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You were sitting on your bed, cold in the night breeze which was seeping through the open window of the dorm. Daphne was asleep under her covers but you, you were reading. 

Shakespeare, and his book a midsummer night's dream, who was such a marvellous writer, fascinated you. His writing was just so rich -  a muggle, you knew - but it was just unfathomably amazing. When you read his work, and many other muggle writer's work, it just made you feel so wonderful inside.

Books were the only thing that you possessed that were made by muggles, apart from some shoes which looked like they were for wizards and witches anyway. 

Daphne turned in bed, making a grunting noise and shoving her bed covers around. Daphne Greengrass, beautiful, but not as beautiful as you.

Suddenly, your dormitory door opened and you dropped your book, sighing as the words sank away and a figure replaced them. It was Pansy Pug-face Parkinson, a horrible frown corrupted her already ugly face. She would pick and choose whether she would be nice to you, and it seemed that today she would not be.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, firmly - crossing her arms to show some makeshift authority.

"Tell you what?" you replied innocently.

"That you were staying with Draco over the summer!"

"Oh did I forget to say?" you questioned, "Pansy, I stayed with Draco over the summer."

Then, you quickly picked up your book and immersed yourself in the writing once more. You only read the word 'thereafter' before the book was snatched forcefully away from your hands.

"Hey!" you shouted, lunging after your precious book and landing face first on the green Slytherin covers.

"You knew I liked him! He was mine!" snapped Pansy, unceremoniously slamming the book soundly down on top of your brown beside table. "How dare you steal him!"

"What?" you asked, confused, "He can do what he wants and I can do what I want. And I had to stay with him over the summer, it wasn't my choice. Now give me back my..."

"But why didn't you tell me!" Pansy screamed. She screamed so loudly that it woke Daphne who promptly stopped snoring fell out of her bed onto the floor. She stood up, still half asleep, and put her pale hand on her forehead.

"Shut up you guys." she tiredly said and slumped back into her bed.

"Well," Pansy said a touch more quietly, "Why didn't you..."

"I don't need to ask you for permission, Pansy, you're not my mother." you retorted. You almost chocked on the word mother. Seeing her alive and well hadn't helped you take down anything well. You're grandmother was dead due to poison, your Dad was an evil wizard psycho and your mother, who was alive all along, had abandoned her only child at birth: you were a complicated person. 

"Well you have to ask for my permission if it's to do with Draco because he's mine!" exclaimed Pansy, sticking her piggy nose back into the air.

"Pansy, you're insane!" you replied, jumping up off of your bed. You did this because you were taller than her, making her look up to you, so it reminded her who was in charge. She didn't back down so she either didn't notice this or just completely ignored it.

"And it's my friendship group!" she protested harshly.

Daphne, who had somehow gotten back to sleep, was stirring again but neither of you dimmed your voices.

"Pansy, you have three seconds to back down, or I'll scream. Then I'll place a charm on myself so it looks like you've punched me. Try explaining that to Snape."

Draco Malfoy x Reader - Your Years At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now