Chapter 21

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2weeks later..

Jada POV

Ever since the night at my grandmas house, my life hasn't really been the same. I talk to my birth mom a lot. She's really trying to make things right with me and I want that so Im trying just as hard.

I dragged myself out of bed, heading towards my shower. It took me a good 20 minutes to do my hygiene routine. Once I was done I got dressed in a pair of black jeans, a peach colored shirt that matched my inertia yeezys.

As always my socks were scrunched at the ankles. I put on some hoops and brushed my hair into a slick back bun with a swoop. Literally my go to.

I put lotion on my arms and legs before I put anything on. I looked over myself, I decided on no makeup, and lip gloss.

Grabbing my phone and book bag, I had everything I needed to head out for school.

I had some news I wanted to share with August and Chris is was super excited about it.

Before I hoped out of my car, I looked at my phone that lit up with a text message from Angela. She was telling me to meet her at her locker. I shrugged and went to where she was.

I felt so much tension for some reason as I walked up to Angela, who was with Chris and August.

"Hey guys, Hey babe." I tried kissing him and he moved away. I scrunched my face at his attitude.

"So anyways what's up? Why we meeting here?" Chris looked disappointed, August looked disgusted like he couldn't even look at me. Angela just looked pissed. I was so confused.

"You tell us what's up Jada." She spat with so much anger. I raised an eyebrow. Who was this girl talking to?

"Excuse me?"

"We heard about chu." I cocked my head to the side honestly intrigued in what was about to come out of one of there mouths next.

"You so damn fake. You a good ass actress too. We've been cool for how long and you start moving like a snake. Since when did you start talking shit behind backs?"

"Mane, what the fuck are you talking about?" I felt myself getting mad. These mfs were pissing me off. "Like c'mon now, you know me. In fact you know me too well to think if I got some shit to say Ima say it behind ya damn back."

"That's the problem, I thought I knew you. Then you cheating on August, after all the bitching you did about him cheating on you." My eyes got wide. Angela was definitely barking up the wrong tree right now and she knew that shit all too well.

"You foul as fuck dawg." August finally spoke for the first time. I just scoffed.

"You know what, fuck it. Whoever you heard this bullshit from, go hear it again. I know what the fuck I do and don't do. Fuck y'all." I looked at them all up in down in disgust. If it wasn't one thing, it was a fucking nother.

"Messy ass bitch." Angela scoffed.

"I'm not gonna be too many bitches Ang. So stop fucking disrespecting me like you don't know how I get down." I walked away hearing the bell ring.

I felt the tears coming and trust me, these were definitely NOT tears of sadness. Im not a weak bitch, I know how to be alone. I never needed friends, I was always my own fucking friend, I had no choice. I was angry though! I was pissed off. I wanted to kill every last one of them right now for playing on my character like that.

I felt my body heating up, I've never been this mad before.

Not once have I ever moved like a snake, I was always there for them. I had they backs when nobody did. They crashed at my house when shit was bad at home. I gave my last to them without them even knowing it. I gave so much, and get this bullshit excuse of a friendship back in return.

I looked at them seeing them laughing with Monica, Keisha, and Lani. My boil began to boil. All I was seeing was red. My vision was so clouded because of my crying. They probably thought I was upset and my feelings were hurt, It was way worse than that. I wanted to choke every single one of them.

I closed my eyes feeling myself spin. I was getting a massive headache. They all walked away when the bell rang, I couldn't move. I felt my legs giving out on me, the last thing I heard was the principal telling me to get to class before everything went black.

10 hours later...

I woke to bright ass lights shining in my face. I looked around, I was hooked up to machines, there were bears and cards, filling the chairs. The doctor walked in noticing me awake.

"It's very good to see you awake Ms. Harris. You had a lot of people very scared." He referred to my mom, August, Angela, and Chris. I scoffed seeing the sight of them.

"The reason you blacked out was due to high stress, and dehydration. I need you to take it easy for now on, and make sure your drinking lots of water." He smiled. I nodded my head letting him know I understand.

"When can I go home?"

"Well you've been here for quite some time, I'm letting you go home today but please remember what I said."

"I will." I smiled softly. He told me he was going to get my discharge papers together, even though I was 18, I had my mom sign them.

She had left the room leaving me with these three no good ass people I called friends.

I turned my body so that my back was facing them. What were they even here for?

"What do you want? Get the fuck out." I groaned hearing someone clear there throat.

"We just wanted to check on you." August spoke up. I scoffed.


"Well, I think we need a break from each other. All of us." Angela had grown herself some big ass balls.

Way to kick a bitch while she's down. I just shook my head these three were pathetic.

"Is that all? Anymore kicking you want to do before you leave?"

"Nah." I heard the door open and didn't close right after, it was cracked. I heard August and Chris talking in the hallway.

"C'mon mane, ain't no way you believe that shit they saying."

"I don't." I tried blocking them out.

"We all went off without the facts, Jada gon hate us forever bruh." I threw one of the pillows as hard as I could at the door so it could shut.

Seconds later I heard the door open then shut again.

"You said all that you needed to. GET OUT!" I groaned.

"It's me baby." I heard my moms sweet voice. I just sighed.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you ready to go?" I nodded my head.

I signed my name on the papers as well, leaving them on my bed while I got dressed. My mama helped me get all the cards and such together.

She dropped me home and I just went to the shower, and got in bed.

My phone went off with a text message I opened it, it was from Angela. I immediately rolled my eyes.

From: Angela🧚🏾‍♀️
I think it's best if we aren't friends anymore, you were obviously happy in LA. Go back, it's clear you need to get your head right.
Sent at 7:30pm

Was she serious right now? I was completely over all of this bullshit.

To: Angela🧚🏾‍♀️
Fuck you, disrespectfully.
Sent at 7:36pm.

She really had me all the way fucked up like I was supposed to get down on my knees and beg for they friendship. Fuck outta here.

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