Chapter 22

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Spencer's Pov:

"Sometimes the truth is harder then the lies"-Anonymous, tumblr

"Kate where do you find that note?" I asked curiously

"It was uh-on the side of the road." She said thinking for a minute remembering.

"Wouldn't it have blown away?" Blake asked confused.

"There was a rock on top of it."

"It's so strange." Rossi said confused.

"I know." Kate said shaking her head.
"I'm gonna call Garcia and see if she has any more information on that call Reid got from JJ." She glanced over at me and I nodded.

"I can call her." Morgan offered, probably needing to talk to Garcia.

"No it's fine I'll just call her real quick." Kate said walking off.

"Why don't you go look through Emily's texts and see if there's anything strange." Rossi suggested, Morgan hesitated before nodding.

Blake handed him the phone, and he walked off.

I looked over at Hotch who was just sitting, and staring at the white wall.

"Hotch." I said gently

"I was so rude to her." He said not taking his eyes off the wall.
"I made rude comments about her, I called her a slut, she stayed with me and she knew about what happened. I-I was pissed at her when she manage to forgive me."

"This isn't your fault." Blake said.

"She needed me. She begged for me to forgive her."

"I called JJ crazy." I admitted feeling guilty.
"I told Morgan that I didn't need her anymore. I told him that she was just a crazy freak who needed to stay locked up. She was kidnapped-having only god knows what happening to her right now."

They all looked at me-even Hotch.

"I promise that we're going to find her. We are. She's not working with Hastings, she would never do that to JJ. We're going to make Hastings pay for what he's doing-for what he's been doing for all these years. Okay? But were going to need your help in order for us to find him." I said taking Blake's advice, from when JJ went missing the first time.

This made her look at me, and I could see her hiding her proud smile.

"Okay." Hotch said nodding

Morgan came back into the room, a angry look on his face.

"What did you find?" I asked worried.

"Congratulations." He said putting Emily's phone down onto the table by Hotch.

We all looked at him confused, and then glanced at the screen.

My eyes widened, and I looked over at Morgan with concern. But honestly besides the slight look of anger in his eyes I swear I saw relief.

"It's mine?" Hotch whispered lightly, making him look up at Morgan.

"It's fine. She's your wife, I'm happy for the both of you." He said, and I actually think he meant it.

"I tracked the phone call!" Garcia said running into the conference room we were all in with her laptop.

"Really?" We all asked in unison shocked

"Where?" I asked hopeful

"..I.." She paused
"It's hard to explain."

"What do you mean?" Hotch asked clearing his throat.

Not Crazy. {Book 1}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin