Unwanted Practice

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You jogged alongside Marcus Flint as you travelled to the well-used quidditch pitch. You felt confident that this year Slytherin would regain their reign over the quidditch cup, although you wouldn't mind too much if Gryffindor won either - considering Harry was on the team

Mr Malfoy had bought the brooms for the whole Slytherin team. You couldn't understand this as Draco despised you so much. He snarled every time you passed him, continuously calling you a 'Blood-traitor' whenever he saw you with Hermione. He had begun to say it so much that every time he did you didn't even react any more. It had become normal.

There was one problem with being on the Slytherin quidditch team, though, was that you had to actually face Harry. You didn't want to feel bad for beating him and vice versa, and he was the best (and youngest) Gryffindor seeker in one hundred years. Maybe he could even play quidditch in the future! 

You needed to think strategy. It was Flint's job, but you just couldn't help it. If Adrian could have just went right a little more... or if Flint could have passed the ball at a more diagonal angle you would have had a goal there.

You  had told yourself to stop thinking about it. You needed to get to practice and get in the mindset for the game. Not over think. No more over thinking was allowed after how much time you spent dwelling on your father. None.

Just as you were thinking about Harry, you saw the Gryffindor team, all kitted out, walking towards the pitch that Snape said you could use. You saw Harry's face twist in raw confusion as you trotted alongside Marcus Flint with your new Nimbus 2001.

Of course, you had forgotten to tell him you were on the team. Of all of the things you could have forgotten to tell him, you forgot to tell him this. 

You mouthed a quick 'I forgot to tell you' to him. He nodded silently back.

"Where do you think your going, Flint?" asked Oliver wood, as the two teams drew nearer to each other. You could tell that this encounter wasn't going to end well.

You felt suddenly stunned. An icy cold overcame you for no where. It was freezing the back of your eyelids and making you gasp out in pain. The pins and needles you were feeling felt more like sharp, slashing knives.

You willed the warm to come back over you, to save you from the cold. The faint sound from conversation somewhere was invading your ears. It was as if someone had opened you like a book and written something in ice cold ink. You wanted so badly for it so stop.

"(Y/N)!" you could hear Harry saying as your face went numb. You felt like you were going to faint.

Then it was gone. The blinding pain of scratching knives against your eyelids was gone, and with it replaced a sense of triumph and warmth. 

"I'm okay, I just felt..." you searched your brain for a piece of appropriate language, "Weird."

Harry nodded but still kept a firm grasp on your arm as if you were going to topple over. Every single eye, from both teams, was on you.

Harry suddenly released his grip. He was pushed back a few feet by someone with platinum-blond hair.

"Back off, can't you see she's ill?" said Malfoy, pulling you back behind him. He was frowning at Harry, his almost invisible eyebrows touching in the middle of his forehead. 

"Leave her alone!" shouted Harry, looking straight at you. You shook you head telling him to stop his assault on Draco, telling him that it was okay to step down. "Didn't think you'd be the new seeker." he said.

"That's right, at that's not all that's new this year." he, along with the rest of the Slytherin team, shook their new broomsticks in Harry's face. Harry could only stare in disbelief. 

"Those are nimbus 2001's. How did you get those!" said Ron, who had appeared beside Harry. He must have been returning from watching the Gryffindor team practise. He raised his eyebrow at you and you signalled over to Draco.

Ron rolled his eyes at you in return.

"A gift from Draco's father" said Flint, looking Ron straight in the eye and giving him a cold, mocking smirk.

"See Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best!" Draco exclaimed, stepping a little closer to Ron to look down on him.

You could see Hermione's mind ticking  like a clock, as if she wanted to say something. You widened your eyes and shook your head frantically - you had a very bad feeling about something. She chose to ignore your warning.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in! They got in on pure talent!" she returned, looking Draco up and down disapprovingly.

Draco turned his head to her, seething, and came a step closer. He was at least three inches taller, making him seem very intimidating. He snarled down over Hermione.

"No one asked for your opinion," said Draco, turning his nose up as if looking at a piece of dirt "You filthy little Mud-blood!"

The sound of gasps overtook everything else around. Even you gasped. No one used that kind of language any more - especially not now. Blood purity didn't even bother most people, it certainly didn't bother you.

It was banned throughout the school. Everyone knew that Hogwarts was a place for all witches and wizards - regardless of their magical background.

"Oh you'll pay for that one Malfoy!" said Ron, taking out his spellotaped wand. "EAT SLUGS!"

The spell Ron cast sent him flying backwards onto the grass. The whole Slytherin team was in tears on the floor laughing, but you ignored them, running over to go and help Ron.

"Are you okay Ron?" said a worried Hermione, looking at him. He had gone a horrible lime green colour and he looked like he was about to throw up. You had heard of the spell Ron had just used before, but had never, ever seen anyone use it.

Ron suddenly heaved and a single, slimy slug came out of his mouth. Everyone turned up their noses in horror. Poor Ron was lying there, gurgling up slugs while Malfoy and his snobby little friends were rolling around on the floor laughing.

A little first year that was sorted into Gryffindor started taking pictures of poor Ron.

"Go away Colin!" shouted Harry as he picked up Ron. "Go to practice, (Y/n), we'll see you later."

Harry and the others left you as they walked away, dragging Ron with them.

They had left you stuck in some unwanted practice.


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