The Detention Queen

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All three of you were rapidly running down the flights of stairs to Hagrid's poor excuse for a house on the edge of the forbidden forest. It looked more like a hut than a house.

In fact, it was a hut.

You could see dingy light coming from its windows, which meant that Hagrid the grounds keeper was still awake. It was late, but you could understand why he would still be awake, seeing as though he had to attend to the whole of the Hogwarts grounds all day, everyday.

You followed the trio into the hut, careful to stay behind them to check that no one was following you. You didn't see anything, so you closed the door, being careful to be as quiet as possible. The trio and Hagrid were already speaking by the time that you joined in the conversation.

"Won it off of a stranger I did!" said the giant.

Your jaw dropped. A little green dragon was sat on the table in front of you. You had never seen a dragon before, even in all of your years in a pure-blooded wizard family. It was stunning.

"His name's Norbert."

"Norbert?" Harry said, wrinkling his nose to show his disagreement with the name. It didn't bother you what Hagrid named the dragon, it was just so fascinating to look at.

"Well 'e's gotta have a name dun' he?" Hagrid said, chuckling a little as Norbert looked around the room at the foreign faces. "Who's that?" he said, making and indication towards the window of the cabin. You all turned, seeing a mop of blond hair staring through the window. He jumped at the sight of all of your gazes.

"Malfoy." You said.


"There is nothing, nothing that gives students the right to walk around the castle at night" said professor McGonagall making her strict face at the four of you. Form he corner of your eye you could see Malfoy, stood to the side of the room, grinning like his dream had come true. 

"Fifty points shall be taken from your houses." You all gasped and looked at each other. "Each."

It felt like a punch in the face. You and your friends had just lost a total of 200 points. You should have felt sad for your friends but you could only feel happy that Gryffindor had lost an extra 100 points more than Slytherin.

"And all five of you will receive detention." the old woman said.

"Excuse me Professor, but did I just hear you say 'the five of you'?" said Malfoy, finally stepping out of the shadows. His blond brows were furrowed with bewilderment, his mouth slightly open.

"As honourable as your intentions were, Mr Malfoy, you too were out of bed." 

His jaw clamped shut. His grey eyes were ablaze with fire, but you knew with what a coward he was he would never contend with a teacher. You giggled a bit, looking at Harry who was turned towards Ron, smiling like he had never smiled before.


"I am totally the detention queen" you said to Harry as the five of you plodded along after Mr Filch. He said he was taking you for a detention with Hagrid, which wasn't so bad you guessed. Could have been with Snape and Malfoy again, that was horrid.

"We're not doing too well in this corner either." said Harry, the corner of his mouth curving upward at the sides. He was a nice person to talk to, you had to admit.

Filch dropped you off with Hagrid who started to explain the task ahead. You would be going into the forbidden forest to figure out who is hurting the unicorns in there. Then he asked you, Harry and Fang- Hagrid's dog - to split off with Malfoy. Just great. Malfoy even grimaced.

Once you were out of Hagrid's earshot, Malfoy began to speak.

"Just wait 'till my father hears about this! This is servants stuff!" He wrinkled is pale nose upward.

"If I didn't know better, Draco, I'd say you were scared." you said, trying to mimic his tone to the best of your ability.

"Scared, Thornheart? Come on fang. Scared." He chuckled, walking ahead of you and Harry slightly.

You had been walking for a good hour now, hearing the occasional wolf howl or rustling in the bushes. Every sound had Malfoy peeing in his pants. Coward. Then fang started to growl. It was low pitched, meaning he sensed something. You rounded a rather large tree.

A dead unicorn, pure white, was lying dead on the floor. A large hooded figure, human sized, was feasting off of its blood. It looked foul and dark, the darkness even leached off of it like it was an odour.

Harry started to clutch his scar, if he was in pain you wouldn't know. Malfoy, however, had taken off screaming, running with fang in the opposite direction, out of the forest.

The hooded figure moved closer to the two of you, forcing you back into a tree. It was advancing too quick for you to dodge or move out of the way, so you and Harry stood there, stunned with horror as the figure, silver unicorn blood dripping from its robed face, progressed slowly forwards.

You cast the few defensive spells that your Grandmother had taught you. The figure blocked every single one. He must have been a wizard, no other magical being could block as well as this aside from a wizard.

Just as all hope was lost, something leaped gracefully past the two of you, landing between you and the dark hooded figure. It's brown hair gleamed in the moonlight. A centaur. The hooded figure started to back up before running away into the infinite night's gloom.

"Harry Potter, you must leave. You are known to too many creatures here. The forest is not safe at this time, especially for you. And young Thornheart girl, you better leave before the wrong person catches you. I'd imagine you'd be very valuable to the right creature." The centaur said.

"What was that that you saved us from?" said Harry, not too concerned after what the centaur had just said to you.

"A monstrous creature. It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn. Drinking the blood of a unicorn will keep you alive, even if you are an inch from death, but, at a terrible price. You have slain something so pure and the moment the blood touches your lips you will have a half life, a cursed life."

"Who would want such a life" you blurted, more concentrated on the centaur's comment about your parents. 

"Can you really think of no one?" He said, his breath clear in the cold night hair. It was Harry that spoke.

"Do you mean, that thing we saw, drinking the unicorn blood. Was that..." he hesitated "Voldemort?"

You took in a breath. You hadn't heard someone say that name for ages. Sometimes your grandmother said it, but it was only when she was explaining your parent's deaths.

"And do you know what is hidden in the school at this very moment Mr Potter?" Said the centaur.

"The philosopher's stone." Harry breathed.

Just as he said that, Hagrid, Hermione, Ron and Draco, Fang following him, rounded the tree you did earlier. Hermione looked shocked, maybe it was the centaur.

"'Ello Firenze!" said Hagrid.

"This is where I leave you," said Firenze, looking rather sad at the thought "You're safe now." Then he turned his back and trotted silently away into the darkness.


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