Chapter 17

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JJ's Pov:

"What hurts the most was being so close."- Rascal Flats

"She needs medical care." The familiar voice said referring to me.

"You know we can't do that."

"I know, but she needs it or she's going to loose her arm."

"You care about this...because? I mean isn't it a good thing she suffers longer?"

"Babe. I know you think you know more then me, but seriously just shut up."

My eyes wouldn't open, but I didn't dare to open then, not with these two in the room.

"So what do you want me to do?" He asked groaning.

"Last time I checked Spencer had little medical training, or Rossi , or-the other girl that stole my life."

You left.

Is what I wanted to say.

I thought about Rossi or Spencer being here because of me, I would never be able to forgive myself.

"I can't get the girl because you planned out the accident and Frank and Victor are already in play as we speak now."

"Right. Right. Okay so forget her. Just kidnap a paramedic or something."


Once the door shut she sighed and I heard her heel boots clinking against the floor.

"I know your up." She said.

I finally opened my eyes and looked her straight in the eye.


"I just love that question. 'Why?' Because Jennifer. Why not?"

"Because, your crazy." I stated my voice weak and dry.

"You see no. That would be you. Because once we're done with you, your going to be locked up in that hospital again, this time you'll never leave." She took a step closer to me and I glanced down at her stomach.

"He wants to kill me. And you know that."

"Of course I know that. You really think he's going to get what he wants?"

"Your going to kill him." I said putting it all together in my head.
"The father of that baby? Your going to kill your...husband..?"

"I've killed before."

"You said it was self-defense."

"Then so will this."

I couldn't even look at her anymore, she made me feel sick to my stomach.

"I thought we were friends."

"Oh come on we stopped that shit years ago. Grow up."

"Why are you doing this? What did I do too you?"

"Nothing. Isn't our job about getting into criminal's minds? Playing the part? Seeing why they have the urge to kill a human being? How they can feel no pain from it? Lets just say...I'm testing out all of those questions for myself."

"Your the one who needs serious help." My arm throbbed and stung in pain.

"No you see when my baby is born, I'll be able to protect them, unlike you were able to with you poor,sweet innocent son."

"Your not going to break me." I stated, shaking my head.

"Of course I'm not." Her voice was sarcastic.

"What's your plan?" I asked quietly

"I just told you-"

"Not that one. Hastings said you planned the accident. What's the accident?"

"I can't tell you everything that I have planned otherwise that's going to ruin the fun in this all."

"This is fun for you? Watching me in pain, hurting me, making me suffer, ruining my life all over again when I was finally moving on, is fun for you?"

She looked at me and nodded.

"Basically. Yeah."

"When he comes back I'm telling him your plan."

Her eyes immediately widened, and hen her facial expression realized a little, as a small smirk spread across her lips.

"Go ahead. Lets see who he'll believe. You or me? His pregnant girlfriend or you, someone he's been trying to kill for years now."

"He could believe me."

"Sure. Doesn't mean he'll let you go."

"It doesn't mean he won't kill you." I stated making her roll her eyes.

"He's not going to kill me, I'm everything to him right now. I helped him kill all of those other girls. I'm pregnant. I'm obviously a great actress and well lets face it. He hates your guts."

"Now. I'm going to let you get some rest now, your going to need it."

"Your not going to get away with this. They are going to find me. You will go to jail for everything you've done El."

"Will I?" She asked smirking.

I watched her walk out of the room. And then she was gone.

She wasn't the same anymore, how could someone who I used to trust-I used to be so close with do  this too me?

Not Crazy. {Book 1}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin