Chapter 6

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"I'm not glass so stop treating me like I'm going to break."-Scream 2

JJ's Pov:

I walked out of the dealership with my new car keys in my hand.

I finally had a car again, I also got myself a new cellphone.

When I got into the car, it had that new car smell in it that would make anybody excited-if they weren't paranoid about someone coming to kidnap them or kill them like I was.

But I guess it was still pretty exciting ring able to drive again, on my own, without help from anyone.

Instead of driving home right away like I wanted, I decided on going to the grocery store to get food.

I was finally hungry, after two days.

Which wasn't that surprising, I mean I haven't eaten real food in forever, and anything sounded good to me.

After buying some food at the grocery store, I started putting the bags in the trunk of my car when my phone rang.

I answered it without even looking at the caller, which was the most stupidest thing I could've done.

If you think-if you know someone is after you, you never answer the phone without looking at the caller ID.

Especially when it's a new phone and you've given no one your number.

"Hello?" I asked, putting another bag into my car.

"Hello." His voice said deeply.

My head shot up, and I froze.

"Why are you calling me?" I asked quietly as a little girl and her mother passed me and went into the store.

"Just checking up. So you got a car, a phone and food too? Wow. I'm surprised. Impressed and surprised."

"Where are you?" I asked looking around.

"Why does it matter?"

"Why are you taunting me? You got away Hastings. Alright? You and your partner got away." I said putting my hand on my forehead frustrated.

I never found out who else was working with him. I never saw his face.

"That's the fun part. We did get away. I made you like you are now. They all think your crazy, and now that I'm coming after you, they'll lock you up again."

"No they won't. Because I've learned what to say to them-if I was talking to them which I'm not."

"Not even Spencer?" He asked in a fake shocked voice

I stayed silent looking around the parking lot again.

"I remember when you were crying for him. Not your husband, not your full team, but just him."

"I'm done with the games. If your coming after me then go ahead. I'm ready." I said harshly, hanging up.

I closed my trunk roughly, putting the cart away.

I told Hotch I saw Emily.

I said to everyone that I saw Emily, but in reality, I saw Spence.

It was a hallucination, but it felt so real, it felt like he was there with me telling me to be strong.

I swear I felt his warm hands holding on to mine, tightly telling me everything was going to be okay.

That they were coming to save me. that part actually does make me sound crazy, but I'd just like to get it out there that I was drugged at the time, and dying.

Even I was surprised that I didn't see Will, but now I'm glad I didn't.

Considering that he left me, you think he would've stayed with me, mourned the loss but he didn't.

He moved on with some girl from a cafe, forgot about me, forgot about our baby, and forgot about Henry.

I needed to talk to Spencer.

He would understand.

Out of everyone he would understand.

I needed to tell him everything, the truth about what was going on even if it meant he could lock me up again.

Once I got into the car, I close my eyes, and thought about it.

Should I really do this?

Should I really go tell someone who thought I was crazy everything so he thinks I'm even more crazy?

No, he would listen to me.

I know he would.

He came to me when he was having trouble after the whole Tobias Hankle incident, so I could come to him with this.

With everything.


Not Crazy. {Book 1}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin