I Have Need Of You

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The oak door opened with a loud squeak. The hinges were tinged with copper rust. You followed Harry through the door, trying not to look too scared. You needed to think, think about your next move. Plan ahead, that's what your Grandmother would say. She was always very logical, she liked chess and other tactical games that you weren't so good at.

There was a faint jingling in the room, like metal tapping together. Two brooms were stationed in the centre of the room. You walked cautiously towards them, Harry and the others followed behind.

"Look up!" said Ron. The four of you snapped your heads up to the ceiling. Thousands of tiny keys were in the high ceilinged room, daintily flying with their little wings through the arches above.

"I've never seen birds like these." said Hermione, astounded. You laughed a little before replying,

"They're not birds, Hermione, they're keys!"

"And I bet one of them fits that door!" Harry exclaimed, pointing at an old rusted door on the other side of the room that was much like the one you entered from.

"What's this all about?" she then said again, staring at the broom as if it were a foreign object. You just shook your head. Ron and Hermione then ran over to the door and tried some unlocking charms and rattling the thing. The door didn't even budge.

"What are we going to do! There must be a thousand keys up there!" shouted an annoyed Hermione, looking up at the tiny rattling keys that were flying overhead.

"Well, were looking for a big old fashioned one." said Ron.

"There, I see it! The one with the broken wing!" you said, pointing up at a little rusty key. It's left wing was torn, as if it had already been broken before.

"It's just... too simple..." whispered Harry reaching for the broom, a few of the brown bristles falling out of the end.

"Oh go on Harry, (Y/n)!" said Ron "If Snape could catch it on that old thing, you can! Harry's the youngest Gryffindor seeker in a century!" 

You had gone down to watch Harry for every match at his request. Even when he was playing Slytherin, you were still secretly hoping that Harry would catch the snitch. It was very entertaining to watch.

You both touched your brooms. The thousands of keys started whizzing around, whirling and swirling down on the two of you. You tried to bat them off, but as you took off you couldn't see, almost smashing into one of the white pillars in the room. It didn't seem like Harry was having any luck either.

You saw the right key and chased it, trying to go as fast as possible on the old rickety broom. You were just bout to grab it when you hit a pillar, sending you tumbling towards the stone floor. You were going to die. Die down here in this little, cold chamber.

You landed softly on Harry's speedy broom; you quickly wrapped your arms around him to stop yourself from falling. Harry had gotten the better broom of the two, he was whizzing to catch the rusty key in front of him. You heard Harry exhale a held breath. He had caught it.

The keys seemed to slow a bit, allowing Harry to drop Ron the key and open the door. Harry flew the two of you into the next room, letting you carefully off of the broom.

"That was close." he said, throwing the broom to the floor.

"Yeah, and thanks for catching me." you said, smiling.


Candlelight flickered across the grey walls and echoes of their silent movement travelled across the room. A chess set, ten times its usual size was located in the middle of the room - the black and white squares illuminated by the dying light. The opposition pieces were placed, a white side and a black side. 

There were broken pieces at the sides of the room - as if the game had been played before. It definitely seemed like someone had been through before you.

The four of you jogged up to the white chess pieces. You heard Hermione say 'I don't like this' when you finally got up to the pieces. Once you were about a meter away from the white pawns, they drew their swords, making you unable to pass by them. You drew in a nervous breath.

"What do we do?" you said, making sure to calm the anxiety in your voice.

"We play our way across the room." said Ron, looking, for once, much more confident that you did. Wizard's chess was definitely not your strongest point.

"Harry, you take that empty bishop square. Hermione, you'll be the queen side castle. (Y/n), you take the king position," you squirmed at the thought that if you lost, you might be smashed into pieces by your white opponents, if it was real wizards chess, "as for me, I'll be a knight."

You all went to take your places on the chess board. Once you did, a pawn from the white team moved forward two spaces. 

"Ron," said Hermione in a nervous voice that reflected the way you were feeling, "Do you suppose.. it would be like... real wizards chess?"

He shrugged his shoulders and pointed at one of the pawns. "You there, D5!" he shouted. The pawn moved. Three seconds later, the white pawn, the one that had moved before, smashed it's swords into the black piece Ron had just moved. You didn't even try to hide the horror that was wiped across your face. Neither did the others.

The ginger boy swallowed. "Yes, Hermione. I think this is going to be exactly like wizards chess."


To say that you were slaughtered was an understatement. You had lost around 3/4 of your pieces while white hadn't even lost half. The white queen had taken out most of your pieces, including your own queen and all but two of your pawns. 

The board was a mess, all that hadn't been scraped aside by the other team was lying there. The remnants of a king side castle, half of the bishop's cross. Then you saw it. An opening. Any amateur chess player could have seen it. Then you realise what was going to have to happen.

"Harry, (Y/n), Hermione. You know what I have to do. Once I've moved, once the queen takes me, Harry will be free to checkmate the king."

"No Ron. NO YOU CAN'T!" you screamed.

Hermione looked confused, "What's going on?" 

"Ron is going to sacrifice himself." said Harry.


"Do you want to stop Snape from getting that stone or not?" said Ron looking very serious. You kept your mouth shut about Snape, but you knew that it probably wasn't him that wanted to take the stone.

Ron said the instructions for his horse to move. The black chess piece ground slowly across the board and finally to a halt. The white queen turned, too slowly, and made its way over to Ron and his horse. The look on his face could have scared a million pixies. It was a look of plain dread. The white queen brought her sword down with a deafening crack upon Ron.

He fell unconscious to the floor, his head bleeding freely. You wanted to run over to him, to help one of your best friends, but you reminded yourself that you were playing, and that movement would count as a legitimate move.

Harry moved slowly over to place the white king in check mate. He never once tore his eyes from his best friend who was lying almost dead on the floor.

"CHECK MATE!" Harry screamed. The white King dropped his sword at Harry's feet.


Your eyes were blurry. Your vision was blurry. 

"RON. God is he O.K?"

A searing pain was gouging into your eye sockets, ripping and tearing through every limb of your fragile body.

'She is near my lord, do you sense her'

You were going to faint. Pain was all that filled your clouded mind.

'Come and see me, I have need of you.'


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