Truth or I'll Date Her

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"Go on Cedric, put it in!" one of the older students shouted from the back row. Everyone had gathered to see the students put their names into the goblet of fire and some people had become very over enthusiastic about it. There were some girls screaming in the back row as Cedric threw a small piece of paper into the fire. 

Hopefully he didn't know it was you who threw oil over his head, his hair and eyebrows were still tinted slightly red from the experience.

"WHOOO YEAH!" someone shouted from the doorway. Fred and George Weasley were running across the room, slips of paper in one hand and vials in the other and were receiving an immense round of applause. Apparently they were going to use an aging potion to cross Dumbledore's age line.

Ha, not going to work.

"Cooked it up just this morning!" George bragged as he showed the vial to the audience, receiving another round of cheers.

Hermione sat a few places over from you, looking as annoyed yet slightly amused as you were. "It's not going to work." she mused with a clever smirk.

"Oh yeah, and why's that Granger?" One of the boys asked as they crouched around her. 

"You see this?" she gestured to the floor, "This is an age line, Dumbledore drew it himself!"

"So?" they asked in unison.

You felt the urge to speak, so you did so. "So, Dumbledore is the greatest wizard of this age and I seriously doubt that you two could cross something made by such a genius! Especially with a simple aging potion."

They smiled.

"But that's why it's so brilliant" George uttered.

"Because it's so pathetically dim witted!" reiterated Fred.

Then, ignoring yours and Hermione's advice they stepped up to the age line, enticing another loud roar from the crowd. It was a wonder no teacher had come to check what was making so much noise.

"Ready, Fred?"

"Ready George!"

They smiled and undid the corks of their vials. "Bottoms up!"

They gulped down the liquid from the vials quicker than you could blink an eye. Their eagerness was so blatant that it was sinking into your skin. You shivered.

They took a jump across the age line. There was no way that they were going to make it and you wondered what strange and wonderful thing Dumbledore would have in store for them: a bunch of crazy, yet amusing, Weasleys.

Another roar (seriously how had Snape not walked in) came from the crowd of onlookers and you frowned. There was no way to trick Dumbledore's age line, was there? Surely not with just a simple aging potion.

Fred and George proceeded to take their small pieces of parchment with their names scribbled across them from their robes. They looked over to you and Hermione and winked, throwing the paper into the flames. Gods you were embarrassed.

You blocked out the next wave of applause, trying not to think how stupid you now looked in front of so many people. They probably thought that you were some madwoman who wasn't interested in fun and games at all, trying to stop the boys from cheating. Well, it was technically an incorrect thing to do, right?

Just as you were thinking this, the goblet let out a blue jet of flames, hitting the two boys in the chest and making them tumble away from the age line. You glanced over at Hermione, who was looking proudly down at the Weasley twins.

They sat up and, to everyone's surprise, grey wiry hair started to sprout from their heads and long white beards grew around their faces.

Everyone laughed.

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