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"Get away from me you... you... evil little thing!" you shouted, kicking him in the shin. "How dare you! How. Dare. You! I'm going to kill you ten times over and ten times more after that! If I even catch a sight of you again!"

Madam Pomfrey walked over and clutched your arm. "Ms Thornheart I really think you should lay back down." she argued, resting you down on your bed whilst you were still thrashing around trying to hit him.

"You basically gave me to my father!" you continued, probably making more noise than before. "Who would do that!?"

He flinched as if the words had punched him; such a rare sight to see him flinch. Draco Malfoy hardly ever flinched.

"I didn't know!" he protested, looking at you mournfully and raising his hands.

"Yeh, likely story Draco!" you protested. Madam Pomfrey had given up on trying to stop you arguing and had left the hospital wing.

You wished Harry were there but he was let out just three hours before to head down for dinner in the great hall. His injuries weren't as bad as yours, still, even though Fawkes had healed the both of you. He could heal the visible wounds, the ones that drew blood, but he could never heal the emotional ones - the ones inside of you.

"Well it's true, what more can I say?" stated Malfoy, slowly slumping down into the chair to the side of your bed. You stayed silent, not to make him feel guilty but to hear what he had to say. "If I'd have known it was charmed I wouldn't have given it to you..."

You couldn't help but interrupt. "Of course you wouldn't, Draco!" you exclaimed, turning to face him, "And I didn't even put it on!" Dumbledore had told you that the bracelet given to you had some kind of controlling charm, like the imperious curse.

His face reddened a little.

"Then someone in your dorm put it on you." he replied, looking at you like he had said something that was of importance. Maybe it was true.

"No... No they wouldn't. Maybe it was charmed to just return to my wrist when it was 'needed'." you tried to convince yourself more than Malfoy.

"I guess that was probably it, then!" he said unconvincingly. He hardly ever admitted that he was wrong or that someone else was right.

You let your head fall back onto the pillow behind you. You wanted to go to sleep, but there was a book waiting on your night stand and you figured you could pretend to read to ignore him. Malfoy stepped in front of the book as you were reaching for it, and you scowled in disgust.

"What now?" you asked, trying your best not to sound annoyed.

"I know you're annoyed (Y/n)."

"Oh no, how did you guess?." you replied, rolling your eyes. "Just get out of here and leave me alone. I know you only came up here to check if it had worked."

"I didn't come up here for that." he added. "I came up here for something else."

"Please leave, Malfoy." you replied through gritted teeth. You opened the book that you had managed to grab; now you really wanted to read.

"No, I just wanted to say... I'm s-s-..." he whispered, looking down at his feet. "Sorry."

You were stunned for a second, but you didn't take your eyes away from the book. Malfoy had come to say... sorry?

You didn't want his company. You wanted him to leave.

"Please leave." you said.

Malfoy turned around and started walking towards the exit. Then he reached for the handle of the door.

Draco Malfoy x Reader - Your Years At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now