Chapter 12

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Jada POV

My phone was ringing with text messages, it was one from my dad, and one from August.

I opened August first, just wanting to know what he wanted.

From: Yung👀
I'm really not in the mood to argue Jada, but why do you constantly have to fight ever girl I end up with? Why you don't want me happy?
Sent at 4:53pm

To: Yung👀
Your girlfriends are always so quick to pop off at the mouth. August you know me! You know I want nothing more than for everyone to be happy.
Sent at 4:56

From: Yung👀
Well it don't too much seem like you want me happy. I let you rock out with that nigga Ryan. Just do the same for me ma.😩
Sent at 4:58pm

I was completely over this conversation now. I was over August.

To: Yung👀
Okay. I'll let you rock out but I won't EVER take disrespect from any of your lil girlfriends. & Aug, once I'm off you..ain't no coming back.
Sent at 5:00pm

I opened my dads text message and immediately got sad all over again.

From: Father
Come to the hospital, it's time.
Sent at 4:50pm

I knew exactly what he was talking about. I sent him a quick okay and pulled out of the hair salon parking lot.

August POV

After texting Jada and reading her last message, I knew I fucked up a good thing with her. She was right, I didn't treat her like a friend and that's nobody fault but mine.

I knew I loved Jada, shit I always did. I just never knew how to treat her. I always seemed to fuck up with Jada.

I had a lot of growing to do.

"Baby do you love me?" I looked at Keisha like her ass ahead two heads.

"It's too early for that ma." I said in all seriousness. I didn't love her and honestly I probably never would.

"Sorry about how I handled things with your friend." I shook my head.

"It's whatever. She's good."

"Well I want to fight, she punched me and ain't give me a chance to fight back before she left." I laughed to myself this girl was just dumb.

"Nah, leave Jada alone. Don't say shit to her."

"Well I still want to get my lick back." I just laughed this time out loud.

"Go head and be hardheaded if you want to ma."

I started scrolling through my Instagram, I seen a post Jada made it was her in a swimsuit. I glanced at her caption and it said "LA I'm ready for you."

The fuck do that mean?

I didn't dwell on it too bad. Keisha start rubbing on a nigga, I got following her to her room. You know what time it is.

Keisha POV

August is a damn fool if he think I'm just going to sit back and let the drama go when his ex girlfriend of what five hours puts her hands on me.

I was ready to beat that bitch up. Jada thinks she this high maintenance, Barbie doll that can't be touched. It's time to knock her off her high horse.

After me and August got done with our back blowing sex, I sat up on the bed.

"You still love Jada?" He looked at me like he was trying to see if I was kidding.

"I'm gonna always love Jada. She was my friend before anything." He shrugged as if that meant nothing.

"I just don't want you to leave me for her."

"We ain't gotta worry about that right now tho." I nodded and he made his way to the bathroom.

Jada POV

I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital getting out meeting my father and Kayla at the door.

I knew that I'd leave here feeling empty, I was dreading going in.

"You ready.."

"I'll never be ready."

Walking into the hospital, I hated it. I always hated hospitals tho, it was always some sad shit happening.

We made it to the room, when we walked inside it was quiet and cold. I maneuvered my way pass Kayla and my father.

I looked down at the bed, they had her body bagged up already. It was too much to take in at once. My mother...the woman who raised me, the woman who molded me into who I am. My best friend, my everything.

She was gone. I was lost in this moment. I didn't know what to even do from now on.

I grabbed Kayla and we walked out. This wasn't something for a child her age to have to go through, to witness.

I let my father have his time with my mother before he came out and hugged both of us.

We stood in silence, you could hear the sniffles passed through the circle, the nurses that walked by talking about coffee dates.

It was as if everything was moving in slow motion.

My father filled out all the paperwork necessary before we all left. I hugged Kayla, and hopped in my car going home.

I was turning 18 tomorrow, I was then leaving to go to Miami and LA. Everything seemed to be moving so fast.

I new sooner or later I'd have to come to terms with the fact that my mom was gone but I couldn't.

I couldn't cry, of course I was sad but I couldn't cry. It was like her death hasn't hit me yet.

I wasn't sure when it would but I didn't want it to, I wanted this to just be a dream that I'll soon wake up from.

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