Harry Potter Will Die

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"All students are to return to their houses at once and all teachers are to go to the second floor immediately. Thank you."

Professor McGonagall's voice boomed around the castle and you wondered what spell she was using. All of the professor's spells were magnificent.

You could hear Harry and Ron coming down the corridor, their feet stomping loudly on the grey stone floor.

You had been ignoring everyone apart from the people in your dormitory, but other than that, you had talked to no one - accept if you were needed to work with them in class.

Malfoy had stopped staring at you constantly - maybe you not wearing his stupid charmed bracelet had shut him up for good. Or so you hoped.

"(Y/n)" yelled Harry from across the corridor. "We need to go to the second floor, there's no time to explain!"

"And why would I go with you?"

"Because..." said Ron, "Because you're really brave! And you're our friend, (Y/n). We are sorry foe upsetting you... we know you won't turn your back on us"

You raised your eyebrows and stared Ron straight in the face. "I was put in Slytherin not Gryffindor. I am cunning not brave. And you guys are just saying that..."

"And that is exactly why we need you! You're our friend (Y/n), and you're the greatest Slytherin we know!" said Harry, looking at you hopefully. "Please!"

You could see the sorrow in his eyes. He knew how he had mistreated you - or you thought he did anyway. A flush was setting onto his cheeks.

"Fine." you said through gritted teeth.


You followed behind the boys quickly and stayed in the dark shadows cast on the walls by candles when people passed. You could hear Daphne and Millicent heading for the common room but you forced yourself to stay with Harry and Ron as you had said you would.

"Duck!" you whispered.

All three of you dove behind a large suit of silver armour, hiding your faces in the shade from the passers by. They were loud and annoyed, heading for the Slytherin dungeons.

"That Potter, I bet he told her what I was doing!"

You held your breath. Such a golden time for Malfoy to be passing. He always picked the most inconvenient of times to show his little blond-haired head up. Your eyebrows were joined in the middle of your forehead in anger and something else you couldn't explain.

"I bet he tipped Thornheart off about the charmed bracelet! She would have hated him if she put it on! And rightfully so. I'm sure that Granger mud-blood told him all about them..."

No. No. No no no!

Your brain screamed for you not to listen. You kept on denying to yourself things that you knew. Such a naïve thing to do. Malfoy really wasn't trying to be nice.

Harry looked at you. You shook your head, no matter how Ron, Harry and Hermione annoyed you, you knew that you would never hate them.

"They're always attached to eachother's side!"

"You said it! Not me!" said Goyle in confusion and fright.

"Yes I said it! Harry Potter and (Y/n) Thornheart are always together! Solving problems and causing chaos around the castle with their sidekicks! Its ridiculous... she's a Slytherin, for God's sake! She should start acting like one."

Crabbe and Goyle started retreating in fear of their ranting leader.

"Who could overshadow a Malfoy? Huh? Who? You tell me!" Malfoy pointed at Crabbe.

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