The Whomping Willow

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"You have a FIREBOLT! I didn't even know!" you exclaimed as Harry was talking to you. There was no way that he had a firebolt, you hadn't even heard any rumours about it. There was just no way that he could have gotten one. But, he said he had.

How could you beat Gryffindor in the final match if they had a firebolt on their side? It was the fastest broom in the world. Harry would be almost unbeatable on such a broom, especially with Malfoy seeking for the team. He was okay, but he was no match for Harry - even when he was on his old broomstick.

"Yeah, Professor McGonagall took it away to have it examined for jinxes and the lot, especially because Sirius Black is on the loose." said Harry glumly, looking at the floor as he walked. He was dressed in muggle clothes which were far too big for his slender body. You wondered why he even liked wearing them, but thought it best not to ask in case you seemed rude.

"Shame. So you think you'll have it back by the end of the season?" you asked, raising your eyebrow jokingly.

He must have caught on because he replied: "What, worried we'll beat you for the cup. Mind you - you have Malfoy as a seeker and that's almost certain doom."

The two of you laughed together. You found Harry comforting, someone that you could go to when you felt down; he was a very trustworthy person. When you looked into his green eyes you saw trust. He trusted you. He trusted the daughter of the man who brutally murdered his parents and tried to murder him. God, if he only knew who you were...

"Scabbers!" shouted Ron, watching his fat, brown rat hop from his hands and scamper away. This sent the four of you into a mad panic. Ron chased after his family rat whilst the three of you chased after Ron, warning him not to go too fast. There were so many screams, it was too loud. What if the people at Hagrid's house heard you!

You seemed to run for ages, stumbling whilst climbing and getting up just to run a few steps more before falling again. Then, you stopped. 

The whomping willow stood tall before you, and Ron sat at the base of it, holding Scabbers in his cupped hands.

"Ron!" said Hermione. "You know what tree this is!"

"That's not good." said Harry, watching as one of the whomping willow's leafy branches started to move.

"Ron!" you shouted, as he looked up from his rat. But, instead of looking behind him at the deadly tree, he only stared ahead in horror. Was it your face? Was it really that bad?

"Behind you!" he screamed, his face contorting into a horrified grimace. Ron Weasley looked as if he were going to throw up as a massive, black dog ascended over the hill behind you. Its slick fur was blowing around in the wind and its teeth filled jaw hung wide open.

It barked and jumped, knocking you, Harry and Hermione over as it bounded straight towards Ron - fangs bared aggressively. The dog sank its fangs into Ron's leg and dragged him, a whimpering mess, across the muddy ground towards the whomping willow.

The three of you ran towards him, tripping and stumbling in your feeble attempts to save him. Was Ron going to die? Was he going to be eaten by the massive black dog that was now descending, along with Ron, a large set of dirty steps down into the tree itself. Why the steps were even there was a mystery to you.

After several of Harry's failed attempts to grab Ron's arm and haul him out of the hole Ron, and his voice along with him, disappeared altogether.

You all stood up, mentally debating who was going down the hole after Ron. Then, you heard a crack. The snapping of a branch. The three of you flew through the air and landed unceremoniously on your backs. You helped each other up, asking if one another were fine before continuing. The whomping willow waved its thick branches in mockery at the tiny, no good people below it.

"Just run!" Harry ordered, and the three of you bolted towards the entrance at the bottom of the tree. There was a branch here and a trunk there, but nothing really hit you until it happened.

Harry lost his footing and was smacked by a thick branch, knocking him to the floor and allowing his glasses to slip off of his face. Then, another branch swept down and hit Hermione in the stomach. It lifted her into the air as she clung onto a branch for dear life.

Something came towards you, a branch or something bigger, and you had to use your telekinesis to stop it from hitting you. It was too close to say that the attacking thing was a hair strand away.

Hermione's girlish screams echoed around the place as she was flung through the air, and Harry dodged yet another oncoming trunk threatened to crush him alive. You were all going to die if you didn't do something about it.

So, you held your hands up, fingered wide as usual and thought. You begged your mind to let it happen.


The whomping willow froze as if an invisible hand were clamping down on it's branches, restricting it from any movement. It was quite a sight.

Harry and Hermione had obviously noticed, and were staring at you, wide eyed, as if you were performing some kind of dark magic.

Maybe you were...

Involuntarily, the branches of the tree returned to their normal state, dropping your friends on the floor and stayed that way. It didn't even try to hit anyone, not even once.

It was silent for a moment.

"You can... you just... you did what?" stammered Harry, his shocked words strongly reflecting the equally as puzzled look on Hermione's face. You didn't want to answer it, but you did the first thing that came to mind. You lied.

"Oh, it was just some magic that my grandma taught me..."

"How did you just..." said Hermione, staring up at the immobilised branches. "You didn't even have your wand out!"

"Well I was..." you closed your eyes. Truth or lie? Truth or lie...

"I'll explain later, first we need to get to Ron. And fast!"

You had just evaded telling your best friends you were a freak.


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