Fawkes and Your Father

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You were trying so hard to fight the movements of what was controlling you. If someone would have seen you at that moment - they would have guessed that you were some kind of robot. Your actions were rigid and unhurried.

You were slowly moving.

You didn't know where but the person or thing that was controlling you surely did. At one point you came so close to overcoming the thing commanding you that your body collapsed against the floor against it's will - but it made you get back up and walk still. It was relentless and uncaring.

You felt a connection to it.

You could see a large doorway in the distance. It was about thirty meters away, standing at the end of the hallway. It was the door to the girls bathroom where you had met Moaning Myrtle. God that ghost was annoying.

Moaning Myrtle was more welcoming than what was happening to you now.

It took the thing five minutes to drag your unwilling body to the door and force it open. All you needed to do was find a way to stop the thing that was controlling you. 

You needed to fight it.

The bathroom was soaked with water, Moaning Myrtle's doing most probably. You could hear your feet, which were not currently controlled by you, splashing in the two centimetre deep water below like kids in a pool. They were loud and unpredictable. 

The next few moments were all a blur but you felt as if you were falling, sliding perhaps. How that happened you didn't know but you were starting to feel as though you were missing things. Like time was skipping over certain moments.

You felt a burn across your jawline. The scar your father had given you was hurting. Hurting badly.

You wondered then if this was what Harry felt like when his scar hurt. If so you really did feel sorry for him because it stung like crazy. 

Then you saw the blood drip onto your blouse. The white was suddenly stained a deep red, and fast - as if your blood was falling onto it in a stream. A river of blood. It felt as though it was coming from your scar - as if it had been opened again, but there was no pain.

You wondered if it was streaming own your neck - it certainly felt like it, all warm and gooey on your skin. You weren't afraid of blood but the thought made you shiver. 

You had forgotten where you were - time had somehow skipped again. Maybe when you were possessed, or whatever you were, your brain skipped out time and everything went dark until you resurfaced. And you had resurfaced now.

You moved your arm. It moved with you.

You moved your leg. So did that.

You were slowly gaining mobility - regaining the use of your body. You had fought of the thing that was inside of you and revived your body. You rubbed at your wrists as if there should have been something there. You didn't know what you were looking for - the ring, no it was still on your finger. 

The bracelet that Draco had put the love charm on was on the floor at your feet. You wondered when you had put it on... you thought it was at the bottom of your drawer. Either way, it was here now.

It had been charmed for someone to gain allowance to your mind and take it over - you knew now. Draco was a scum bag for doing such a thing.

But how had it happened to be on your wrist? Someone from your dormitory would have had to have put it on your wrist...


You ran towards the Weasley girl who was lying unconscious on the chamber floor, her hair sprawled around her head so she looked like a flower. She was pale and sick, but pretty none the less.

You pressed your fingers against her forehead; it was cool to the touch. It was so cool, in fact, that you drew your hand away as if you had just touched freezing metal. Her lips were still red, but barely. You could see them start to turn blue.

Soon after, when you lifted your head, a young teenage boy stood before you. He looked like you, he had your features - like your sharp jawbones and long eyelashes. He would have looked good if it wasn't for the scowl on his boyish face.

"Dear daughter, you should have come later. Maybe Harry would have been dead by then." He smiled a little.

"Leave me alone. Give Ginny back." you demanded, staring back at him as if he were a piece of dirt.

"Oh (Y/n) dear, that's not how you should treat your father!" he said, stepping towards you lightly. Once he was near you, he struck you across the face - sending you flying into a wall. It hurt badly.

"Don't treat your father as if he were dirt! Treat me with respect and tell me that you're sorry!"

Blood gushed generously from your nose, adding to the blood from your open scar. You probably looked like something from a muggle horror movie.

You didn't say a word, you just looked up at your father and spat. The blood in your mouth landed on one of his shoes. He looked disgusted.

"Stupid Girl!" he screamed, this time striking you with his fist. It was so hard that you wondered if there would be a permanent red mark on your cheek. You stroked it, trying to sooth the pulsing sting left there by your father's hand.

Why did he look so young?

You felt an invisible hand tighten around you and you couldn't control your limbs again. You were fighting the thing that was holding you so hard you honestly believed that you would pass out for the hundredth time that year.

You could hear someone running down the chamber, their feet frantic and overworked. You could just tell that it was poor old Harry.

"Ginny!" He looked down at he young Weasley girl who was unconscious on the floor. You felt the thing move your body - walking it closer to Harry. It was controlling you like a puppet. You looked over Harry and Ginny, fighting whatever was still holding you.

Harry slowly looked up at you. "(Y/n) what..." He didn't get to finish that sentence.

"Harry Potter Will die." The words were put in your mouth by something else. Something that was pure evil, you could feel the chaos oozing off of the words of whatever it was. 

Your father. He was doing this. A smart move, you had to admit. But no good for you.

"What?" asked Harry, obviously puzzled.

"Harry Potter will..." You felt something snap for a moment. Your hard work had finally paid off. You had broke the connection. You searched for something to say.

"Harry it's him. It's Volde..."

You felt the knife travel through your body. You looked down and saw it's tip protruding from your stomach, the sliver glinting in the faint light.

"Harry I-" you began, but the words were ripped from your mouth.

You felt your father push your body to the side, now limp, as he pulled the dagger from your stomach. You clutched the wound, falling down beside Ginny.

The next few minutes, it seemed like that long, went by in a blur.

Screams and clatters and running filled your ears. 

You begged not to die.

You begged for Harry to live.

A bird cooed in the distance.

You didn't want to die.

A red bird was flying down.

The pain was too much to bare.

The bird was crying.

The pain was... there was no pain.

You sat up, helped by Harry into a sitting position. A phoenix, with luscious, red feathers, sat snugly on your lap, resting it's soft head against your tummy. It had saved you.

"His name is Fawkes," said Harry, stroking the bird of the head, "and he just saved your life."


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