Chapter 14

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*short chapter*

Jada POV

Last nigh was such as success. I had so much fun. I sat up on my bed thinking about leaving. This was good for me.

I pulled myself from under the covers and made my bed. I jumped in the shower, doing all of my hygiene routine. I was in the bathroom for a good 20 minutes, before I stepped out and started dressed.

My flight was at 9:00am, it was 6:05am, so far I was on time, which is great. I simply through on a matching bra and panty set. I grabbed some black leggings, a white tank top, and a black hoodie.

I wasn't really in the mood for make up so I skipped it. I had made sure my luggage was downstairs by the door last night so I wouldn't forget anything.

I put my hair in a very slick back bun with a part down the middle. I played with my hair a little letting the curls come out in certain places.

I smiled when I was satisfied with the outcome. I put on my jewelry and sprayed my favorite Chanel perfume.

Once I had everything together, I my wallet, phone, keys, and sunglasses in my purse. I took a glance at the phone seeing it was 6:45am.

Chris, Angela, and August wanted to drive me to the airport so I texted Chris telling him I was ready since he was the one driving.

I double checked my suitcases making sure I had absolutely everything. Just as I was done doing that I was about to get some food but they were outside.

Took them niggas long enough, it was already 7:15am. The guys put my suitcase in the trunk while Angela and I hopped in the car.

Originally I was going to bring Kayla but she wasn't on break so she's be missing so much school. I was going to miss my little sister so much.

"Thanks again for dropping me off guys."

"It ain't nothing." I nodded putting my headphones in dozing off a little. I wasn't a morning person, I didn't like waking up early for anything.

I felt August nudging me, I looked out the window seeing that we made it to the airport. I lived about about 35 minutes give or take from the airport, so I got a nice little nap in but this plane ride was about to be a different story.

They came with me to the seating area while I waited until my plane was called.

I looked over and seen Angela pouting.

"I'm gonna miss you Jay." I smiled.

"Ima miss you too but I'm not gonna be gone long, well unless I plan on staying there." I shrugged.

"Yeah okay, we gon see." I laughed.

"Seriously tho, I'm coming back in a week. It'll be straight." We all hugged each other.

"Let me talk to you." I looked at August who nudged me on the low. I looked up and walked a few feet away from Angela and Chris.

"Ima miss you fat head." I laughed pinching his arm.

"Hey! I'm not even gonna be gone long anyways. Y'all act like I'm moving there or something." Clingy asses.

"You like to disappear and shit. Nobody got time for allat." I laughed cause it was true.

"I'm coming back." I shook my head.

"Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 22A to Miami. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you." I listened to the lady over the speaker and looked at my friends. I blew out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Well I should get ready to go get in line." I hugged them all once more.

"I love you! Have a safe trip." Angela hugged me tightly.

"Send us pictures, and enjoy it sis." I nodded my head at Chris.

"Text me when you land." I looked over at August and nodded.

"I will, I love you guys, see you later!" I made my way to the gate.

The plane finally landed about a half hour ago. I was in a Uber to get to my hotel. I texted everyone letting them know I made it safely.

"Thank you." I shut the door of the car and walked into the building.

This hotel was really beautiful.

"Hi, I'm checking in for Jada Harris." I smiled.

"Great, one second." I waited for her to give me my card then made my way upstairs.

Once I walked into the room I was in awe, it was better than the pictures. I smiled taking all my luggage to the room.

My phone buzzed in my pocket with a notification. It was from google photos.

"One year ago? Hmm." I clicked it and once I did a wave of sadness rushed on me. I started at the picture until my vision got blurry.

"Mommy..." I cried. I could no longer hold back the tears. My mother was really gone.

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