Sleepwalking Brain Links

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It had spread so fast. Too fast. The news of Sirius Black's attack on the Griffindor tower. On your friends, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. Some people had even said that someone had been killed which was utter nonsense. 

You held your breath. Harry was alone on the other side of the library. You hadn't wanted to talk to him - you figured you could talk on the Hogsmeade trips but he never seemed to be there. And now, he looked so sullen all of the time.

You started to walk over to him, forcing your legs to move even though your mind was telling you to run as far away as possible. All you wanted to do was mend your friendship.

"Err, hey Harry." you said awkwardly as you walked towards him. He dug his head from his revision and smiled at you. "May I sit with you?"

"Of course." he replied, pointing at the seat opposite him. You gave him a half smile and slumped down into the seat, exhausted from hauling yourself across the school on two hours sleep. Thank goodness for make-up and beauty spells.

"So," you said hesitantly, "I'm... kinda... sorry... I guess..."

"Why are you apologising?" he asked, sitting upright, his green eyes twinkling like the stars. He knew. Just like everyone else.

"Because... well... I haven't really been talking to you much. I feel like I'm being really distant."

You felt the conversation lighten when he smiled a bit more. "If anything, I'm the one who was being distant." 

You let out a sigh. "Well, I just want you to know that I'm here and I want to apologise to you for being so... so inconsiderate." He nodded like he had accepted what you had said. "And... I'm sorry about the Malfoy thing. He wanted to pretend we were dating to get rid of Pansy. You know how she is."

Harry nodded.

You knew that somewhere, deep down, he still trusted you. You were still that same girl on the train who had come and sat with him, and had been his friend. You had ate sweets together. Laughed. Had fun.

"I want to tell you something." he muttered. The library was almost empty.

"Sure, I mean, alright. You replied.

"Sirius Black, well, they said, the teachers, they said he was my... my Godfather. He is the reason my parents are dead."

No. You thought. My father is the reason why your parents are dead.

"I'm so sorry." you added, bowing your head a little to show your true knowledge of his loss. You, too, had no parents - so you could empathise with him. Well, none that you would consider real parents.

"And (Y/n)," he continued, "Would you come with me tonight, to wonder around school. Have a chat."

You let yourself smile at this. Harry Potter, after all you had done, was still willing to be your friend. He was such a forgiving person - maybe the most forgiving that you knew. You would have never forgiven someone for all of the things that you had done.

You were a Slytherin. You liked his enemy, kind of. And your father, and maybe even your mother, had killed Lily and James Potter.

"Yes." you replied. "I would love to go!"



"The kitchen is that way Harry!" you protested playfully, nudging his arm and pointing to a spot on the map. "Look there's that woman in there again! Oh, and Fred and George."

"(Y/n)," he said, kicking you in the leg, "No food, we've already eaten."

"Please!" you whined, trying to sound pleading but just sounding childish. Harry scoffed.

The two of you rounded another corner of the winding corridor and found yourself in a portrait hall.

"Turn off that blinding light!" one portrait had protested, waving her plump hands in front of her ugly, wrinkled face.

"Look!" you whispered, snatching the map off of Harry. He was startled, and you knew it was quite rude, so you handed it back to him. "Sorry." you said "But, seriously, look at the name!"

There were a set of footprints coming across the hall towards you. They were fast and uneven and hard to track. The footprints of a long dead man, whose name was Peter Pettigrew. You had heard about him in the news, the one who Sirius Black had killed, the one whose finger had remained lying unmoving on the street after his gory death.

Harry watched the set of footprints too as they scuttled away down the long corridor. Then a worse sight met your eyes. The footprints of Professor Severus Snape.

You turned off you light and Harry muttered something which disabled the map. The two of you stood there and waited, not even trying to outrun the professor. Slowly, his magical light came into view.

"Potter, Thornheart, what are you two doing wondering the corridors at night?" he snapped in his nasal voice, staring at Harry more than you.

"I was... err... sleepwalking..." stammered Harry stupidly before he realised his costly mistake.

"With Miss Thornheart?"

"Yes sir," you interrupted, "it's a form of sleepwalking where the brains link up, its rather intriguing."

"Your rather like your father aren't you Potter? He too like to strut about the castle when he liked." spat Snape, seemingly ignoring your comment on brain linking sleepwalking. You thought it sounded rather convincing.

"My father didn't strut! And nor do I!" replied Harry confidently. "Now, if you don't mind, I... we would appreciate it if you lowered your wand!"

Snape lowered his wand to the both of your pockets. 

"Turn out your pockets. Both of you." 

And that was how the map was discovered. Snape took it into his grubby had and tried a quick revealing spell. he seemed satisfied and handed it to you.

"Read it!"

You looked down at the page. You tried to bite back the laughter that overcame you.

"Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs offer their compliments to professor Snape..." you paused but Snape raised an eyebrow for you to continue. "And requests that he keeps his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."

You swallowed. He didn't want to hear that.

"You insolent little fools!" Snape snatched the parchment map from your clammy hands.

"Professor Snape!" called Lupin, who had appeared form the dark.

"Lupin? Out for a little walk in the moonlight." asked Snape casually.

"Professor, maybe you should escort your student to her dormitory." Lupin glanced at the parchment that Snape had taken. "And I should investigate this object."

He plucked the parchment from Harry and headed off down the corridor. Harry gave you a sorry look then followed.

"Thornheart, with me!"


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