Chapter 19

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Jada POV

Today they had us wearing Chris so the theme was black and white. This school is so different lol.

I seen Angela, August, Chris, and Lani. I don't know why she was standing there. It's not like any of us were friends with her.  I walked up and pecked Augusts lips.

"Hey y'all." I hugged Chris and Ang while we all started walking.

"Can't speak?" I chose to ignore her, she was not about to ruin my perfectly good day.

"You went all out on ya shirt huh?" I smiled at Angela seeing her rep her man.

"Yes girl! You know I had to show babe the most love." Their relationship was so cute.

"A nigga look good, no cap." I laughed as we playfully pushed him.

"What we finna do for lunch?"

"Now Chris, it's 9:35am, why yo mind on lunch already." I laughed at the two of them.

"Shit, a nigga hungry."

"Popeyes!" This New Orleans ass nigga loved him some damn Popeyes. I wish I could go get some Popeyes.

"Can't go. Lunch detention." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh shit I forgot about that." August laughed thinking he was funny or something.

"You think you Mr. Comedian huh love?" I looked at him about to laugh.

"I'm done baybeh, gimme some love." I smiled kissing him before I jumped up on his back.

We all walked into class with Lani still behind us. I caught on to how she made quick friends with Monica and Keisha.

"Today we will be watching a few short documentary clips, I want you all taking notes. Your exam for this class will be coming up. A few of you still need to complete you're test from last week." I groaned knowing I was one of them.

"Jada, Will, Corey, Taylor, Please come up and grab your test. Please sit in the back of the room spread out." I grabbed my test doing as he said going to the back.

It took me all of class to finish my test. I was definitely the type that took all the time they could before handing their test in.

The bell rang as I turned in my test. I walked over to grab my things and head out the door. While we were walking down the hallway, Lani bumped passed me.

I snatched her arm back making her turn around.

"Bitch strike one, learn some manners before you get smacked the fuck up." I looked at her with a mug before walking away.

"Yeah, whatever." I laughed and shook my head cause she just don't know who she playing with.

We walked into our next class together and sat down.

"I swear Jada walk in here everyday with new shoes every week. I'm starting to think you rich or something." I laughed at Chris.

I didn't even know we was on the topic of shoes since I walked behind them because of Lani being smart.

"Nah my feet just small, some old I just can still fit them." I shrugged.

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