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Your end of term had been fast - seemingly sped up by the death of Cedric Diggory and the rumoured return of the dark lord. Everyone seemed uneasy - and the papers seemed to hurriedly jump on you, Harry and Dumbledore whenever they had the chance - trying desperately to squeeze out any ounce of information on that ghastly night.

But one thing annoyed you the most.

Liars. They had branded you as liars on all of the papers. The ministry and all of the reporters seemed adamant that the dark lord had not returned. The first time you read the prophet, sitting in Malfoy Manor, you had screamed - apparently so loud and violently that it shattered all of the lower floor windows and caused you to faint.

And it angered you that you could feel him. Your father. It felt like he was with you, always. Inside of your mind - devouring it. He wanted something, badly, and you could tell that he was willing to kill anything in his way to get what he wanted. 

Since that night, you hadn't seen your mother. You were starting to wonder if he had killed her, too. The thought made you cringe in pain and emotion.


You and Draco had decided that you would travel out to the manor field and practice some quidditch, something you happily welcomed as to take your wind off of things. 

As you flew, you threw the quaffle so hard at the goal that Draco almost fell off of his broom. He looked at you, confused, and you just flew to him and snatched the ball away from him, frowning. 

You played and played. It must have been at least four hours until you started to see a tiredness set into Draco's eyes. But he carried on playing. And so did you. 

You played until your muscles were sore. Until they were screaming for a release, the relief of a long rest. But still you continued - content on getting 500 point ahead of Draco so you could rub it in his face later.

You threw the quaffle again, harder.

"Hey, what's your problem?" you heard a voice from behind you, Draco flying up to you with a furrowed brow.

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"Well, you're clearly not," he exclaimed, "you've been angry all day - like you want to kill me or something."

You looked at the floor. You had felt a deep anger throughout you during the day - as if it was corrupting you. It was seeping through your veins - making you feel... dark.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me."

Draco looked upset. "I really don't know who I've been spending my time with, its just not you Y/N. Ever since Ced..."

"Don't you DARE talk about that!" you screamed.

Then you lunged for him, your hands going closely for his throat, loosing balance as you did.

You both fell through the air - towards the ground next to Malfoy manor, Draco's face twisting into something next to fear. And, just before you hit the ground, you concentrated hard and you both stopped. 

You could hardly get up, hardly move, as the strain of the quidditch and hard work set in. 

Then you saw him.

A black contortion of nothingness. Followed by two more, and another. Licks and curls of grey, flying and floating through the humid air towards you. You barely had the energy to sit up before they were upon you. They lingered over you, like vultures over the dead.

Then you heard that laugh. His sickening, horrific laugh - but it felt... different. It felt like it was a calling, like it was meant for you. And as you saw him, stepping out of his self-created darkness, you felt... alive.

"Well," he said, looking down and around half-fervently, "I definitely thought you'd be stronger by now."

You could feel Draco shuffling behind you, looking up in shock to see that the dark lord was very much in his presence. You could feel him intake a breath, talk about going to get his father, then run away into the manor.

But you stayed.

Your father continued to look down upon you, almost scanning you to see whether you were strong enough, or fit enough... powerful enough?

He reached for his wand, a horrifically beautiful thing - pale and deadly, the one that almost killed Harry Potter. He flicked it towards you and you felt a moment of searing pain - splitting your bones and opening your mind. It was like hot lava - your blood turned into the fires of hell.

You opened your eyes towards him, anger again flowing through your veins, and you cried out - a telekinetic surge pushing towards him. He stopped, laughing, as you watched the surge push the other shadowy figures back thirty feet - flying through the air.

His laugh. So... sickening. 

"My daughter... you truly are... a fighter." He smiled.

You looked at him, and you felt something happening in your head. A surge of white pain ran through your eyes, and you felt them... change.

You looked up at your father. "What... what are you doing to..."

You cried again - the pain increasing as tears spilled from your eyes.

"I... I... don't do this to me..."

He looked down at you, slightly confused, until you re-opened your eyes and he smiled. If anyone was looking on they may have mistook him for a happy man, but you knew whatever twisted happiness he was feeling could only be ill.

"Go, run inside," he urged, "take a look."


You never ran so fast. As you entered the door of Malfoy manor you almost smacked into the wall in an effort to climb the stairs faster. You saw, from your left, Draco and his parents hurriedly rushing through the house and Draco must have seen you has he hesitated for a second, looked at his parents, then quickly followed you up the stairs, at least 20 behind you.

You sprinted towards the closest bathroom and to the mirror, splashing some water in your face to cleanse the last of the stinging from your eyes. 

And as you looked into the mirror, your heart stopped. Your eyes had changed, the pupils slightly wider, the iris... 


Red like blood. You felt something inside. The anger. Again it seeped through you - a sign of your father, finally marking you as his own. You were scared. You didn't know what was happening to you.

Draco burst through the door and you turned to him; he almost fell onto his back at the sight of your face, twisted and contorted in something evil. And your skin, started to grey and pale, your hair becoming more vibrant than ever. It was as if the life has been sucked out of you - like whatever youth you had had been stolen.

But your skin was still smooth. A resemblance of something that was once pretty but was now wrapped in some deep and dark beauty - devoid of innocence but not experience.

And, as you watched in the mirror of a bathroom in malfoy manor, you saw the dark curls of blackness come from you, like something from nightmares. You looked deadly, like a living sin. 

And when Draco looked at you, he looked scared. Not of you, but of the power you held. The power of the pure evil that your father ahd corrupted you with. No longer an innocent girl.

"And now I live." you heard him say, as you looked back into the mirror.

"And you, you will join me."



I'm back after 10,000 years (1.5 to be exact), but I hope you have enjoyed this part. Short and sweet. Please leave all of your love in the comments and please tell me how silly I am for not updating this story! Thank you for all of the support while I've been gone, almost 400k reads is crazy, crazier than I'd have ever imagined. I love you all - and keep reading!

Word Count: 1350

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