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'Sonny' I hear Ronnie call from down stairs. I hadn't even noticed they were back yet. I got off my bed and after unlocking my door, I went down stairs. Ronnie had three boxes of pizza sacked on the table.

'Sorry it's not the best welcoming dinner but I really couldn't be bothered cooking' Jess apologises.

'It's fine' I tell them 'I don't mind'

'Peperoni, that one is mine' Ronnie says taking one box.

'Supreme, that's Riley' Jess rolls her eyes. 'You don't mind BBQ chicken do you?' Jess asks me.

'No, it's good, I love it' I lie. I hadn't eaten it before so let's hope I don't puke it up.

'Food' We all turn and see and pretty disorientated, hung over Riley stumbling to his feet. 'Pizza' he sounds more delighted when saying this one.

'How's the head?' Ronnie yells. Jess and Ronnie laugh at Riley's wince and I can't help but crack a small smile.

'Ow, man, fuck' he groans. I eat my pizza in silence, even when the hung over guy comes and sits infront of me and stares at me.

I flush at his stare but I ignore him. 'You're Sondra?' He questions.

'Sonny' I corect. 'And yes, I am and you are Riley' The rest of the meal is silent. I watch in horror as my cousin and Riley demolish the whole pizza while I struggle to eat three slices.

Jess eats five and that's all the pizza gone. 'You really don't eat much' Ronnie frowns looking at me. I was full, if I ate another bite, I was going to explode.

'Not really' I shrug.

'So, School, where was your last school?' Ronnie asks.

'Next quesion' I sip on my water, not making eye contact.

Everyone stares at me, frowning in confusion. 'Didn't like the school?' Jess asks.

'I think everyone loves google' I roll my eyes. I didn't like talking to people about my personal life. I wasn't used to it.

'Google?' Riley raises an eye brow.

'That's what I said isn't it? Look, it doesn't matter how I got an education, I don't want to talk about my life' I didn't mean to sound like a bitch but it was the nicest way to tell them all to fuck off.

I didn't know these people, even if they were family. Beside Riley. 'So you've never gone to school?' Riley questions me.

I ignore him. 'Sonny, we need to know this stuff about you, why didn't anyone put you into school?' Ronnie asks.

'I don't know alright' I snap 'Maybe because I kept moving every few months to years, maybe because I was too much trouble, I have no clue. Ask them. Good night' I get up and go to my room. I shut the door and lock it.

I strip and slip on the over grown shirt I wear to bed on. It was a black Bullet For My Valentine shirt and while I didn't care much for the actual band, I liked the shirt. Some of their songs were alright but screamo death metal wasn't really my thing.

I took the hair ties from my hair and fixed my hair by then putting it up in a high pony tail, letting the waves from the plaits tickle the back of my neck.

I climb into bed and stare up at the ceiling. A knock sounds on the door but I ignore it. 'I'm not going away Sonny' It was Jess. 'May as well unock it before I go get the key' she sighs.

I ignored her still. I wasn't going to get out of bed when she can just go get the key. Why waste my energy? Five minutes later, the door was opening and then closing again.

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