Buckbeak Dies

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The four of you ran down the steps quickly, rushing to get to Hargid's house and comfort him. You didn't want buckbeak to die; he was such a beautiful bird. If you could have heard the news before then maybe you could have used your telekinesis to set him free. Someone might have caught you though: maybe it was a bad idea to do that.

Before bursting into Hagrid's measly excuse for a home, you looked at buckbeak - magnificent with his frosty feathers and gleaming beak, possibly for the final time in your life. The poor bird was going to be killed because Malfoy was too proud to admit that Harry was better than him. You vowed to make him pay for the bird's unwelcome death.

You filed into Hagrid's hut, Ron first, and saw him sitting at his table - fang leaning his head cosily against his owner. Fang was a pathetic excuse for a dog, like Malfoy: cowardly. People and animals who were cowardly had no place in your good books. 

After being welcomed warmly into Hagrid's house, he took you and Harry aside to talk and look at the poor bird.

"Hagrid," asked Harry calmly, "why don't you just set him free?"

You pondered on this idea, thinking it over. Yes, Hagrid could set the bird free and Buckbeak would fly away and live in the wild with his head fully attached.

"Nah, I can't do that. They'd know it was me. Dumbledore's comin' down ya know, said 'e wanted to be with me when... well... it happened." choked Hagrid, barely able to keep back his tears. You would tell that he was definitely not for the idea of Buckbeak's execution.

"Great man, Dumbledore." muttered Hagrid, showing his gratitude towards the great wizard. You knew of Dumbledore's greatness but hadn't met him many times, only the few where you had been in the hospital wing or about daddy issues. And you had very big daddy issues.

Hermione hopped up out of her seat, spilling a bit of tea on the table which she ignored completely. "We'll stay with you Hagrid!" she answered hopefully. You could see the glimmer of kindness in her eyes, something that was strong in Hermione. She was a kind person.

"You will do no such thing!" roared Hagrid. "I don't want you seein' somethin' like that! Now, you jus' drink your tea and be off." He paused for a moment as if he were trying to remember somthing that he was supposed to do, something that he had forgotten to do.

"Oh, yeh! An' before you do Ron!"

Hagrid reached into a blue bread tin and pulled out a rat. A big, brown rat. It was chubby around its middle and had greasy, wiry fur that reminded you of pipe cleaner. You hoped that it didn't smell as bad as it looked.

"Scabbers!" called Ron, gratefully reaching for his pet rat that was nestled in Hagrid's huge hands. The rat squeaked a little as Ron took a hold of it.

"You better keep a closer eye on your pets Ron!" ordered Hagrid, pointing a meaningful but uncertain finger at Ron. Ron nodded and closed his hands tighter around Scabbers, pulling the rat towards his chest.

"I think that means you owe someone an apology!" said an annoyed Hermione, crossing her arms over her chest.

She stared at Ron expectantly. You saw Harry wince and rub the back of his head.

"Well, when I see Crookshanks I'll tell him." replied Ron sarcastically, wrinkling his nose at her.

"I meant me!" she replied, unwrapping her arms tighter around her chest.

A little pebble flew through the window and hit a vase, shattering it. You saw Hermione pick the pebble up, and look out of the window.

There were footsteps outside. You could hear them. Footsteps coming from not so far away. They were getting closer.

Voices. Male voices - three of them. Two were old and one fairly young. One voice belonged to a person that you knew. The headmaster. Dumbledore.

"We need to go!" you stuttered, pushing you friends towards Hagrid's back door. "The executioner and Dumbledore are coming! Quickly, go!"

"Yeh you lot! If someone sees yer' outside of the castle at this time you'll get in trouble. You better go!"

You half ran, half stumbled out of Hagrid's back door and broke into a sprint. You could hear your friends running behind you - trying to keep up with your exceptionally fast running speed. 

You could hear whoever the two people were and Dumbledore entering the house, greeting Hargid as if it were just a normal, happy day. How could it be happy when an executioner in all black was coming to chop Hagrid's beautiful bird's head off? How was that a 'happy' day?

It was happy for sick, twisted people like Malfoy. 

"(Y/n)!" whispered Hermione when she got close enough. The four of you were just running up a hill next to the forbidden forest. "Did you see that?" 

"See what?" you asked scanning all around you. You couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. You debated whether you should pick up a log with your mind and wave it around a bit to see if anyone was hiding, but you didn't want to reveal to your friends that you were a freak. A weird freak with a very evil dad.

"I thought I just saw... Never mind." she said uneasily, turning back around to run.

You very much doubted that Hermione was going mad, she was the most sane, and one of the cleverest people in your year: there was no way that Hermione was just 'seeing things'.

With this on your mind, you slowly turned to Harry. He was thoughtfully staring at you, his bright green eyes even brighter in the dimming light of the day. He looked... Handsome... somewhat. Almost as handsome as...


He turned his head away, embarrassed. Had you just caught him... staring at you? Like... staring staring at you? And why would he be embarrassed about it, it wasn't even that bad. Boys could be so weird sometimes. 

"Let's go!" said Ron, something that you could finally agree on. So, you all ran into the growing darkness of the night and listening to the squelch of the axe coming down on top of Buckbeak's feathery neck.


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