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"Mama.! They're about to go to war.! I want to fight for our country.! I want to be brave and confident." I complain. "Now Gerard. I told you. You and Mikey need to protect each other." she said before going to the kitchen.

"I'm home.!" dad yells as he walks in the house. "Dad.!" me and Mikey yell. We run over and hug him. "Donald.!" mama yells before running up to him and hugging him. We all were in a family group hug. "I got a surprise for you boys." dad said as he moved out of the way.

"Elena.!" me and Mikey scream as we hug her. Elena was our grandmother. "Hello boys." she said as she hugged back.

"Hello Elena." mama said as she hugged her. We set her bags down and started catching up with her.

"Grandma. Me and Gerard are going to war.!" Mikey blurts out. "Really.?" she says as she looks at mama. "Yup. To be brave and confident." I respond. "When Mikey's eighteen."

"Well you boys better come back to me safe at home." she said. "I remember the first war. I was so happy when it ended on 1918." "What happened grandma.?" Mikey asks.


After it started getting late, mama tucked us in. I know, me and Mikey are older. But we still like getting tucked in. "Now boys. Go on to sleep. Grandma Elena will be in the next room." she said as she was finishing tucking Mikey in. "Goodnight boys." Then she left the room.

"Gerard.?" Mikey asks softly. "Yes Mikey.?" I said. "Do you think war will stop before I turn eighteen.?" he asks. "Maybe." I said before falling asleep.

The next morning I turn on radio to listen to what happened next. Canada declared war. So much war.! I wonder if they could sit down and talk it out like normal people.

"What are you doing there.?" Elena asks as she sits down next to me. "Listening to what's happening next on war." I said as I turn it down. "You're growing up to be a smart, strong boy." she says with the sweetest smile. She hands me a little compass. "Here. My father gave this to me. I want you to have this for when you go to war. To be even braver and confident." she said with a smile.

"Breakfast.!" Mama calls out. Everyone goes to the kitchen and sits down. Me and Mikey look at the empty chair next to Elena. We look at each other. Them we look back at the chair. Then we sprint to the chair. Good thing I got longer legs. I got there first. "Haha." I said to Mikey sticking my tongue out. He sat down across from Elena.

Mama sets down a loaf of bread in the center of the table and a pitcher of water. "So Elena. What brings you here to Belleville.?" Mama asks as she refills Mikey's cup. "Well, I just thought I could come and visit my two favorite grandchildren." she says as she pats my head.

After breakfast Elena sits down on the couch. "Elena. I love you." Mikey says. That's the first time I heard him say that. "Why aren't you sweet." she says as she pinches his cheek.

It starts getting hot outside. I roll up my sleeves and take off my socks. It's still hot. "Elena are you still warm.?" Mama asks as she feels her forehead. "Yes dear, I am." she said as she wipes her forehead. "Don't worry Elena." I said as I fanned her. Mikey joined in. We made sure that she was nice and cool.

"Supper.!" Mama called out. "Come on Elena.!" Mikey said. "You buys go without me, I'll be there." she said as she fanned herself with her hand.

Me and Mikey headed off to the table. It took Elena a while to come and eat. Me and Mikey got worried.

After supper I turned on the radio to see if anything had happened yet. Nope. War was still going on. I wonder how it works. What happens.? Why is there war.? What would happen to me and Mikey.?

"Elena.!" Mikey says. "I'm tired.!" he complains as he lays his head on her lap. Elena stealer. I decided to shut off the radio and go to bed.

I lay in bed and stare at the upper bunk. I never got the upper bunk. Probably because Mama would love the one on the bottom more. Haha Mikey.

"Mikey, Gerard.!" Mama called. "Get in bed.!" I hear Mikey running to our bedroom. "I get the top bunk." he said as he jumps on the upper bunk. Whatever. "Mama.!" Mikey cries.

"I'm coming. I'm coming." she said as she walks in. "Ok, now let me tell you another story. One day a girl was walking down the street and didn't look both way and got ran over. The end." Then mama walked out the door.

Me and Mikey looked at each other. Mama always told us amazing stories. She didn't even tuck us in. I had to try to tuck myself in. I just payed out the blanket and rolled myself up like a caterpillar. Not the same like the way mama used to do on cold nights.

"Gerard.?" Mikey said softly. "Yes Mikey.?" I said softly too. "Do you think mama and Elena are okay.?" he asks. I sigh. "I don't know Mikey. I don't know." I said as I close my eyes and fall asleep.

The Ghost Of You. Gerard Way Historical Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now