"Up.! Come on.!" Lieutenant Oliver yelled to every tent. Everyone put on their camo uniform and hard hat. I had to put on my shoes. I was just too lazy to."Mikey.!" I pouted. "What.?" he said. "Tie my shoe." I said. He rolled his eyes and tied my combat boots.
"Alright men, let's get going." Lieutenant Oliver said as put on his sunglasses.
We held our guns with both hands to be prepared. We walked in two lines on either side of the dirt path. There was nothing, just an open empty field of tall grass.
Mikey stood across from me so I could keep a good watch of him so he doesn't get hurt.
Every time lieutenant Oliver heard something, we would have to hide in the grass and get down without making a sudden move. He would give us the signal to. We had to watch our step to make sure there weren't any bombs or mines anywhere.
After a few hours it started getting dark. We all had tents and set them up. Once lieutenant Oliver was done setting up his tent, he told us all to get some shut eye.
Me and Mikey crawled into our tent. It was extremely small. Our feet weren't in the tent. It only protected our body and heads. We had to lay on our stomach and head poking out a bit to keep watch. I mostly kept watch for Mikey while we has sleeping.
I started falling asleep and the next thing I knew, I was out.
"Mikey what's that noise.?" I whispered as I awoken. I opened my eyes and saw rain. Ugh. Going to sleep in the rain. I tried to ignore it but I was cold and wet. It's not pleasing. Mikey started shivering. I took off my coat and placed it over him. I was wearing a muscle shirt under this. So I was pretty cold.
The next morning I had mud all over me. I put on my coat to cover it all.
Lieutenant Oliver said we could write a letter to a loved one. I had no one to write to. So I decided to write to mama.
"Mama.! Hi.! It's me Gerard.! Your son. The one you forgot about. Anyway, I'm in war with Mikey. I hope you're not mad at me still. I don't know why. But I promise to take care of Mikey and we will come home to you."
-Gerard :)
I gave it to lieutenant Oliver so he could send it. Mikey decided to not write a note to mama. She loved
him anyway."Move out.!" Lieutenant Oliver said as he grabbed his stuff. I packed up the tent and grabbed Mikey's stuff. "Ready.?" I ask as I put his backpack on for him. "Yup." Mikey said as he grabbed his gun.
I couldn't wait for mama to send me a letter.
We walked down the dirt path again checking to see if anything was hidden. We kept a close eye on everything. The tall men had to look over the grass in the field. Me and Mikey had to check underground for anything. How we check underground you ask.? We had to bomb things in order to.
Not so pleasant for our ears.
We ended up in this forest, jungle place. It just has a lot of trees everywhere. It was hard to see the sky with all the tall trees.
There was still some droplets of water on the leafs so every time we would walk through them, water would splash down. It felt good since it was burning outside. Our hats didn't quite help with that.
Out of no where, we heard this crackling noise. Lieutenant Oliver gave us the signal. We all got down and didn't make a single noise. We heard it again. Everyone got paranoid. I saw Mikey shaking a bit as he hid his face by a log. I kept a close eye to keep him safe. The noise didn't appear anymore. After ten minutes of trying to hear it, lieutenant Oliver told us to get back us and keep on moving.
I kept looking back to see if anything was there. I didn't see a thing. I decided to leave it alone and keep walking.
At night, it rained again. Lieutenant Oliver said to not use them since we were getting closer to the battle field. We had to keep watch. Me and Mikey were back to back to keep our heads out of the mud.
I looked off into the distance where there was an empty field.
I started hallucinating and was picturing things off into the field. I saw Mabel running around and a child running with her. I smiled as I watched her swoop up the kid. She swung her around and they both laughed. I was tempted to stand up and walk over to them. Until I saw Sonny put his hand on Mabel's waist and his the child's forehead.
My head started falling and I picked it back up. I liked at the field and saw that they were gone. I rubbed my eyes and rested my head against Mikey's. I fell into a deep sleep.
"Dinner.!" Mabel yelled from the kitchen. "Come on Bandit." I said as I got up and held her hand to go to the kitchen. "Mommy.!" she said with a chuckle as she ran up to Mabel. She fell as she got to her foot. "Hello my little Bandit." she said as she swooped her up and gave her an attack of kisses. "Kisses.!" I poured as I puckered my lips to her. She gave me a kiss and seated Bandit down at the table. I smiled and watched as Bandit played with her bread. I heard the door bell. "I got it." I said as I put my napkin down and got up. I walked over to the front door and opened it to find Sonny. "Hello Sonn-" I froze when he pulled out a pistol and aimed it at me. "Mabel.!" I said in a terrified voice. She gasped and held Bandit. "Who's my little girl.?" Sonny said as he walked up to her and gave Bandit a kiss on her forehead. "Did you miss your daddy.?" Mabel said to Bandit and she cradled her. "What.?" I almost cried. "Sorry Gerard. But you're not brave. You're no husband of mine." Mabel said. Her words echoed me and I heard them over and over again. I backed up and slid my back against the corner and saw the words come at me and close to attack me. I saw Sonny look at me and aim his gun. "NOOO.!!" I yelled.
I once again I woke up from yelling no. I heard a gun shot right when I woke up. I saw that it was morning and everyone once again stared at me. "Way.!" Lieutenant Oliver yelled as he handed me a letter. Yay.! I realized that Mikey wasn't behind me. Was I sleeping with my back up.? My hair wasn't dirty, nor my hat. Eh.
I quickly opened my letter and saw that it was from mama.! Squee.!!
"My, dear, Gerard,
You have disappointed me, you made me ashamed as a mother, and as a person. I couldn't be seen with you. No matter what, you'll never be brave and confident. Forget it, you're wasting your time. Trust me. You ain't no son of mine, for what you've done their going to find a place for you, and just you mind your manners when you go. And when you go, don't return to me, my love."
I folded the letter and kicked it in the mud. I stood up and twisted my foot on it to let it sink in. I stopped on it with all my strength and ripped it. I looked at everyone who was staring at me. I threw the letter back in the mud and packed my stuff. I kept the envelope.
"Move out.!" Lieutenant Oliver yelled.
The Ghost Of You. Gerard Way Historical Fiction.
Historical FictionGerard and Mikey Way have always wanted to go to war every since their mother have told them about it. That's until Gerard finds love. He finds himself on his own when his family leaves him. He ships out to war three years later reuniting with his b...