grabbing a bacon egg, and cheese bagel that my mom had made.

"Love you Jada, have fun at school."

"I love y'all, big good big head okay" I kissed both of their cheeks and walked outside.

"I will." I walked out and got into my cherry red Audi. I picked up Angela and we headed to school.

August POV

I seen Jada get out the car with Angela. I walked over with Chris while they sucked each other's faces off.

"Yeah cause yall the only motherfuckers standing here."

"Yo ass always hatin." I laughed shaking my head.

Jada shook her head and laughed. I was surprised she ain't say nothing, she always had something to say. It looked like she wanted to say something but she didn't. I didn't push cause we aren't on good terms and I didn't want to have her hate me any more than she did. I walked away heading to my locker.

I heard arguing, I groaned already knowing who it was I walked over to where all the noise was coming from standing next to Chris and Angela.

"You are one thot ass bitch you seen your dude kissing me and just had to go for August." You could see in Jada's body language she was fighting the urge to fight.

"Do you think I care what you think Monica? You words don't bother me, I'm done. I'm done fighting you over bullshit. All I've done was fight you and I'm over it. You've done nothing but try to pick a fight and when I beat ya ass the last few times you still wanna fight like what are you trying to prove that you can't fight?"

Jada started walking away, when the bell rang and we all headed to class until Monica blurted out something that caught us all off guard.

"Well at least I didn't lose my virginity to my mama's ex boyfriend." She blurted out.

As soon as those words left her mouth, the whole are got quiet.

"I was raped, do you know what it feels like to know that I have to be reminded about it? No you don't so shut the fuck up. I would have never...I mean never said some shit like that to or about you. Let alone say it I front of all these people...not matter how much I didn't like you!"

"It slipped out I swear I didn't mean it." Jada shook her head.

"Please, save it you're dead to me." She pushed through the crowd. We all looked Monica in disgust.

"You're a weak bitch for that. Why would you even think of saying something like that?" When it came to Jada, Angela was always making sure to back her up.

Everyone walked away to class. We all walked into class, Jada was in the back at an empty table alone.

I felt for her, shouldn't nobody have to be reminded of no foul shit like that.

We made our over to the table, she was looking out the window quietly. I knew she was crying but she ain't want nobody to know.

"You okay Ma?" I know stupidest question I could've asked.

"I'm fine." She said just above a whisper.

"C'mon Jada I know you better than that." I hugged her and she cried quietly into my chest. I lifted her chin up with my index finger. I wiped her tears with my thumb. I was honestly sad for her, this shit was foul.

I kissed her forehead and hugged her. We honestly wasn't paying attention to shit in this class.

Jada POV

To say I was embarrassed was an understatement. I know I've said I few foul things in my life that I wasn't happy of but throwing the fact the someone was raped, I'd never cross that line.

That shit triggered me, what triggered me more was the fact that she knew. The only people in the world who knew about that, was my parents.

The fact that she could possibly only know is from my father. That is what really had me fucked up. I tried my best the whole day to just forget about the whole situation.

"Jada, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to say that." I looked up and just ignored her. I didn't know why she bothered to try and plead her case to me.


"Stop fucking talking to me. You said what you said. It's taking everything in me to not punch you in your mouth. Leave me the fuck alone. Damn." I slapped my hand on the table completely over the entire conversation.

The rest of the day really was just boring as hell. I just did all my work, and just stayed to myself. I didn't want to talk to anyone and I didn't want anyone talking to me.

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