Chapter 16

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Jada POV

I miss LA so much! I really had so much fun, more fun than I had in years. I was at peace, ugh I miss it lol.

I was chillin on my bed watching YouTube when Ang texted me asking about the mall. Now she know I'd never turn down going to the mall. Since I was already dressed i threw on a pair of Air Force 1s. I grabbed everything I needed and locked the house up getting in my car. While I was in LA I had met this girl her name is melody and her father owns a record label.

I knew Chris and August loved to sing, Chris loved to dance too so I was trying to plan out something for them all to meet or be able to get them noticed.

I didn't want them doing what they do know forever.


I walked to where everybody was standing greeting them.

"Wassup y'all?"

"My nigga!" Chris dapped me up. It's so funny because Chris and I were like brother and sister like we had this umbrella lie bond. He was definitely like my guy best friend.

He was the person I would go to if Angela wasn't there. He was like my safe space friend. Everyone should have one.

We all laughed and started walking around the mall.

"We about to got hit a few stores, y'all gon be cool?" August asked gesturing between Keisha, Angela, and myself.

Not even on no shady shit, I really didn't even notice Keisha here.

"No I'll go with y'all." She said looking me up an down. I just laughed because seriously what more do you want? You have the nigga that I had so what other issue could you have with me?

I just shook my head not even worried about them.

"Girl hell no you coming with us. Why you always tryna run from us like we gon bite yo ass or something?"

"Shit I might." I shrugged not really talking to anyone in particular just wanting to get on with my day. I came here to shop and that's what I plan on doing.

Chris nudged me and chuckled I shook my head joining him.

Keisha looked at us and rolled her eyes. I was really getting fed up with this bitch.

"Mane, what's yo problem? You been eyeing my ass since I got here damn. Do you need something?" I raised my eyebrows. She just rolled her eyes again. I was not about to deal with this.

I turned on my heels and walked into Victoria Secret. I was looking through the underwear seeing there deal a bout to go in.

A few moments later I noticed Angela and August's girlfriend walk in. I rolled my eyes continuing to shop.

Once I got done picking out underwear clothing, I moved to the tops, bottoms, and smell goods picking a few things.

I payed for my items and waited until the two of them were done so we could go into footlocker.

I picked out three pair of shoes, two pair of Jordan's, and a pair of converse. Believe it or not, converse were my second favorite pair of shoes.

Once we all paid we walked out the store.

"I'm going to the bathroom." We both nodded walking behind her sitting down on the bench.

"So, you happy to be back?" She smiled.

"Honestly, I miss LA. I was so at peace. I wasn't worried about this drama with August, I got to grief over my mother. I was free when I was out there. Being back feels like nothing but bad memories." I shrugged.

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