Chapter 11

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Jada POV

"Are you ready now Jada? I'm hungry." Kayla whined as if I was taking forever. I opened the door out the store seeing Kayla with a little attitude.

"Girl get outta here." I laughed as we made our way to the car.

I waited til she was strapped in to close the door and get in the drivers seat.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Pizza!" I laughed this girl loved pizza. She could eat pizza all day, everyday.

I pulled up to the closet pizza place which was Anthony's. It was my favorite since I was a little girl.

I pulled into the Anthony's parking lot, the smell from outside was definitely making me hungry.

I sound so greedy lol.

We walked and walked straight to the front of the store since there wasn't a line.

I ordered for Kayla and myself. The wait was literally like 15 minutes.

I heard Kayla say Chris' name, I looked up to where she was looking before she ran over. I scrunched up my nose because it was Chris, Angela, August, and the girl I seen him with yesterday.

The only thing I was confused about was why were Angela and Chris laughing it up with the girl, that seemed mad fake to me.

Chris was Ed me over to the table. I hesitated but ended up going.

"Why you get here so late?" Angela looked up at me.

"I wasn't told to come here." I looked around confused on what she was talking about.

"Keisha said she texted you and told you the time, since she set this up." I looked at Angela like she was stupid. Right now she was acting stupid.

"How did dishes text me and she doesn't have my number. She doesn't even know me. C'mon now." I rolled my eyes.

"What did you lie for? Chris looked up at Keisha eating his pizza.

"It was a little white lie." I just laughed. He knew exactly how to pick em.

"'What's the beef? Cause you don't even know me." I laughed even more. This was entertaining.

"Bitch you're a hoe, I have no beef with nothing." She said it with so much confidence. I found it quite amusing.

"I'm not gonna be too many bitches."

"Bitch. Bitch Bitch. You're a bitch, and ya moms a bitch." I sat my phone down on the table and took my book bag off.

"Chill y'all we in public." I looked at Angela like she had two heads, she was pissing me off too.

"Whatchu said? Say it again for me." I sat my hands on the table.

"I said, you're a bitch and so is your mother." As soon as that sentence was over my fist connected with her mouth.

Popped her ass right in the mouth. I don't know where August keep finding these hoes and who these hoes take me for but I'm not the one.

I heard Kayla started to cry. She hated violence and I hate that I even was doing this in front of her I grabbed my things and turned on my heels.

"Yeah bitch, get your weak ass out of here. Shut that damn kid up to." Kayla was someone I really didn't play about. If it was one thing you wasn't gonna do, you wasn't finna disrespect her.

Kayla is like my child. When it came to her all bets where off. I tried attacking Keisha but Chris jumped in front of me and August jumped up.

"Jada, chill!" I looked at him like he was fucking crazy.

"September, just shut the fuck up."

I waited til Chris guard was down and went under his arm and punched the fuck out of Keisha.

Her ass ain't say shit else after that. These bitches gonna learn to stop fucking with me.

I grabbed Kayla and walked out with our food. After I calmed her down it was time to calm myself down.

I really wanted to know why these bitches always wanted beef with me, I was chill as hell.

I pulled out my phone and texted Chris, and Angela in a group chat.

To: Angela🧚🏾‍♀️
I find it funny how you was sittin all in that bitch face, when I told you what happened yesterday. That's weird, like I understand y'all Aug's friend but damn act like my friend for once....
Sent at 4:30pm

A part of me wasn't all that mad because I knew they were August's friend too but the other part was like damn have my back for once.

Angela had texted me back, I just rolled my eyes.

From: Angela🧚🏾‍♀️
I don't know what you're talking about Jada. I always have your back. We was all just chillin, I wasn't even talking to her fr.
Sent at 4:35pm

I just let the situation go because I was not going to argue with her over that bullshit. It's cool, they can be friendly all they want, when it come to someone fucking them over, we'a how I start acting.

(Next Day)

The last bell rang for school, I was so excited because this meant that it was officially semester break. I was finna make it my mission to enjoy the hell out of this week.

I was walking to my car and stopped when I heard my name.

"Jada! Wait!" I turned around seeing Chris, Angela, and August.

"What?" I wasn't being rude but I had things I needed to get done being that my birthday was tomorrow. I had a lot of running around to do.

"Why you still mad at us?"

"It's not that I'm mad. I'm disappointed I'm irritated. Y'all know I'm not the type of person to throw in people what I did for them but damn. I was always there for y'all, always had y'all back through whatever, I never fill that same energy."

"We apologize tho."

"Okay and I still need my space, you guys are really close friends and I get that I came in the picture last but damn I don't feel included at all. I just need to learn how to be my own friend. It doesn't mean I don't fuck with y'all anymore, I just need some space." I smiled slightly.

"Okay I understand." Angela commented.

"Yeah I see that." August added his two cents.

"Why you ain't tell us you felt that way, you know you like my lil sister so I woulda made sure you felt included had I known you felt like you wasn't." I shook my head.

"It's nothing, I just pick up on a lot of things that y'all do and it's always y'all three, not us four. Like I said it's fine tho, we're all good. See y'all tomorrow." I unlocked my car and they all stood there not knowing what to say.

It felt good to let that out. Now time to get my party together.

Before I went home, I checked the venue, called the people who assisted on this party planning. I couldn't wait I was finna have so much fun. A bitch was turning 18!

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