Ship Out

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"What was your whole hissy fit.?" Mikey asked as he grabbed his stuff. I didn't want to talk about the letter. "Nothing." I said as I grabbed the rest of Mikey's stuff. I put his backpack on for him and we got in line.

-one week later-

"Alright, you can write one more note to your loved one. It may be your last." Lieutenant Oliver said. I decided to write to mama one last time to tell her how I felt.


Mama we all go to hell.

That was all I wrote. Mama made me feel ashamed of myself. I felt like I would go to hell if I die. I am anyway. I should of been a better son to my mama. It wasn't fair.

"Move out.!" Lieutenant Oliver yelled.

We held our guns in place with both hands, and followed lieutenant Oliver. I heard seagulls from the sky fly around. It reminded me of the beach. When seagulls would fly everywhere and surprisingly not poop on anyone. There was this smell that smelled like sand and the ocean. We were near water.

Lieutenant Oliver moved the leafs out of the way and there were small boats in rows horizontally. I saw more men come out. I guess we're going somewhere why sea. Lieutenant Oliver led us to a boat and sat in the front of it. I sat on the left and Mikey sitting next to me on the right. I held my gun in my lap and gripped on it so it wouldn't fall into the ocean. I had no idea what ocean we were on. Maybe the pacific.

All the lieutenants untied the rope and we sailed off. It was pretty fun. I looked down at the water and watched the fish swim by. I was afraid sharks would come up and bite me with their needle sharp teeth. It makes me shiver just thinking about it.

I wonder how long this boat ride would go. The only land I saw in my sight was the island we just left.

I listened to the tune the seagulls made. It really wasn't a tune, after hearing it for song long it sounded like it. Everyone stayed quiet except for lieutenant Oliver. He didn't stay quiet even if he wasn't talking to us. He talked to himself a lot.

He would say things like "God damn seagulls. Good god it's cold. Ain't no shark gonna jump at me. Damn Japanese."

Some men in the back actually had room to lay back a bit. They were lucky. I couldn't lay back unless I would have my head laying on some guy's junk. So I decided to just arch my back. Mikey laid his head on my shoulder and he fell asleep.

I decided to stay awake the night. Lieutenant Oliver had a lantern and I saw that other lieutenants had a lantern to show them where they were. There were boats all around. It looked pretty, the lantern made a reflection in the water. It looked like a light show in the dark.

I stuck my hand in the water and swayed it around. It was cold. Lieutenant Oliver started to fall asleep. But he couldn't, he was the lieutenant. He had to steer the boat.

Every time I felt sleepy I would slash some water in my face. I just wanted to stay up to watch over Mikey.

I reached in my pocket and pulled out Elena's compass. I looked at her picture and wiped my tears. I wanted to come home to Elena. I had no one to come home to. At least Mikey will be by my side.

I put it back in my pocket and decided to sleep. I rested my head on his and fell asleep.


"I'll take the perimeter.!" Lieutenant Oliver said, "Go.! Go.! Go.!" We all ran and reached the fence to catch our breath. "Mikey come on.!" I shouted. Mikey was still near the water. I caught my breath and watched him run to me. "Come on Mikey you can do it.!" I shouted. It was too late. "NOOO.!!!"

"NOOO.!!! I yelled as I opened my eyes from sleeping. Once again. I breathed heavy and watched everyone stare at me once again. Mikey gave me that 'calm down' face. "Way.! Behave yourself, you could've gave away our position." Lieutenant Oliver said. "Yes lieutenant Oliver." I said quickly.

Everyone was up and about but the sun wasn't even out yet. It was still dawn. The sky was grey like it was going to rain. I looked around the ocean and saw stuff in the water. "What is that.?" I asked lieutenant Oliver. "That be the ships of the German." he scoffed as he grabbed his gun. That meant everything was serious now.

We all held our guns in position. This wasn't time to play games anymore. I put on my serious face.

I will be brave.

I am confident.

I can do this.

Mikey was shaking a bit. I didn't want him to. I promised I'd take care of him. And I'm not going to break it.

All of a sudden, a gun fire was launched.

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