The Goblet of Fire

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The assembly time had come; all of the schools gathered excitedly in the great hall and waited for the announcement of the champions. Secretly, a few bets had been placed in the common room and, by the look of it, Viktor Krum from Durmstrang was the top runner for who was most likely to be picked. A few more names were thrown around too like Cedric Diggory, Angelina Johnson and Cassius Warrington.

Once everyone was settled down, Dumbledore rose from his seat at the back of the room, and walked towards The Goblet of Fire.

"Now, the moment you have been waiting for!" Dumbledore's voice boomed. Surely there was some magic doing that - a frail old man like him couldn't possible shout that loud. "The champion selection!"

With that, a collective gasp went around the room. Dumbledore waved his hand and the fires lighting the hall started to dim rapidly. Seeing spells cast without a wand were always so amazing.

You were sat next to Hermione, since no one needed to sit in their houses; she seemed very tense.

Dumbledore silently strode up to the Goblet, hand outstretched in a sort of salute to the goblet. It started to flame up violently - purple and pink flames spurting everywhere as a small, burnt piece of paper flew from its centre.

Dumbledore gracefully caught the piece of paper, unwrapping it in his thin hands. "The Durmstrang Champion is... Viktor Krum!"

A huge eruption of cheers and claps came from the Durmstrang School, who were sitting with the Slytherins (and Draco Malfoy god save them all). You gave a small polite clap, also, as the guy went up to the top of the room. Someone then escorted him out of the hall.

Again, the goblet flamed up - more vibrant pink than purple this time, and a rounded - also burnt, piece of parchment - flew from the flames.

"And the Beauxbaton Champion is... Fleur Delacour!"

A stream full of dainty claps and cheers flew from the opposite end of the hall as a beautiful young woman stepped up to Dumbledore. She was as radiant as the sun but not so blinding and far more fair. She shook Dumbledore's hand and she, too, was escorted from the hall.

For the final time the goblet spat out another piece of paper. "The Hogwarts Champion is... Cedric Diggory!"

A massive cheer came from someone over in Slytherin as they had obviously won a bet on something - and all of the older years clapped as one of their own stood up to go and attain his glory. Cedric Diggory walked down and out of the hall.

Dumbledore patted him on the back and smiled to the audience. "Excellent, we now have our three champions! But in the end only one of them will go down in history! Only one of them will hoist this Chalice of Champions! Vessel of Victory: The Triwizard cup!"

Someone from near the staff table yanked a black cover off of the cup and a radiant blue glow bounced through the halls. 

Something wasn't right. The goblet was flaring up.

A new piece of parchment flew from the flames and it fell into Dumbledore's hand. The whole hall was in dead silence.

"H... Harry Potter?" called Dumbledore. No one moved. There were a few murmurs at the staff table. "HARRY POTTER!"

You were dead silent.

"Go Harry!" whispered Hermione as she shoved Harry to his feet. Hesitantly he walked to the front towards Dumbledore.

They met eye to eye, having a silent conversation in their minds. Dumbledore handed the piece of parchment to Harry. 

Something still wasn't quite right. The flames were flickering oddly again. 

You shall go my child. You shall see me once again.

The goblet exploded into green flames, soaring over children's heads and searing the capes of a few staff members. The whole roof of the hall was covered in green light as a cold voice spoke in your mind.

You shall see me once again.

"Are you hearing this Hermione?" you asked, but she looked at you questioningly. 

"All I can hear is the roar of flames and some muttering children!"

Something definitely wasn't right.

The goblet let out a final piece of parchment and then the flames receded.

"(Y/n)... (Y/n) Thornheart."


"Harry, (Y/n), did either of you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" Dumbledore asked harshly. The other teachers were chattering insanely.

You heard things like 'Cheaters' and 'Three from one school' and other things teachers should certainly not say.

"No, no Sir!" You both exclaimed, trying to prove your innocence.

"Did you get any of the older students to do it for you?"

"No sir!" you both said once again.

"Are you absolutely sure of it?"

"Yes, Sir!"

The headmistress of Beauxbatons, Miss Olympe Maxime (you believed) stepped forward to talk.

"Well of course they are lying!" she yelled, crashing around at the back of the room.

"The hell they are!" shouted Moody, who had somehow gotten into the room. You hadn't seen him when you entered but, mind you, Dumbledore was blocking most of the view. "The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object and only an exceptionally powerful confundus charm could have hoodwinked it!"

You were kind of glad that Moody had stood up for the two of you, you didn't want to be accused of cheating any time soon. And you were sure Harry wouldn't want to be either.

"Magic way beyond the talent of a fourth year!" he continued. You were a little hurt by that as you could move objects with your mind. If that wasn't exceptionally powerful you couldn't be sure what was.

"You seem to have given this rather a lot of thought, Mad eye." suggested the Durmstrang headmaster. You didn't know his name but he sure was scary.

"It was once my job to think as dark wizards to Karkaroff, perhaps you remember."

Of course! Igor Karkaroff, one of the people who helped your...

No. You wouldn't to speak of that.

"This doesn't help Alastor! I'll leave this to you Barty." said Dumbledore, gesturing to one of the ministry workers in the room. Barty Crouch was the one who was organising the event with the teachers, you heard, so he would make the decision of your fate. You begged it to be the right one.

"The rules are absolute." he said emotionlessly. "Harry Potter and (Y/n) Thornheart have no choice. They are, as of tonight, Triwizard Champions."


Thank you all for reading. If you enjoyed, vote, comment and follow for more of my storied and chapters! Much love <3

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