Harry's Dream

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You jogged back from your quidditch practise. The team had never been so disobedient. No one even listened to you - it was as if they were mocking you.

You clutched your broom in your hand, kit slung over your shoulder. You had stayed after practise to clean all of the balls, as Crabbe and Goyle had thought it funny to roll them around in mud. It had taken you ages, especially to clean all of the nooks and crannies of the little gold snitch.

"God I hate men sometimes." you whispered to yourself.

That hadn't been the only thing that had annoyed you. With every DA lesson, Umbridge's suspicions grew. Filch had been following the members around, trying to catch them in the act.

The lessons had been getting shorter and shorter, as not to arouse suspicion.

The twins' plan was still on your mind. They said it would have to start after Christmas, as the break for winter was near, and you couldn't wait for it. It would put Malfoy right back in his place.

When the calls for the 'inquisitorial squad' were plastered through the halls, you were almost disgusted. She was trying to use students to rat you out?

It was already dark outside, and as you passed the Slytherin tent you chucked your broom through the curtains in the general direction of the others.

With the Christmas break just around the corner, you had nowhere to go.

There was no way that you were heading back to Malfoy Manor. Not a chance.

Then you thought...

I can ask Ron!

It was getting close to 10, so you'd have to go quickly.

Dashing through the castle, most of the students in evening clothes or heading back to their dorms, you headed towards the dungeons. You burst into the common room hurtling up the stairs towards your room.

"Looks like someone's in a rush!" said Pansy, scoffing as she saw you come back down the stairs in some pyjamas, "Off to see Potter are we?"

"Yes I actually am," you replied, rolling your eyes and heading back out of the common room.

"Me and Draco joined the inquisitorial squad earlier this week," she said, flicking her hair over her shoulder, "sure you don't want to join us? You could be my little helper!"

Turning around to look at Pansy, you laughed. You just stared her dead in the eye and laughed.

She scoffed back at you and you closed the door to the Slytherin Common room. You couldn't be bothered with her right now, you would lose your temper.


You finally found your way across the school and to the staircases, heading up to Gryffindor tower to search for Ron.

You could ask to stay at the burrow for Christmas!

A few third year Gryffindors passed you by, each giving you an odd stare.

The portrait of the fat lady stared back at you as you reached it, her eyes slowly falling shut.

You cleared your throat and she shot awake.

"Oh sorry dear... I was feeling a little drows-" she looked you up and down, "this is the Gryffindor common room! I suggest you slither back to the dungeon before Professo-"

You cut her off, not wanting to let the whining portrait ramble on.

"I need Ron Weasley, please." you said, scratching at the back of your head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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