Diagon Alley

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"Oh do pass me the floo powder, dear!" said your grandmother, waving at a rather large flowerpot. Your grandmother was left looking after you after your parents died. No one ever really spoke to you about their deaths; it seemed like too much of a touchy topic. You didn't even know the specifics. Your Grandmother told you that it was something to do with 'you-know-who' and his death eaters, but she sounded uneasy when she spoke of it.

You liked to think that they were famous auras that no one spoke of to keep their work anonymous - or maybe even spies that were captured! All you really wanted to to, now, was make them proud.

You handed the pot to her, spilling some powder on the floor which earned you a stern look. The grey showed up quite clearly in her dark hair and it was a mystery to you how she kept it in such good condition.

"Remember, straight to Diagon Alley! No trying to floo to anywhere else!" She warned eyeing your hand as you reached for some floo powder. You had tried it before, using the network to floo to a childhood friend's house.

You stepped up to the fire that was silently flickering and as you stepped in, the green flames seemed to roar upwards and around your clothes.

"Diagon Alley!" you said in the clearest voice you could muster and dropped the floo powder into the fire. The world started to spin and whirl in vibrant colours. You landed and toppled forward, smashing straight into a figure in front of you. The world had started to come into focus and you could feel your grandmother slowly helping you up to your feet.

The figure you had hit was a boy, with platinum-blond hair and was fairly slim and tall, maybe an inch or so taller than you. You had always been fairly tall for your age, though your grandmother was on the short side.

A man with the same platinum-blond hair as the boy you'd hit had come over, obviously a relative. It fell in sheets around his broad shoulders which were covered with a black cloak. The man spoke in a surprised manner.

"Ah, a Thornheart. Respectable pure-blood family I hear. Good to see some people with a long line of history is it not?" He paused for a moment. "Lucius, Lucius Malfoy. And my son Draco." The boy standing beside him gave a smug smirk. Lucius then walked off, asking for a word with your Grandmother and left you and Draco to stand by the entrance to the floo network.

"So, what's your name then?" He said, leaning against the wall to his right. He lifted an eyebrow, as if to ask for a response. You didn't utter a word. "The Silence suits you, Thornheart," he said standing up straight, "But it would suit you better to tell me your name." He raised his eyebrow, a confident smirk appearing on his face.

"I'm (Y/N). Seems you already know my surname. I guess no further introduction is needed." You said, showing no emotion to the boy. the Malfoys, so your grandmother had told you, were basically born Slytherins. You weren't going to show any weak spots - he seemed like the type of boy to bully you for them.

At this point Lucius and your grandmother had walked back over, hardly seeming to notice your conversation. She tugged your hand, pulling you towards the shops.

"Okay, I think its time to shop, (Y/n)." she said. You could see her giving a funny look to Mr Mafloy as you began to walk to the shops.

"See you on the train, Thornheart!" shouted Draco with another smug smirk and then walked away with his father. The two looked alike, alike enough for you to be able to tell they were father and son. Being honest, you hoped you didn't see Draco on the train.

After going to various shops, buying black robes and a long list of books with your, you ended up in Olivander's wand shop. The old man greeted you with a warm smile and croaky voice and asked you to step up and test some wands.

"Ah, yes. 12 inches, cherry wood, dragon heartstring. Go on, give it a swish." he said. You did as said, but the wand didn't seem compatible as a large pile of papers were swept onto the floor in a huge mess. "Maybe not," he said "But here, I wonder. Yes this should do it. 11 1/4 inches, ash wood, unicorn hair." said Olivander.

You gave the wand a swish. To your surprise, small golden rays shot elegantly out of the end of your wand and Olivander smiled weakly.

"The unicorn that supplied the tail hair for that wand supplied another. He bought his just today, and he was telling me about a Thornheart child he met. It seems that maybe your fates will be closer than you believe."

You were quite shocked at the words, but asked your grandmother to pay for the wand and you left, staring at Olivander as you walked out.

Your grandmother led you down the street through groups of people, many with bags of school equipment already bought, and towards a large marble building.

It's slightly off centre architecture was obvious to you - the work of goblins. Gringotts bank.

Inside, the bank was high ceilinged, decorated with many golden patterns and pillars. The walls were a stain creamy white with a marble floor which was glistening glistening clean - lined with red carpets and gold designs. Your grandmother escorted you to a Gringotts goblin and she gave him your details.

"Your mother and father left you a vault, you see." she said, looking down at you with a smile. The Gringotts goblin nodded and asked you to follow him.

He was short, maybe the average height of a four year old, with pointed ears and whitening hair. The little goblin had led you to a small cart. It seemed to go down into a dark cave below. You were reluctant at first, but then your grandmother grabbed your hand and sat you down in the seat next to her.

The trip to your vault was horrendous. The cart was clattering down the steep tracks and going over small bumps which lifted the back wheels up four inches. The ceiling of the tunnel was as black as coal and the cool of the air sent prickling shivers down your spine.

The vault door was fairly small, with a golden engraving stating "697, Thornheart" in the centre. The goblin put his hand on the surface of the door, and just like that, the bindings and locks came away to reveal a large room.

It was much like the cave outside, but the floor was made of marble instead of jagged stone and their were two tables in the centre of the room. Atop each table sat stacks of gleaming golden Galleons with sliver Sickles and bronze Knuts scattered over the floor - your jaw dropped.

"Now dear," came your grandmother's old voice, "this is what your mother and father gave you to last seven years at Hogwarts so don't spend it all in one go. Take a fair bit since its your first year, and maybe we'll buy you a few treats next year too."

She started taking some Galleons and scooping them into a small bag for you. Although you came from a fairly well off wizard family, you still weren't expecting to have this much money, all for you, tucked away in secret like this.

After retrieving some money you went to the last shop you needed to visit, Eeylops Owl Emporium, and purchased a beautiful Screech owl named Felicity.

She loved being stroked on her back, but whenever you tried to stroke her head, she nibbled at your fingers and gave a little warning chirp. Her eyes were a beautiful green, and you knew she would be an amazing little pet.

Looking over all of your supplies, you smiled.

You could tell you would have a very good time at Hogwarts this year. Very good indeed.


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