Chapter 17

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Jada POV

It was back to Monday. I was so tired, but I new I needed to be up at school. I was about to brush my teeth when my phone went off. I wrapped my towel around me cutting the water off going to my room.

I unlocked it and seen 10 missed calls and 16 messages they were all from August. I rolled my eyes and ignored them. I locked my phone back and brushed my teeth.

I'm done with his shit. He continuously hurt me, and my forgiving ass always let his no good ass back in. I grabbed my bra, underwear and deodorant stick putting them on before folding my towel to hang it up.

It was kind of chilly today so I put on my all black one piece, an oversized jean jacket, I grabbed some Nike socks crunching them up at the ankles and put on my wave runner yeezys.

My hair was all over the place so I gave myself a side part, brushing my hair into a low slick back bun with a swoop.

Grabbing my keys, my phone, and my book bag. I got in my car heading to school. I made sure to stop at McDonald's first. I was so hungry lol.


August POV

I've been trying to get in touch with Jada for hours. Everybody think I'm the fucking bad guy when I'm not. I never sent that message to Jada.

I forgot my phone at Keisha's house when I went to get ready for the party. I didn't think her ass was gonna go in my phone and do no shit like that.

I broke up with her last night, cause that shit wasn't cool at all.

I was pissed at Jada for think I would've done some shit like that but in all honesty if I was Jada I wouldn't put shit pass me.

I've treated her like shit and that text message was probably all she need to be done with a nigga. I know I've done some fucked up shit but I was serious when I apologized to her on her birthday. When Angela told me about how Jada felt, I felt bad.

I just don't know what a nigga can do about it, especially now. This shit was so fucked up now. Jada is a beautiful girl, and she deserves the world. I just can't seem to stop fucking up.

I got a big ass heart and I love Jada, I just fuck with these hoes because I know I don't have to really give my heart to them. With Jada it's a whole different story.

She been there for me since a nigga was in third grade. She always pushed a nigga to do the right thing no matter what. She was there for me in my darkest times and I did nothing but break her heart over and over.

The bell rang knocking me out of my thoughts. I sat up in my chair tapping my pencil against my desk. I haven't seen Jada all morning and I was starting to get worried.

"Okay class today we are taking our final exams for this semester it will be everything we learned about through out the year." He passed out the exam. We still had like a month left of school. They loved to do everything early.

Once he walked to the front of the class we all knew to start our test. The test wasn't hard at all.

The bell rang letting us know to stop. We turned our papers in and walked out. Chris, Angela, Nyla, Kirk, and myself made small talk while we walked in the halls towards math class. I turned my head and seen Jada walking towards the same class. I guess Angela caught her too, we both called out for her.

"Jada!" She looked at us and turned away continuing to walk away. I understand she was mad at me but shit, she was cool with everyone else.

"Girl I know you heard me." Angela yelled as we caught up to her. She looked like she was crying. It seemed like she's been doing a lot of crying these past few months.

"I seen my mom today." She looked past us, I didn't think she was looking at anything in particular.

"You went to her grave? We could've came with you." Nyla rubbed her back.

"No I saw my mom. She ain't dead at all. Ion know if I'm supposed to be happy or mad as fuck, but I'm definitely mad as fuck! She lied to me." She shook her head. I stood there in shock not knowing what to say or even do in this situation.

"How you know?" I looked at Angela blankly.

"What do you mean? I seen her with my own two eyes. I called her name. She looked at me, and hurried off. She lied to me." I was so damn confused about how her mama even got this shit to happen and why it happened.

Cause what's the point of faking your death and coming back? Don't you fake a death to get away and never come back?

Nyla pulled her into a hug while the rest of us comforted her. This shit was wild as hell. We all hugged her while letting her cool off before walking into class.

She pulled away from us, fixing herself up. I took that time to admire her. She was a gorgeous girl, that been through so much.

"Okay everyone, there will be a new student arriving tomorrow. She needs to be shown around. Jada, Principal Jackson has requested you to show her around." He handed her a slip of paper.

The rest of the day Jada wasn't saying anything. Which I didn't blame her cause who would know what to say. I knew I needed to get Jada alone to speak to her about the message but I didn't even know if today was a good day for allat.

After the next three classes it was time for lunch. I pulled Jada to the side.

"What are you doing August?"

"I want to talk to you." She shook her head and tried to pull away from me.

"You said what you need to say, please it's no need to kick me while I'm down." She sighed realizing I wasn't letting up.

"I didn't send you that text message. I promise you."

"Then who sent it?" She asked me not believing me.

"Keisha sent it, I left my phone at her house by accident, I didn't care too much cause I was going right back. I meant what I said when I said I was sorry Jada."


"I know..I haven't gave you any reason to believe me but its true honest to God. I never sent that. I don't want you gone. I love you." She quickly looked up at me. Realizing what I said, it was too late for me to go back on it. Not that I wanted to.

"I'm sorry for throwing my drink on you." I laughed pulling her into a hug.

"Don't even worried about it. You could've done worse." We both laughed and walked back into the cafeteria while she told me about her trip in LA.

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