The Unexpected Attack

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The game had been impressive. A quick win, compared with some of the other world cups that had passed. Bulgaria had caught the snitch but, impressively, Ireland had still pulled a win away - the team who you had been cheering for.

The whole time Draco had been focused more on Victor Krum, Bulgaria's new seeker, than the rest of the game that was going on. Sometimes he would even absent mindedly comment on the seeker's skills - proclaiming him 'excellent' and 'unbelieveable'.

You caught a few words from below, where Harry, Hermione and Ron were sitting with their family and friends. It was something about Fred and George, Ron's older twin brothers, winning a big sum of money for some bet they placed. You hoped it turned out well for them, since Ludo Bagman was the person that they had bet with. From what Mr Malfoy had said you knew that he was in trouble with a particularly violent group of goblins - he owed them money or something.

After the game, though, you headed back to your tent with Draco, breaking off from Blaise and his family on they way. They had set their tent up just one hundred meters from yours but they had to go a completely different way to get to it. You were relieved, though. Blaise's mother - a stunning beauty - was just so annoying. All of the time.

Once you were back in the tent there wasn't really much to do. You played a few games of solitaire with a pack of cards from the cupboard and baked cakes in the kitchen with a new spell you'd learned just a few weeks before. They tasted ok on their own, but the soft cheese icing on top made them taste even better.

After that you decided to have a look at the outside of the tent - scouting for any rips since you and Draco had both woken up cold in the morning. 

As you were going walking around the sides of the tent, you saw something marked on the material at the back. It looked like a rune of sorts -  but you knew that it was the mark from a spell. It certainly wasn't one that made the tent bigger on the inside - that spell was invisible like most - this one clearly showed a mark. What kind of spell did that.

It was getting late and you knew that you should go and get some rest so you went back inside of the tent. Draco sat there, eating a cereal bar or something of the sort; he didn't even smile at you - just stared blankly as he chewed. 

"I'm going to get some rest." you said, heading off into your room. Draco only nodded as you left - shoving the rest of the bar into his mouth.

You changed into your night clothes and lay down - closing your eyes and falling swiftly asleep.


A hand was shoved firmly over your mouth. It wasn't familiar like Draco's but long and bony like a woman's.

"Shh, sweetheart. It's fine it's just me!" said your mother.

You tried to say something like "Mum!?" but it came out as more of a muffled squeak like "Mffsum!"

"Yes, I know! Draco is in the other room, I think his father has got him covered. Anyway - there's an attack going on outside and your father sent me here just in case any rouge followers get you. Is that okay?"

It didn't seem like a question. She let your mouth go but you didn't shout: she was right. There was commotion outside, screams sounded from around you and your thoughts reached out to Harry, Hermione and Ron. Were they ok, were they hurt?

The room seemed suddenly hot.

"Why is it so warm?" you asked, worried as to why the heat was rising.

"That stupid man! I told Nott not to set another fire!" your mother raged on. She looked red and angry - her face flushed and annoyed.

"Why won't they attack us mother? And surely the tent will burn!" you said. You went to get up, but your mother pushed you back down. "Mother I need to help!"

"No you don't. I've put a protection charm on the tent - it's fireproof and the rest of the death eaters won't know you're here." she replied, getting up off of the bed. "I trust you to stay here until it is over."

You looked at your mother and your jaw tightened. She just expected you to stay put? 

You kept your thoughts to yourself and nodded politely, trying to block the numerous screams from your thoughts as they went on. They were so loud and so full of pain, it must have even hurt the worst of the death eaters to listen to.

Your mother got up and went to the tarp at the end of the room, pulling it back and starting to step out into the main room.

"Wait!" you exclaimed and she stopped in the doorway. "How do we get out of here?"

Your mother's eyes lit up with thanks and recognition. "Oh, goodness, yes. Here, take this portkey - it should suffice." she said, and placed a rusted trophy on the floor. She casted a quick spell to bewitch it.

"But that's illegal! That's an unauthorised portkey!" you shouted, forgetting to keep quiet. 

"Yes, yes. You think I haven't done anything illegal before (y/n) dear? Now, come along - I'll send Draco in and you two can portkey off back to Malfoy manor."

Ann, with that, she was gone. As she said, Draco entered the room a few seconds later saying that the "Mistress of Darkness" or whatever had ordered him to portkey with you, safely, back to malfoy manor.

"Hold on tight Thornheart, we wouldn't want you to slip!"

"Shut it Draco!" you replied.

Then you saw your little bag of magical makeup sitting on the bedside table. Not knowing whether you would see it again if you left it, you grabbed it and signalled to Draco with a nod.

"Let's go blondie."


Thank you guys so much for reading! This is part 2/2 that I promised today! If you enjoyed, vote, comment and follow for more. Much love <3

Can we get 15 votes in 24 hours? <3

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