Chapter 40

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Spencer's Pov:

"But if you close your eyes it doesn't almost feel like you've been here before" - Bastille

"JJ?" I asked not moving my hands from the wound.

"G-go help Emily and Kate." She stuttered in a soft whisper.

"No. I'm staying here with you. The medics are almost here so you stay with me. Okay?"

"Spence." She said with tears in her beautiful blue eyes.

"No. Your fine." I said my voice cracking

"I-I can't breathe." She said shaking her head, pain on her face.

"Stop talking, your going to be okay. You have to be."

"Please just hold me."

"JJ your okay." I said


"I'm not holding you, because you are not dying on me. Stay alive for me please."

"S-spencer." She stuttered again putting her had on mine.

She was cold, like an icicle.

"Please. I'm dying." Her words were weak, I looked at her tears now in my eyes.

"Don't say that."

She was about to respond, when she began to cough up blood.

I closed my eyes tightly looking away, after a second I took my hands off of her wound and gently put my arms under her body.

I picked her up, holding her tightly.

"Please don't die." I said softly,

She closed her eyes, and I began to shake her.

"Wake up. Stay with me, you have to stay awake for me."

"I can't."

"Please two more minutes. I know it's hard but please."

She nodded and shivered as she grew colder and cloder.

Where the hell were the medics already?

"Reid?" Blake's voice called out

"We're in here!" I yelled standing up, still holding JJ in my arms tightly.

Medics came running into the room, I let them take her out of my arms, and rush her put of the room to help.

"Where's Emily?" I asked noticing Blake's expression on her face.

"She's alive." She said nodding,
"Go with them."

I nodded and ran up the stairs following the medics who carried JJ.

I got into the ambulance with them, holding her pale hire hand tightly.

"Come on Jennifer." I whispered as they put the electric medal paddles on her chest, while other medics worked on her wound with gauze.

"JJ stay with me." I said again holding her hand tighter.

"Sir your going to need to sit back and let us do our job." One of the paramedics said looking at me in the eyes.

I nodded and gently loosened my grip on her her hand.

I put my two hands together and watched as they did what they could to try and save her, my leg shook anxiously.

She was fine.

She wasn't dead.

She had a pulse right now. That means she's not dead.

It was only a small stab in the stomach, that's it. She's had much more worse injuries then that, she could handle this.

The ambulance came to a stop, and the doors flew open, immediately they started loading her off and doctors examined over her.

I followed as they began to run with her, but got stopped at the E.R doors.

"Sir you can't go in there."

"I have to!" I said trying to get past the male doctor

"I know you want too, but you can't do anything for her in there. Your going to have to wait in the waiting room. Alright?"

I looked past him and watched as she disappeared into a room in the corner then nodded.

"Alright." I said quietly, walking away from him into the bathroom.

I needed to wash my hands, they were full of her blood and I couldn't stand seeing it anymore.

I turned the sink on and watched as the bloody water went down the drain, my hands clean.

When I looked up into the mirror I stared at myself replaying everything that just happened.
If we would've came in just seconds sooner she would be fine, not getting rushed into surgery.

If we would've been faster, quicker, she would be smiling, and glad that we found her.

She wouldn't be laying out on a table, getting more cut open and stitched.

After an hour of staring at myself, and walking back and forth in the bathroom trying to calm myself down, I managed to walk out of the bathroom and into the waiting room, where I saw Blake and Rossi both there.

I knew they were going to want me to talk with them. But I honestly wasn't up for it-I couldn't.

Not Crazy. {Book 1}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin