The Will

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You had read your grandmother's will two days before the Christmas break.

She had your guardians down as the Malfoy family.

Whether she had forgotten to change it, or she was forced into writing it down you didn't know. 

Your Grandmother had left you everything she owned, being the last of the Thornheart family tree, and you really didn't know where to place all of your grandmother's possessions. In the end, you received a letter form Mr Malfoy explaining that he had put all of your grandmother's things into a vault at Gringotts bank and there was no real need to worry. 

You hadn't talked to Malfoy one bit since you had cried and he had hugged you. He hadn't even made an attempt to talk to you, instead avoiding you entirely and dismissing you when you wanted to speak to him.

"Go away, Thornheart, I've got nothing to say to you."

It was almost as if he were embarrassed by it.

On the odd occasion you would see him glance over at you from his desk, as soon as he saw you looking he would look away - pretending he hadn't even seen you. You guessed it was just too hard for him to take in. The fact that he had to deliver such horrible news...

But that didn't explain the dagger filled glares when he saw you walking with Harry out to the quidditch pitch.

The truth was hard for you, too, to take in. The truth of your Grandmother's death didn't strike you until you really did receive her will; you were expecting it all to be one of Malfoy's sick, twisted jokes. But it wasn't. It was real.

Daphne and Pansy comforted you while you were crying every day - something that you hadn't expected Pansy to do at all. You didn't plan on telling them about it, but you needed someone to talk to.

It was all so overwhelming


You flopped down next to Hermione in the library. She was looking up some complicated spell that you weren't supposed to learn until you did your O.W.Ls. That was one thing that Hermione loved to do, learn things that were hard and complexed to show off. Well, that's what you thought, anyway.

She looked up from her book and saw a tear trickling down your cheek. She knew about your grandmother, you had told her on the exact same day that Malfoy had told you. She was an easy person to trust, Hermione. She didn't go ratting or gossiping on anybody unless she absolutely had to.

"Are you okay?" she asked, placing her red bookmark on a page so she could save it and come back to it later.

"I'm fine." you replied, sniffing a little. She gave you a stern look.

"Whenever a girl says that they are fine, they are definitely not fine." she said, patting you on the back lightly. "Is it about your Grandmother?"

All you could do was nod, you didn't really want to be reminded of her. But everything you did seemed to remind you of her.

"Well she's in a better place now, with your parents..."

"Don't talk about my parents!" you snapped, looking up at Hermione. You almost immediately regretted it. She didn't know that Voldemort was you father. "I'm sorry Hermione, I really am. It's just so hard having no family. And, all that pretending has got to my head."

Hermione just sat there, because she knew she could not empathise with you. Of course she couldn't, she had never lost any family like you had. She had never felt what emotional death was like.

You saw Harry walk across the room with Ron nowhere in sight. He was most probably at the great hall, grabbing a bite to eat.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he get close enough for you to hear. He spoke in a hushed voice, as not to disturb any of the other people reading in the library.

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